Best way to combat pythium and root rot in all hydroponic growing methods.

That's bull...
Sure you can if you chose too… if you can think beyond the limited boundary of that little DO chart. If you can’t or won’t think beyond the limits of the DO chart, all this will be a total waste of your time.

So here you go, call Pentair (877) 347-4788 1 877-347-4788 1 877-347-4788 and ask for technical support. A tech will help you understand how Henry’s Law works in reference to gas saturation and supersaturation in water. *** This is a free call, nothing to it. Learn how gas chemistry really works, how to exceed the limits of the little DO Chart, how to manipulate FIO2 and gas partial pressure.
Im calling BS. A little footwork goes a long way. ..

Henry's Law works on pressure differentials. In rare cases, surface water can become momentarily supersaturated with 02 due to abrupt atmospheric pressure changes, but goes back to equilibrium quickly.

Fi02 (fraction of inspired oxygen) is nothing more than the measurement of oxygen in a given space. Again it is used for measuring blood oxygen. How does it apply here?

Don't give me a number to call. Your claiming greater than 100% DO. Explain yourself. If you don't understand it, Stop talking about it so definitely.
Don't give me a number to call.
The call is FREE, try it, you'll like it and might learn something new.
You got more questions, call Pentair, that's it or talk a local bait shop dealer that sells shiners- he knows all about this too. Or stop by any high school and talk with any chemistry. Or simple Google any question you have about gas chemistry, ain't nothing to it.
The call is FREE, try it, you'll like it and might learn something new.
You got more questions, call Pentair, that's it or talk a local bait shop dealer that sells shiners- he knows all about this too. Or stop by any high school and talk with any chemistry. Or simple Google any question you have about gas chemistry, ain't nothing to it.
Guess what. I did Google it. .that's how I know Henry's Law is based on pressure differentials and fi02 is blood related. I'm not an idiot, I can do simple research. Your a charlatan and have no clue what your talking about, just spouting off about subjects you don't fully understand.

Again, greater than 100% DO saturation in h202 at atmospheric pressures and room temperature isn't possible.
You've mentioned O2 injection and those ridiculously expensive electrolysis rigs.

I've questioned the safety of injecting O2 into a sealed environment for which you had no reply and the electrolysis rigs are just stupid expensive and your also creating hydrogen...where does that go? and how would that affect the PH of the nutrient solution?

Common wise guy...answer the questions
Yes nitrogen would be released sumwhere if it was in a enclosed space say good bye to 1/4 of ur place if if ignites from lights heat static ect not a cost effective approach at least not to me anyway
That's bull...
Sure you can if you chose too… if you can think beyond the limited boundary of that little DO chart. If you can’t or won’t think beyond the limits of the DO chart, all this will be a total waste of your time.

So here you go, call Pentair (877) 347-4788 1 877-347-4788 1 877-347-4788 and ask for technical support. A tech will help you understand how Henry’s Law works in reference to gas saturation and supersaturation in water. *** This is a free call, nothing to it. Learn how gas chemistry really works, how to exceed the limits of the little DO Chart, how to manipulate FIO2 and gas partial pressure.
Guess what. I did Google it. .that's how I know Henry's Law is based on pressure differentials and fi02 is blood related. I'm not an idiot, I can do simple research. Your a charlatan and have no clue what your talking about, just spouting off about subjects you don't fully understand.

Again, greater than 100% DO saturation in h202 at atmospheric pressures and room temperature isn't possible.
But but phone the number, they'll tell you, they really will. ...... Henry's call to the boss "I think we underestimated these pot smoker, they're smarter than we assumed"
Again, greater than 100% DO saturation in h202 at atmospheric pressures and room temperature isn't possible.
“… greater than 100% DO saturation in hydrogen peroxide?? You should think about what you are writing, you’re really out of touch right now.
But but phone the number, they'll tell you, they really will. ...... Henry's call to the boss "I think we underestimated these pot smoker, they're smarter than we assumed"
Bud, I am absolutely amazed and amused at how you present and display logic, clearly you do the best you can with all you got and that’s it – that’s all there is… you’re fun man.
“… greater than 100% DO saturation in hydrogen peroxide?? You should think about what you are writing, you’re really out of touch right now.
You got me on a typo, good for you. :clap: I'm going to try to saturate my blood with thc. I think I can hit 127% saturation using Henry's Law, and applying fi02 principals.:dunce:
Be nice to have you actually answer a valid question, without resorting to "think out of the box", "think beyond the chart", and the best one yet when things got real tough, "call the tech", that had me actually laughing out loud, kid thought I was going crazy lol. Actually you've become such a douche bag that I really don't give a flying fuck what your answer is but yup still amused ....
"Yes nitrogen would be released sumwhere if it was in a enclosed space say good bye to 1/4 of ur place if if ignites from lights heat static ect not a cost effective approach at least not to me anyway.

Tripp’s is really tripping now, totally lost in a purple haze inside the Other World where scary devils and demons live - the spirit world where those unspeakable things are seen and happen.

I can’t stop laughing, so you really are afraid all that nitrogen will ignite or explode? How big of an explosion will there be is a house filled chock full of 80% nitrogen? Will all this nitrogen blow the house off the block maybe like an explosion in a meth lab?

Seriously confused, all smoked up, and starring mindlessly at his keyboard typing mindless stuff. Brain Storm: Nitrogen is like oxygen and helium, these gases cannot, will not and do not explode. This is fun to watch man…. like a Chinch and Chong comedy.

I can’t stop laughing, so you really are afraid the nitrogen will explode? How big of an explosion does he believe a room filled chock full of 80% nitrogen would make, blow the house off the block maybe?

Seriously confused, all smoked up staring mindlessly at his keyboard. Nitrogen is like oxygen and helium, these gases cannot, will not and do not explode. This is fun to watch man…. like a Chinch and Chong comedy.
Seriously confused, all smoked up, and starring mindlessly at his keyboard typing mindless stuff. Brain Storm: Nitrogen is like oxygen and helium, these gases cannot, will not and do not explode. This is fun to watch man…. like a Chinch and Chong comedy.
Really, I guess I can tear the flammable label off my oxygen tanks then? My gas supplier must not know what they are talking about.