BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

Oh my my my...

It has been waaaaayy too long....

SDA hasn't stuffed a tube in a very long time, and this thread has me a droolin' and itchin' to blast off.

I don't have nearly as much material as most of y'all high rollers here.
But I'm extracting some gosh darned errrl this weekend fo show...

Possibly gonna use some dry sift mixed with some lowers..

Anybody got a technique to guide me through the process???

You know I'm just

On a different note....

The QWiso I made last weekend....
Some amazing terp retention, slam packed with aromatic flavor, and fucking super hard shatter.

I've made some really hard brittle shatter before, but this qwiso is unreal...

While it doesn't posses quite the punch that my BHO does in regard to potency, the smooth-ness off the nail is un-matched, seems like less heat is needed for vaporization also.

All that being said..

I'll never turn my back on my beloved BHO, but....iso has won a lil chunk of my love, so there will be some qwiso in my head stash at all times moving forward.

Projects begin early tomorrow morning, well...not too early...

Got some fantastic cookies that keep me couch-locked stoned for hours and hours... I usually consume 3...

I eat em...take 3 dabs n pow! off into space....levitating even upon waking in the morning(there is a couple of joints and/or bowls In-between somewhere along the night...
Got pics?
Or did I see em in your journal..idk I've slept since then

Sounds lovely man
I never cared for edibles myself, for some reason never really worked and tasted bad...tried on like 5 occasions to make something, one was a carrot cake and delicious...I recommend you to try weed carrot cake if you like that sorta thing
now I make hash pills for my medicinal uses..let's me dose easier..and not have to eat anything.
Hey Qwiso maybe you can chime in on this, now I know polar and non polar is a loose term but. Do you think there are flavor's that polar solvents like iso/etoh/metoh extract that the polar ane's don't? I know taste is subjective especially as our tolerances are fluctuating with our habits, but I start to wonder for instance what is SirDab's on that i'm not getting outta mine? I've started using a second flush of ice road cold polar to reclaim all my non polar solvent from the plant material for later recycling. I noticed I don't get jack shit for color pickup at my temps and even though i blasted till clear when I flush again my non polar show's up with more oil tint of the same color from the first pull. So I'm hoping i'm pulling everything you got aromatically "baring lesser tek" and pulling what non polar's everyone is already getting. I get both solvent's back so I just wanted to know if there's any fact behind what i'm doing or is it just to squeeze all my primary solvent out. "i use the most polar of the polar's" I dunno why i feel like if i say methanol lightning is going to strike.
Sir dabs is in that chronic medical state. Taking shit to the next level.

Basically. They working with killer buds :)

Or perhaps I'm high. Hey hi syb!!
Many of the flavors are alcohols esters acids etc and are fairly polar
Got a lot of cool info in there and the tabs including some ppm info...
None of the flavors we desire are purely nonpolar ..though the fats an waxes are fragrant..its not these same man
Hope that helped...cause honestly I have no idea what your trying to say lol
But I haven't toked this mornin yet sooo.. I may edit later

But be real careful with that methanol man.. I think your gas escapes through water which helps a lot..I wouldn't want to be anywhere them fumes...
Im trying to asked if I wash my stuff with both a highly polar and non polar solvent can I theoretically say I got it all. Both washes are done dead cold to keep the water frozen for about 7-12 minutes so i get no nasties from a second concurrent wash. N yes there's no methanol fumes in my work environment except if I start opening the vac chamber door to much when i first begin purging the pool of liquid. I still dont get it and maybe it's my nose but I'd been working with ethanol previously and that stuff makes me way more dizzy if i smell the bottle.

SaybianTv in the brand name of my production company. Sybian is a dirty device you google when you want something bad, Saybian is a friend you google when you want something good. My name means Gift of Love. If you can handle that on a sunday morning.
ok ok, the only saybian ive heard, is the dirty one, i now google saybiantv. well. thats a trip..

ughhhmm, is that your site>? what is it? info i should read/look into?

but, in all, i get, saybiantv = gift of love?

checked out your youtube video, saw a good one :]
we cant let this thing get three pages deep :]

ok ok, the only saybian ive heard, is the dirty one, i now google saybiantv. well. thats a trip..

ughhhmm, is that your site>? what is it? info i should read/look into?

but, in all, i get, saybiantv = gift of love?

checked out your youtube video, saw a good one :]

LoL oh dear you looked me up! yeah that's a website I wrote back in 2007, you can look at whatever attracts you if your inclined. I need to update it after all these years but I guess I'm waiting for another break with society. yikes my youtube videos from back in the day I swear i still have a scoop from one of those compost heaps from years ago somewhere.
Yes i'm brodcasting Love now you've expose who I really am. That's impressively intuitive of you Guz.
bcyoda, those are our parents :]

qwizo. i htink you are from a different galaxy, and or realm..

saybian, that website is relaxing !

i didnt want to spam any other topic, but here this goes.

big tubes out the window. (made babies)

i loveeee metal. i wish i had meself a shop :/

but anywho, got to use my bosses workshop, clean straight cuts! deburrr burrred burrrrr.

my tests with longer tubes, frozen butane, non frozen butane, wrapped tubes.. etc..

from what ive seen, long soaks = no good. (maybe if i wents about freezing everything prior to extraction , including tube.. but thats a pain in the ass, always filling up my freezer. , housemates are likie wtf.. :p

soo, ive come to the conclusion, the way i do things, a tube that can get the most out of one can, is the best tube for this situation..

now the next part. how to design tube stand/ and loader for bud/trim.. my goal is to have stands that hold about a lb each.. ( i guessing thats about 5 -6 tubes per stand)

BUT ANYWHO, small tube ya!!!!!

Hey Guz why is that plug fastened to the wall outlet with the "all around" strap? I sense that something catastrophically bad will happen if that plug comes out unexpectedly :mrgreen:
Hey Guz why is that plug fastened to the wall outlet with the "all around" strap? I sense that something catastrophically bad will happen if that plug comes out unexpectedly :mrgreen:

hehehee, you damn right something catastrophic would happen.

i got my little girlies hanging on to dear life off that plug :]

aint nothing big, but they make my life happy


im using my closet directly next to my bed.

im a very acrobatic sleeper. couldn't risk cutting the life support :weed:

hey bc , hii! what you got goin?
View attachment 2665146this is usually the consistency of my wax after its been worked and has sat out for a few days.

can you please explain how you "work" the oil prior.

i tend to blow a heat gun over the surface of my oil gradually. increasing the temps to about 150, then fold back and forth till it cools. do this a few times till its taffy, then ya. you can let it ride out from there..
Guz they all the same strain? All have double serrated leaves or looks like will show if pushed....I can't member which region they take that trait from, all mine that do it are slightly skunky/cheesy
And the lady on the left that ain't doing so you have a plan of attack. Just curious...and nice grow man