BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

Interesting. Was that with freshly sprayed stuff or was it after the butane or whatever it was evaporated then put in the daylight or already processed oil? Wondering if my trim will always give a green tinge I will have to make a solid game plan to try to get rid of that color.

Yoda, my efforts are rather primitive compared to you guys. I only use leaf, trim & crappy head but my oil is always a golden to dark golden colour.

[I think a few - 6 hours in the sun will help..

Doesn't the sun & light degrade THC?
Well wtf greylord what am I doing different with my trim than you are with yours? My trim is spread out on drying screens then slow cold dried at 50% humidity. When It's dry I put it in a blender to grind it up finer. I then filled my tubes and sprayed. The trim was not frozen; just dried, ground, then sprayed.

How do you prepare your trim for extraction?
Dam BCOG a guy can't even get an ice cube for a soda round your freezer eh?
Dude how do you feel bout this mmpr, I've only had my grow lic since august so it's kinda too late for me to setup, i've just been making oil for my prescription out of donated material. My rental just doesn't have the power to grow, i barely got enough for my table saw without blowing a fuse, but I make a unique oil so maybe my luck will change. Maybe 75 grams of bubba are in the oven and I'd do anything to never see that bubble gum tasting lemon won't shatter over curved mofo.
To date I've just dried & stored until I spray. I have to sometimes shred some stem into the mix because it's too fine. About 70% leaf, the rest crappy bud. Just sprayed everything at room temp.
So, it's dry, ground up, room temp gas & mix. Oh & I passed 3 cans through 40gs each time. That's it.
Dam BCOG a guy can't even get an ice cube for a soda round your freezer eh?
Dude how do you feel bout this mmpr, I've only had my grow lic since august so it's kinda too late for me to setup, i've just been making oil for my prescription out of donated material. My rental just doesn't have the power to grow, i barely got enough for my table saw without blowing a fuse, but I make a unique oil so maybe my luck will change. Maybe 75 grams of bubba are in the oven and I'd do anything to never see that bubble gum tasting lemon won't shatter over curved mofo.
Salmon, prawns, weed and butane! Freezer's full of Westcoast delicacies!! :bigjoint:
The mmpr is a joke going to Licensed Producers. It will be good for the government and the black market but bullshit for legitimize patients that should be able to grow and produce their own medicine. I'm all for people earning their own way by whatever means they can if it isn't hurting anyone, but I'm also all for peoples need for medicine. The mmpr did get out of hand and needed some re structuring but not the way they are planning on doing it. There's some court shit going on though so time will have to tell.
Think we are going the route of a dictatorship.
The Bubba is a decent med for an Indica. I don't smoke a lot these days compared to my younger years but I do enjoy the more couch lock indica's myself. I enjoy the headiness of the OG and RStar too once and a while but I like melting into relaxation when I get high now days, not the cerebral anxiety from some of the Sativa hybrids I've come across..
What Lemon was it? LH Lemon Hash or Lemon Skunk or?

To date I've just dried & stored until I spray. I have to sometimes shred some stem into the mix because it's too fine. About 70% leaf, the rest crappy bud. Just sprayed everything at room temp.
So, it's dry, ground up, room temp gas & mix. Oh & I passed 3 cans through 40gs each time. That's it.
That's fucked then I'm doing the same thing with my trim and get a green tinge. I dunno I'll play with it..3 cans for 40 grams holy shit that's a lot. I usually do a can per oz and it is always coming out clear by the last can..
Yeah I realise now from you guys that 3 cans is excessive.
I'm thinking that the blender may be your problem. I know your doing much larger quantity than I but is it possible to dry, then break it up by hand? I was donated some really old leaf. It was so dry when I got it that it powdered quite easily & I had to add some shredded stalk so that it didn't pack too tight. Even this batch wasn't green. Try breaking your gear up by hand. At least you'll know if the blender is to blame for the colour.
I'd say stuff trim straight into tube without blender...

