BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

Im gonna draw up a diagram of a potential build for doing indoor runs and see if you guys cant help me find a proper way to achieve the finished product... but first i must release a deuce to the power of gravity...
I started my own Vap Line too... but then i ran into problems with my chinese connection... what do you guys think? The Bee's name is Aycho,(Eh-Cho) He's Bee Aycho. People liked them, but im thinking of just switching to Selling the Micro G, because they already took care of all the advertising for me.

I prefer the e cigs. And weed juice :)

These dab pens are too sticky, messy. Have to refill to soon.. etc..

The weed juice takes care of all that.

I just never fancied these dab pens. I like the vapor of e cigs ..
Really, that sucks lol never had that much of an issue with this model, but i do know what your talking about the major thing to look for is the size of the tube that the air draws through, the A-pen is weaksauce...
Shit Garlic that is some beautiful looking stuff!

The very first "serious" commercial MJ crop I ever did was Hindu Kush. Only did one show of it though cause the clone supply ran out.

I've read that It's the parent strain for a lot of Kush's out there on the market.
Here is a cotton candy picture that the proud new owner of the first manual Mk V prototype test sled, posted of his second mixed trim run. Yield was about 277 grams and he was still dancing a jig when I checked on him the next day. He clearly needs more vacuum ovens now, as he still had it stacked about on pads, awaiting processing. Based on his planned four trim runs a day, he should be putting out something over two pounds of concentrate a day, which should make the local dispensaries smile.

They haven't been able to keep up with dabbing oil demand thus far, and have even approached SPR to produce oil for them, but that isn't our charter, nor is there any desire or enough time in the day. Good to see bright young men rising to the challenge and opportunity.

The automated Mk V test sled is headed to southern Oregon, and the first production automated Mk V is scheduled for Seattle, once we shake down the prototype.

I tried both the cotton candy and the shatter that he had finished processing from the first run and they tasted and smelled like the trim that they were extracted from, so looks like he has the process down. He actually is a SPR student, who just graduated up from running dual Mk IIIA's, so he has the process down pretty pat anyway.

Mk V prototype run 2-1-1.jpg
Right?!?! I thought I was running a fuck ton ;)

I used to think similar..,. I now always imagine, in many situations, that there is someone, somewhere, doing it wayyyy bigger. Like un-imaginably bigger. I loveeeeee seeing bigger and bigger tings :)
I am looking for a solid "tek" to achieve wax/honey comb consistency just had some nice gains with Bitcoin rising up like a rocket and willing to pay some Bitcoins for some solid serious help
I am looking for a solid "tek" to achieve wax/honey comb consistency just had some nice gains with Bitcoin rising up like a rocket and willing to pay some Bitcoins for some solid serious help
There is "solid" tek all through this thread. Read it like we all did and learn like we all did for FREE lol
Then when you have questions post them up and I'm sure peeps will help you.

whats wrong with bitcoin?? they are on FIRE!!! its been rising up like a rocket!!! I got in when they were around $4-5 per btc and today its over $600 per btc (120x return on investment) so I don't mind paying 1-2 bitcoins approx 600-1200 USD value for some solid help or donate to the site to help the overall community

Thanks Yoda for taking the time to answer i've been reading through the tread and picked up lot of good notes and tips and want to give you props and all those on this thread that help on getting solid results and appreciate you and them sharing your experience on getting good results
I was just laughing at who they remind me of (check sig)
Not a shot against you bro....

Not saying I have use or want bit coins either though...just sayin

whats wrong with bitcoin?? they are on FIRE!!! its been rising up like a rocket!!! I got in when they were around $4-5 per btc and today its over $600 per btc (120x return on investment) so I don't mind paying 1-2 bitcoins approx 600-1200 USD value for some solid help or donate to the site to help the overall community

Thanks Yoda for taking the time to answer i've been reading through the tread and picked up lot of good notes and tips and want to give you props and all those on this thread that help on getting solid results and appreciate you and them sharing your experience on getting good results
That's cool man. I appreciate that. Thank you.
So do you have some specific questions about making BHO? Lots of good folks here will help.