Best way to combat pythium and root rot in all hydroponic growing methods.

May have been a battery I hooked it too was a long time ago lol

yep, that's what he's talking about with the electrolysis O2 generator. same principle.

if your goal is to combat root rot, you can spend $1500 on O2 machines or a few pennies and use chlorine like most commercial hydroponic growers. ps. i don't get a commision from Clorox either.
Ya I can make one for under 5 bucks so why not try it out at red changes and top offs might not need any chems for root rot might help stunted plants
Ya I can make one for under 5 bucks so why not try it out at red changes and top offs might not need any chems for root rot might help stunted plants

try it out. would be nice to see a side by side grow with proof it works instead of conjecture.
Ya that's what I'm thinking down the line wanna look onto it more but not at this point be sum thing to mess with evently
so what is the cost of your setup @J Henry ?
Far cheaper than water chillers, air pumps, bubble rocks, water falls, air, aeration and all those chemicals when you catch a dose. But, first, you got to think beyond the limits of a DO chart. Can you do that? Easy to make an O2 enrivhment rig if your inclined. Are you a RDWC/DWC pot grower, are you inclined or no?
On the other hand, a study done on hydroponically grown lettuce showed that only a minimum level of DO was necessary to keep the lettuce alive, and extra DO did not improve overall growth.
Yikes! Don't get yourself all fixated on lettuce, lettuce ain't pot and microbial colonies ain't fish and air certainly ain't oxygen. Think about it, use your head.
Forget the "other hand" let's refocus on the real hand. The real hand in this discussion has absolutely nothing to do with lettuce at all. On the real hand this is about RDWC,DWC pot and oxygen. Your "study" about lettuce is a fancy pivot action, a meaningless distraction from the issue... low oxygen, DWC/DWC pot growing and fighting Pythium fires.

Did you know that goldfish in a fish bowl do not need aeration, air pumps or bubble toys to survive?
Ya I get that but i wouldn't mind making a homemade one I have before she I was a kid think I just cut a cord off something stripped it wound each wire around a nail AMD to see ina bucket of water bubbles like crazy (do not try at home) bet it be good water to top off withe mabey use it when u change ur deff gunma do a Lil experimenting now lol
Ummm don't think that's what you did lol
findings in that high times article:
On the other hand, a study done on hydroponically grown lettuce showed that only a minimum level of DO was necessary to keep the lettuce alive, and extra DO did not improve overall growth.

he's just a salesman for his product. don't fall for his $1500 sales pitch.
We don't take kindly to your type here Mr Henry lol
Far cheaper than water chillers, air pumps, bubble rocks, water falls, air, aeration and all those chemicals when you catch a dose. But, first, you got to think beyond the limits of a DO chart. Can you do that? Easy to make an O2 enrivhment rig if your inclined. Are you a RDWC/DWC pot grower, are you inclined or no?
For fuck sakes man...get to the point already!!
Your a bright boy Sky Walker, your figure it out from here, of don's... makes me no difference. And wash out your little potty mouth.
LOL..your the one going on and on about the best way to fight pythium, but you keep eluding to what method that get to point or stfu
LOL..your the one going on and on about the best way to fight pythium, but you keep eluding to what method that get to point or stfu
Oh, I believe you've really missed it. Take 3 steps back, regroup and try to get it again, maybe you can get it, probably not. Maybe you just can't get it but Good Luck anyway.
Oh, I believe you've really missed it. Take 3 steps back, regroup and try to get it again, maybe you can get it, probably not. Maybe you just can't get it but Good Luck anyway.
You've mentioned O2 injection and those ridiculously expensive electrolysis rigs.

I've questioned the safety of injecting O2 into a sealed environment for which you had no reply and the electrolysis rigs are just stupid expensive and your also creating hydrogen...where does that go? and how would that affect the PH of the nutrient solution?

Common wise guy...answer the questions
You've mentioned O2 injection and those ridiculously expensive electrolysis rigs.

I've questioned the safety of injecting O2 into a sealed environment for which you had no reply and the electrolysis rigs are just stupid expensive and your also creating hydrogen...where does that go? and how would that affect the PH of the nutrient solution?

Common wise guy...answer the questions
You're still missing it Sky Walker, this is way beyond you. Stick with your bottle of Clorox, it's cheap, $1 a gallon at the Dollar Store. And there's OTabs or O2 Grow--- blow up balloons with the hydrogen, it free.
I like 76F-80F nutrient temp and environmental air temp, 50% RH, 115-125% DO supersaturation,13-15 ppm DO concentration continuously.

The easiest most logical solution to prevent an outbreak is to simply keep your nutrient DO Supersaturated (100% - 130% DO) in the nutrient solution continuously and inhibit the fungal growth, That sounds really simple, ain't nothing to it .

I skimmed over all this and didn't see an answer. How do you maintain a supersaturated solution in your systems so that DO over 100% saturation doesn't come out of solution and dissipate? Only ways I know of to supersaturate water with O2 is through heating to boiling, then rapidly cooling, or under pressure. Neither of which I see being viable in any grow operation because of the equipment needed. In both cases, excess O2 is released once introduced to atmospheric condition and room temperatures.
You're still missing it Sky Walker, this is way beyond you. Stick with your bottle of Clorox, it's cheap, $1 a gallon at the Dollar Store. And there's OTabs or O2 Grow--- blow up balloons with the hydrogen, it free.
LOL...bullshit, you cant answer the question. Your just a fuckin salesmen.