You won't yield as much. But it will be a better product

And! I say you get a better color. 500p you say? :)

Try out a run with one full tube.hope to see good results
I don't break up my trim at all before I wash it. The trim already should have all the good stuff on the outside waiting to be washed off. Buds only need to get broken up so the solvent can penetrate in around them. I think the blender is prolly the issue. I noticed a diffference in 2 washes I did last week were I just broke up some of the buds too much, and got a bit of green in one of the washes. I wish I had more quantity to work with, but am very glad I at least have quality!!
Thanks to all of you for the advice! I'm puzzled though because I blender all my bud and it turns out a nice sandy tan color or a sandy amber color with no green at all.

It was just that trim that was dark and green.

this trim was 80% machine trim though and only about 20% hand trim sugar leaves. I bet you the machine beats the shit out of the trim and gives it too much exposed cuts where the chlorophyll has too much opportunity to come out..We use the spinner machines and they aren't very kind.

Ok so I will do some controlled tests to see what the fuck is up for sure. I have my blended bud in tubes in the freezer that I will spray tonight then I will do some of the same buds without breaking them at all, then some buds just broke a bit but no blender to compare them all. I'll take pics along the way them post them up.

And when we process this weekend I'll make sure the machine trim is separate from the hand trim so I can run them separate to see if it's the machine trim fucking the color up.

You guys got my brain workin now. I'll get to the bottom of it!!
Blender never made any real noticeable difference for me except its faster, be cool to see a side by side tho
Ya man my gut is telling me it's the machine trim that has been bashed up too much.

I'm gonna spray my blender kush buds today and then non blender buds and do a direct comparison with both batches in the chamber together..

Then when I have new trim this weekend I'm going to do a side by side comparison with: sugar hand trim non blendered, sugar hand trim blendered, and some machine trim again too.

But I think the machine trim is garbage cause this batch I just did won't wax up at all either. Went cool temps; increasing it very slowly up to 130F..It just wanted to stay gooey the whole time no matter what temp after all the bubbles were purged out. Usually I'll see thickening/stiffening after 100F but with this machine trim oil there was none of that and it's dark as fuck!

I wish I would have separated all our trim into two separate batches of machine trim and hand trim this whole time I have been stock piling it. It's all mixed. Everything I have frozen is all mixed. I might be chucking it all out if I can't get good oil out of it :wall:
Dude, I'm super envoyous of how muh material you have to work with...I have so many crazy ideas and experiments i wanna try, just no material to do it with...but if you can't get good oil just dry ice hash it kief is always nice, makes killer edibles too...or send it to me lol
Dude, I'm super envoyous of how muh material you have to work with...I have so many crazy ideas and experiments i wanna try, just no material to do it with...but if you can't get good oil just dry ice hash it kief is always nice, makes killer edibles too...or send it to me lol
Hey man if you have any ideas you want me to try let me know. I love experimenting with MJ. Ya I was making bubble with all my trim up till recently when I started making the BHO. I still have friends who want the bubble though. I like bubble too. Have been making it for few years now. I just can't ever make enough bubble to keep up with the trim stockpiling. My buddies wife also makes edibles with some of our trim too; brownies, butter tarts, banana bread etc. from the butter from the trim.
I have friends that make old school black hash too so I may have to get rid of a bunch of the mixed trim to them. From now on I think I'll just keep all the hand trim for oil and I wont run any of our popcorn buds through the machines either. I'd give some to you if you were close by!

Dam BCOG a guy can't even get an ice cube for a soda round your freezer eh?
Dude how do you feel bout this mmpr, I've only had my grow lic since august so it's kinda too late for me to setup, i've just been making oil for my prescription out of donated material. My rental just doesn't have the power to grow, i barely got enough for my table saw without blowing a fuse, but I make a unique oil so maybe my luck will change. Maybe 75 grams of bubba are in the oven and I'd do anything to never see that bubble gum tasting lemon won't shatter over curved mofo.
Hey Saybian what kind of oil are you making? You were saying it's a unique oil..Do you want to try doing something with my machine trim stuff? I dunno man it wouldn't wax up for me and I got a green tinge from it. I'll play with it a bit more if you want and if I can get it to produce something decent from it your more than welcome to get some from me. I have tooooooo much!
Off to get some more butane. Fuck this shit is expensive around my area!! Anyone know where to get good stuff cheap in the Vancouver BC area!?
I'm buying it for $4.80/can. Gotta find a way to get a bulk commercial price or something!
That sounds like you found the problem Yoda. It must be the trimmer as you say.

