That sounds like you found the problem Yoda. It must be the trimmer as you say.
I'm intrigued how you guys use A1 bud & don't break it up much. Have any of you tried a side by side test of lightly broken up bud to a much finer prep?
Has anyone done a soak on a batch of lightly broken bud after the butane pass?
I understand why we make hash off-course, for personal use, but why do some of you guys make commercial quantity from premo bud? Listening to the prices you pay, I can't see how making oil from A1 bud can add any value above what the bud is worth in the 1st place? Or do I have that wrong & making oil improves profit over bud?
Is it because hash is easier to sell than bud? Or a medical requirement for some patients?
Sorry but this has been intriguing me since I've been here at C&E.