BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

there are two strains in that pic.

two dead center are xj-13. she grows interesting, and fast, lots of space in the canopy, but her buds fillll up. hairy, stinky, sticky.

two on the sides are ron burgundy kush... they are about 3 months old now. i basically wiped out most of my plants with a plague of shitty dirt, which started about half a year ago or so.. lost a couple good strains, RIP .. the burgs on the side are actually starting to look healthy, from what they came from...

im using a new medium now, all dirt. i dont want to give away what it is though. very newb like.

yall heard of the NSA getting deep into gamer land? eee. i hope the gamers retaliate ...
Hey Guz ya ha ha I thought that's what the fastened plug could be for!

I'ze gots Cali OG goin in my places right now mostly with some Rock Star and some Chemo. The Chemo shouldn't be called Chemo though it's not really anything like original UBC Chemo from the early 90's. I think someone crossed Jamaican with a Lemon Skunk myself to make what they are selling as "Chemo" around these parts but whatever so many made up name strains around my parts right now..
"in my places"


i got a tinyyy thing going, its really probably costing too much $$ for what i return in the end, but the joy of growing has really got me hooked..

i am unfamiliar with the rockstar, adn chemo. ahh. im so unaware of many good ones.

i got to grow a very very lemon like kush(unknown seed) . she smelled, tasted greaatttt, then i killed her clone on accident :[[[ RIP

that plug safety was like project number one as soon as i moved in :]

been doin some planning. thank god for computers, i suck with them, but wayyy better than my hand drawings..


going to make a nice wooden 2x4 frame,

attach tubes with these nice used pole clamps i gots from work.

up top, im going to try and make it so i just wedge a can underneath the one upper beam 2x4. and ya. easy cheesy.
just cuz :]

its beeen over half a year since i's made, a bud bud. got me some new baby girls to have fun with!!!!!!!


I'm back blasting! Glad to see things are still rolling right along on here.
I'll post some results after the weekend.
I admit, I only read the first 26 pages of posts in this thread, so just politely tell me to search if the answer to my question is already posted (I did search, didn't find an answer.) Would it be possible for someone to post a definitive definition of "goo". I am on my first attempt, so no experience. I have heated my stuff up to as much as 140F. Between vaqs, I take it out on my silpat and put it into the fridge. I push it back to a ball, and every time I do that when I put it back in the vaq it bubbles. This stuff has been purging for 3 days, including one continuous overnight run. Heat has been all over, but no higher than 140F. Ultimately, it returns to a dark, incredibly clear, non-bubbly oil. At room temps, its sticky. In the fridge for 15 mins, its tacky. So, is it goo? If it bubbles after being cooled, I kinda figure it isn't goo yet??
it bubbles because you put air and moisture in it. It's good, dab in solitude. I dunno how many post ago now but I went through a sticky phase of oil, shit's too hot my man. I don't want you trying this before you learn a good butane purge but subsequently I operate in the 95f range. When it comes to which bubbles are poison and which ones are you incorporating farts into your oil, look for the irredescant rainbow in the highlight of the bubbles, air bubbles give back white light, solvent will give back one if not all the roygbiv's
yep that sounds like goo, something about the thc breaking down and degrading over time, there is alot more scientific explanation that i believe fade can rattle off about acids and stuff, but that is your lame mans version

it either got 2 hot
or it was 2 old
gooo fo lifeeeee :]

picture may help us determine more.

finger hash!! so frresh, RBK



and a very beautiful baby little re-vegged ron burg. yummmyyy old crystals :]
Well, I will chalk that batch up to experience. If I keep it frozen, it stays brittle, so its usable and according to the patient, better than he expected (let’s say he has low expectations, this his first time too). I don’t smoke myself, so I can only pass on his views.

Twitch, I believe, has it right, but I want to believe it being too old isn’t the right part.

So, just to be clear, patient is responsible for source material and consumption, me, I do tech and methodology. This stuff was harvested, trimmed, double-bagged, and then forgotten in a freezer for 3 years. Since this stuff is “free”, he’s suggested we use it to do these experiments.

First blast was 3 weeks ago, 18” x 1” tube with 4 filters (need more). 4 cans of 5x till it ran clear (didn’t take measurement of source material, will in future.) Blasted onto PP (I know, dumb), had no griddle, so ended up heating in an oven (despite this, we are still alive!). Probably over-heated material at this point.

With no other tech at that time, folded up the PP and put it in the freezer. Patient tried some and was happy. I knew we weren’t even close at that point, but eh, wth.

After Xmas, Vac It Pro, griddle, silpat arrived. So I thought I would go ahead and try. Used a digital instant thermo probe, inside the vac chamber, to monitor…as I said, nvr went above 140F. That said, as SaybianTv pointed out, none of my bubbles have been anything but white, so clearly I am just reprocessing the new moisture/air I put back into the goo.

Ok, goo, boohoo, but we progress.

Today, got remaining tech. 2 x Pyrex, heat gun, IR thermo, razors, scrapers, plus all I had already received.

In prep for 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] blast, put remaining raw material into the dehydrator for 4 hours on 95F (using SaybianTv and Twitch’s ideal number) just to make sure it’s good and dry.

Currently testing the temp on top of silpat, on a plate, in the chamber, on the griddle. Griddle thermo is at 135F. Griddle surface temp is fluctuating, but ~170F. Chamber temp outside bottom is ~130F, top of silpat is currently 89F. Lots of things being heated so it’s understandable there’s so much difference. What I do like is because of so many things, fluctuations shouldn’t be much on top of the silpat. I’m testing to find out what I have to do to get silpat to 95F and keep it there (trying 150F griddle thermo now.)

2[SUP]nd[/SUP] blast tomorrow. 100g of material only (smaller tests). Blasting into pyro in pyro with slightly cooled boiling water in lowest pyro. Will do a 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] load of water outside till the bubbling calms down. Will constantly check oil temp to ensure it does not exceed 95F. Scrape, then onto the silpat, inside, and into the 95F chamber at full purge.

BTW, I haven’t seen this said before, but if you turn off the vac pump and close the chamber, the bubbling slows down on goo (which has very few bubbles to start with), which tells me clearly the vac pump must stay on to have an effect.)

This run there will be nothing higher than 95F.

My plan is to keep vac’ing for at least 48 hrs, if shatter doesn’t appear before then. If it hasn’t appeared by then, I’ll be back here.

Looking forward to my first muffin…wish me luck.
twitch? saybian? my info us useless . he dont even recognize me :cuss:

maybe some useful info nutbag:
the scraping part is kind of a good thing. blasting onto PP, silspat, it is for us lazy individuals. but i think in the long run takes a bit more effort... (lots of muffin work, yet cleaaaaan product)
as for safety concerns.. there are certain silicon mats that are deemed good enough.. some leach material at very minimal amounts. do you know the exact materials used to make the silspat?

scraping fresh bho is a pain in the ass.. yet i believe it helps in the initial purge process.. ( a lot of time, pools of moisture will accumulate, and scraping helps brush off a lot of that excess water)

spraying into a pyrex is pretty damn worth it.. you will not scrape 100% of your oil out of it, so instead of getting upset, set aside a sealed mason jar which will only hold your clean pyrexes/tools wash.. save the washes in the jar until you feel you have enough to make some nice qwizo.

gooood luck nutbag, hope to hear of thoose runs right here