BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

Yes there is a couple on the site, but your creating much more hydro carbons with this method as well as oxidizing it. Much better product with a vacuum purge.
does butane straight up get trapped in our oil?
i felt when i did the water wayt, it was wayyyyy easier toget a stable product, and ya. just easyyy purge in vacuum. have you done kase?
Hi Knuckle Bob. Yes! I have successfully sprayed into wan water. You can really see the butane escape well. And collect fairly very easy from top of water.

I did this once. Made wax! But tasted awful. I blame the tap water I used.

I'm still looking into this :)

And bc. Liking your experiments!
If it don't with the first time, tweak it. But don't give up!

I'm waximg something right now. My temps seem all over the place. 110- 130. Can't stay home to monitor it. This sucks :( but it looks like it's going

Been doin' it this way for a while now . I have no problem with flavor , by my and evryone else that uses it taste buds . I can get the sticky gooey stuff on up to near pie crust flake . It's all temp/time in the chamber/oven , which is only a stainless soup pot on a heating pad .

Sorry meant to say that I have heard this from others... I think personally it's gonna be like a typical wax.
Why do you do that if it's going into a vac, your adding more moisture to remove it in the vac after.... the only people I know doing this do so because they don't have a vac.
Any of y'all ever water whip your oil?
While purging add a drop or few and work in, I always thought it did wonders for waxing without getting that nasty cookie/brownie I always see..helping to keep it moist and let it wax before stabilizing but idk only experimented a few times...but humid air is definitely good either way
(Disclaimer- don't take any of my advice that ends in idk)
Hey everyone this is my first batch of winterized bho! Has been sitting on a seed mat temp 85'-90'f for the last 2-3 days.


When I tilt it I can still see the ripples on the surface of the oil as if it's not totally purged or its just warm...

There is nice dry thin spot in the middle that I've been dabbing off for true controlled variable experimentation and damn this dab is SMOOTH!

Any idea how long it needs to stay on low temp heat mat?
I don't wanna take it under purged as I want to have an accurate calculation of end yield after winterizing (minus a dab or ten;) )
The tell tale alcohol flavor is nonexistent so maybe I'm there?

Happy dabbing!bongsmilie
Why do you do that if it's going into a vac, your adding more moisture to remove it in the vac after.... the only people I know doing this do so because they don't have a vac.

There is a step or two before vacuum . Fold over the parchment paper and squeegee the water out , then in the freezer for a minute or two to seperate it from the paper . Then if you have to fold it again , just let it warm up a little , fold & freeze again and then into the vacuum .

Oh and Yoda guy with the weird name......ive read studies saying uv-c will turn cbda into thc, you know, if done before decarbing...I would go that route and yes whether you use sun or UV it must be in solution for it to have the desired effect..or else you end up with a dark outside and a light inside like pressed hash
Thanks Qwiz! Why do you think this oil from the dry trim came out with a green tinge? It went straight on the racks after processing and was dried nice and evenly. I ground it up in the blender then sprayed as per usual. The oil from the buds from that same crop didn't come out green at all..How can I keep this from happening? I have around 400 lbs (wet frozen) of trim stored up!!! No exaggeration it's prob a bit more than that actually. It's been my bubble making supply up till now. Was hoping I could make decent bho with it.
Hey Guz I found with the strains I've ran so far 130 is about max I ever wanna go to wax up. It was when I went only slightly over that when I got perma goo.
Lately I've been getting everything to wax up between 110-120. Takes a little longer than 130 but I think it's way safer!
Well.....I've no idea what you mean.... "The oil from the buds from that same crop didn't come out green at all" what did you do differently?

Oh wait..after rereading, your saying the trim made green oil and the bud made good oil? The more cuts in your product and the more ruptured plant cells will make it green allowing access to the plants icky polar innards...really no way around that.. I personally feel fresh frozen makes a cleaner extract than dry frozen but I've never compared or went backwards in my progress to achieve better quality..

If you can afford it the hexane/saline wash removes the green nicely...the sun will work too....I try to never use trim and just use an entire plant that's dedicated to hash with no cuts..that may not be possible for you though....

Just be careful on dense too nugs or solvent won't make its way more reason airy sativas are best for hash:)
Ya Qwiz I can totally do that. We are taking one down this weekend so I will make sure ALL the lower popcorn buds are not trimmed at all. Just plucked off the plants whole. Sweeeet! Less processing time too that way :-D
something about grinding too fine, and or grinding trim tends to leave a greenish hue..vthe less agitation.. the better.. i think packing really tight trim will also crush it even further..

you packed nearly 100grams extracorrect with the trim?

maybe ease off on the packing.. but still make sure its snug, and even..


130 has worked for me many of times. but also has good it on me.

i do believe 100-120 is safer. but slower. ...

i hate how slow it can be a lot times though.. thus perma goos.
I don't know why more ground trim fit in the tubes than ground bud. I didn't pack it any firmer. I take the handle end of a screw driver and just lightly pack it down. I don't press it to compact it at all.

I'll try easing off on the grind
Picked up some Kush from a friend today cause my RockStar isn't off the drying racks quite yet and I got impatient not running anything today in the chamber.
Gotta have more oil!!
Trying out the frozen tane and tubes this time around