I'm intrigued how you guys use A1 bud & don't break it up much. Have any of you tried a side by side test of lightly broken up bud to a much finer prep?
Has anyone done a soak on a batch of lightly broken bud after the butane pass?

I understand why we make hash off-course, for personal use, but why do some of you guys make commercial quantity from premo bud? Listening to the prices you pay, I can't see how making oil from A1 bud can add any value above what the bud is worth in the 1st place? Or do I have that wrong & making oil improves profit over bud?
Is it because hash is easier to sell than bud? Or a medical requirement for some patients?

Sorry but this has been intriguing me since I've been here at C&E. :)
I was in a head shop this evening and I think I will have a deal with the shop owner next week to go in on a skid load of tane from his supplier for cheaper prices! :grin:

Gotta get a closed loop with recovery :smile:.
Ok something else to look into. I haven't read about this at all yet but I saw it mentioned here and there. So we can somehow capture evaporating tane? That would be sweet but how do we compress it and can it again or is it just for soaking? I'll read about it tonight thanks TC!

That sounds like you found the problem Yoda. It must be the trimmer as you say.

I'm intrigued how you guys use A1 bud & don't break it up much. Have any of you tried a side by side test of lightly broken up bud to a much finer prep?
Has anyone done a soak on a batch of lightly broken bud after the butane pass?

I understand why we make hash off-course, for personal use, but why do some of you guys make commercial quantity from premo bud? Listening to the prices you pay, I can't see how making oil from A1 bud can add any value above what the bud is worth in the 1st place? Or do I have that wrong & making oil improves profit over bud?
Is it because hash is easier to sell than bud? Or a medical requirement for some patients?

Sorry but this has been intriguing me since I've been here at C&E. :smile:
I'll be doing a side by side comparison of blender bud oil vs. just hand broken apart bud oil. Made out of the same exact crop of bud. I'll post the pics up and results.

Yes to a few of your thoughts. There is a high demand for potent good wax/budder/honeycomb. Yes, the value is higher than bud even when you consider yields of 15-20% back from the bud. Has to be a certain quality though. High demand for winterized shatter also where I'm from.
And yes it has very good medical qualities. I'm going to try to acquire some pure Sativa's to make some oil for patients that have asked for it also.
There is a very large supply of bud in BC but not a very large supply of extracts. Especially in some other provinces in Canada.
Not sure what the situation is like in the USA.
Ya man my gut is telling me it's the machine trim that has been bashed up too much.

I'm gonna spray my blender kush buds today and then non blender buds and do a direct comparison with both batches in the chamber together..

Then when I have new trim this weekend I'm going to do a side by side comparison with: sugar hand trim non blendered, sugar hand trim blendered, and some machine trim again too.

But I think the machine trim is garbage cause this batch I just did won't wax up at all either. Went cool temps; increasing it very slowly up to 130F..It just wanted to stay gooey the whole time no matter what temp after all the bubbles were purged out. Usually I'll see thickening/stiffening after 100F but with this machine trim oil there was none of that and it's dark as fuck!

I wish I would have separated all our trim into two separate batches of machine trim and hand trim this whole time I have been stock piling it. It's all mixed. Everything I have frozen is all mixed. I might be chucking it all out if I can't get good oil out of it :wall:
Noooooooo! Don't ditch it yoda, you can melt it into some coconut oil & make some cookies. I LOVE the high from eating mj. It's definitely a different high to smoking it.
Sorry to see your having issues but I predict in the not too distant future you'll have it all down pat, looking back & laughing at todays frustrations.
It's a good idea doing side by side comparisons, it's the only way to figure it out.

