Best way to combat pythium and root rot in all hydroponic growing methods.

Know what you mean, even growers that are not all smoked up get confused often with all these different gases. They think air is oxygen, even call air oxygen, then they think oxygen is air and call air oxygen and then they even believe more air means = more oxygen… don’t feel bad, all these different gases can be very confusing especially when you don’t really know the difference between them. Many people think oxygen will explode like propane acetylene and are very afraid of it. Hope these people never go to a hospital and the doctors’ orders oxygen and an oxygen mask... then the phobic may need IV Thorazine to sooth his oxygen phobia... it's going to be a psychological mess in that room with pure 100% oxygen running to that O2 mask and the door shut (add a little claustrophobia to the mix) . This is going to be far worse than a bad LSD trip, because this will be real. I’m taking the real acid manufactured by Sandoz Pharmaceuticals. The same acid the Federal Government put on the streets in Village in New York and San Francisco back in the 60’s… not the homemade “acid” bath tub cooks make these days.
We'll, depending on how measurements are being taken, more air will equal more oxygen, if measuring overall 02 volume, not if measuring percentages...don’t feel bad, all these different measurements can be very confusing especially when you don’t really know the difference between condensending bastard.:finger:
You still can't make and maintain an 02 supersaturated h20 solution at atmospheric pressure and temperature. I think you should go smoke one while using an oxygen mask....:fire:.
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So yes we make the odd stupid mistake when typing shit out......gets worse depending on the quality of the last grow for me lol, I'm pretty much high from the time I get home till bed lol.
Thanks for clarifying your position in life, for some reason I guessed this a while back and was correct. Did you know that chronic doping can results in a numb, incoherent, non-function, convoluted brain function... failure to remember or communicate logically. This failure to communicate intelligently and logically is not a computer keyboard problem. This is no more than drug hazed comedy. Too much dope makes little Johnny say and do really stupid stuff. Like your potty, potty, potty mouth.
Thanks for clarifying your position in life, for some reason I guessed this a while back and was correct. Did you know that chronic doping can results in a numb, incoherent, non-function, convoluted brain function... failure to remember or communicate logically. This failure to communicate intelligently and logically is not a computer keyboard problem. This is no more than drug hazed comedy. Too much dope makes little Johnny say and do really stupid stuff. Like your potty, potty, potty mouth.
Have you ever smoked cannabis? Some of the most well respected writers, musicians, scientist and philosophers throughout history have used cannabis..but hey, they were all numb, incoherent, non functioning, convoluted brain function imbeciles. .
Did you know that chronic doping can results in a numb, incoherent, non-function, convoluted brain function... failure to remember or communicate logically.

amazing factoid.

guess none of us are so high and incoherent that we believe the load of crap you are spewing. another commission lost, j henry.
Is this all there is?
Until you either explain, with your understanding, how this is possible, or stop talking out your ass, then yes, that's all there is....

If you can't explain the theories and processes involved, stop discussing it like your an expert. Telling me to call a manufacturer does me no good, I don't want a sales pitch, I want the science behind the concept explained, by a competent, unbiased, individual.

I know, personally, I would never promote something I couldn't clearly explain to others, seems disingenuous to me. I said it already, you're either a charlatan, or ignorant, which is it?
Until you either explain, with your understanding, how this is possible, or stop talking out your ass, then yes, that's all there is....

If you can't explain the theories and processes involved, stop discussing it like your an expert. Telling me to call a manufacturer does me no good, I don't want a sales pitch, I want the science behind the concept explained, by a competent, unbiased, individual.

I know, personally, I would never promote something I couldn't clearly explain to others, seems disingenuous to me. I said it already, you're either a charlatan, or ignorant, which is it?
That’s all there is for you, good by dope head.
That’s all there is for you, good by dope head.
That's all there is because you've been asked questions you are unable to provide answers for. Your like a kid having a tantrum when things don't go your way. God I hope I'm talking to the air, nothing would make me happier than to see your douche attitude leave and never return.
Anyway I just got some hydro guard and some bennies going to make some h-berg tea this is one way to combat root rot that has had very good success from what I've read just applied hydro guard be about 46 hours before I apply the tea will update once I see some results with pics roots already look OK but rather be proactive then reactive