The bud is in the blender dry, right? The bud is trimmed in the dooberlackey when it's green, yeah? The blades must be breaking up the cells of the leaf resulting in green hash. [Do you see any green juice on the blades of the bud trimmer after a while, or just scissor hash?] That's my guess. The results of your tests are eagerly awaited. :)
Noooooooo! Don't ditch it yoda, you can melt it into some coconut oil & make some cookies. I LOVE the high from eating mj. It's definitely a different high to smoking it.
Sorry to see your having issues but I predict in the not too distant future you'll have it all down pat, looking back & laughing at todays frustrations.
It's a good idea doing side by side comparisons, it's the only way to figure it out.

The bud is in the blender dry, right? The bud is trimmed in the dooberlackey when it's green, yeah? The blades must be breaking up the cells of the leaf resulting in green hash. [Do you see any green juice on the blades of the bud trimmer after a while, or just scissor hash?] That's my guess. The results of your tests are eagerly awaited. :)
Ok I over reacted the oil didn't turn out green but a milk chocolate brown..and it only taffy'd. It didn't wax up. I tried for so long changing temps etc. And my temp increases were sooooooo slow..
The lighting is pretty fucked in that shop with incandescent bulbs and when I sprayed the trim it did look green tinged to me but I dunno it turned out ok but I need honeycomb not taffy...I'll experiment some more with it. And yes it may make a big difference if it was deep frozen.
The silicone muffin mold worked well:



I think I started with around 600 grams of trim ( too tired to look that up right now) so It's around 8-9% return for trim. Quite a large difference from the return I've been getting from bud of 17-18% but trim is a bonus so you know...

I think I will figure this trim thing out and still get it to wax up and still get it to be lighter colored. I have optimism and I'm stubborn as fuck :grin:

Yes GreyLord we trim the bud right off the plants fresh. No green on blades or scissors. Just nice finger hash.

On another note: I sprayed the Kush I got from a friend last night. It sat in the cold evaporating on it's own with no fans or heat over night and for about 8 hrs today. It looks amazing and smells killer!
I'll post up some pics soon. I'm just about to vac purge it.
The buds were blendered and frozen in the tubes and my tane was all deep frozen.
I'm going to do up a separate thread with the comparison to not blendered buds. I think the conclusions will surprise some people if my suspicions are correct..

I took some 30x USB microscope pictures of the before and after pics and it's very, very telling :eek:
Man they must be fussy buggers where you live, that hash looks good enough to eat.

If worse ever comes to worse & someone has hash that's too sticky to sell, all is not lost, you just need a good marketing strategy. Do what I did to my 1st few batches [it was before I joined Riu, I didn't know any better, haha].
Make a mix of good bud, let it dry out, powder it up & add it to warm oil. Just enough till it's not sticky, roll it into a ball. Then sell it as hash from some exotic part of the world. They wouldn't know any better. Naturally it nails you to the couch. I guarantee there'll be a small percentage of users who will prefer this hash over something superior, it's just human nature. Then when you use different strains of pot giving your 'exotic hash' a different look, taste & high, just use the opportunity to stroke an ego "Your becoming a REAL connoisseur aren't you mate? Can't get anything past you, THIS one, comes from the mountains of Pakistan." haha
Most people under 30 here in Aus have never seen hash so they have nothing to compare. Strangely, mine looks, smells, smokes & tastes just like hash. The mixed in bud can't be seen to the naked eye because the very dry bud must absorb the oil. I've got a friends 23yo son & his mates convinced it's Afghani hash [Aus has MORE than it's fair share of Afghani 'refugees'.] smuggled in by towel heads. hahaha The young blokes love it.

I'm getting a lesson in how to up load pics in a few weeks time, so if I'm not a complete retard, I'll post some pics of my 'hash' then.