Best way to combat pythium and root rot in all hydroponic growing methods.

^^^ that was one of the hundred articles I read when it happened lol. There is a lot of conflicting stuff out there but had to find out for myself so I threw everything at it lol. Out of the 3 or 4 products I tried only hydroguard wiped it completely :).
that was one of the hundred articles I read when it happened lol. There is a lot of conflicting stuff out there but had to find out for myself so I threw everything at it lol. Out of the 3 or 4 products I tried only hydroguard wiped it completely
Lot's of hype, slick advertisement and snake oil salesmen cruising 24/7 in the root rot treatment industry..' big business for sure. The treatment business is totally dependent on methods and equipment that are responsible for causing the "low oxygen" events; a synergistic business relationship for sure.
I like real root rot prevention better than last resort crisis intervention treatment (acute disease treatment or chronic disease treatment).
Real Supplemental oxygen prevents any and all "low oxygen" events in the nutrient and above the nutrient surface in the root zone above the water in RDWC . Impossible to have "low oxygen" when you have plenty oxygen continuously O2 available in high concentration >24% oxygen.
Lot's of hype, slick advertisement and snake oil salesmen cruising 24/7 in the root rot treatment industry..' big business for sure. The treatment business is totally dependent on methods and equipment that are responsible for causing the "low oxygen" events; a synergistic business relationship for sure.
I like real root rot prevention better than last resort crisis intervention treatment (acute disease treatment or chronic disease treatment).
Real Supplemental oxygen prevents any and all "low oxygen" events in the nutrient and above the nutrient surface in the root zone above the water in RDWC . Impossible to have "low oxygen" when you have plenty oxygen continuously O2 available in high concentration >24% oxygen.
So 24% is a high percent just seeing what is high and low
Not an expert and JH may have a better answer but yes 24% is high and unachievable without supersaturation (adding pure O2). It is my understanding that if you can provide 8-8.5 % you will have very happy roots. You can achieve this by flooming, air stones, or Venturi. Keep in mind that temps would have to be kept at 70 or below (I think lol) to achieve these levels using the above methods. There are charts available that tell you what the saturated levels are at different temps and altitude (re sea level or above) also I believe EC levels play a big role and the higher the lower the saturation levels. That is why over feeding is a bad thing beyond burning the shit out of plants. Perhaps if I have stated any bullshit JH could clean it up, this is just what I have researched (limited effort lol) when I was not being proactive and almost lost my crop. :(.
Ya I have a 17 gal res dwc an top feed with an Eco air4 with 4. 2" air stone 16 site but I only use 12 the other 4 I use till end of veg an clone the crap out ta them for next cycle water temp 63-68 at most never any higher should be fine.where its my first hydro cycle thinking about using h202 just to get the feel without as many prob an still OK results
Ya I have a 17 gal res dwc an top feed with an Eco air4 with 4. 2" air stone 16 site but I only use 12 the other 4 I use till end of veg an clone the crap out ta them for next cycle water temp 63-68 at most never any higher should be fine.where its my first hydro cycle thinking about using h202 just to get the feel without as many prob an still OK results
That's what I started with as well. Go have a look at my thread re Dr Green thumb and have a look at the first versus second run with rot and with out, the second one is chilled using hydroguard and vitanimo and cheap local hydro nutes. But if your Res temps are below 70 and your providing lots of air then your winning already.
Not an expert and JH may have a better answer but yes 24% is high and unachievable without supersaturation (adding pure O2). It is my understanding that if you can provide 8-8.5 % you will have very happy roots. You can achieve this by flooming, air stones, or Venturi. Keep in mind that temps would have to be kept at 70 or below (I think lol) to achieve these levels using the above methods. There are charts available that tell you what the saturated levels are at different temps and altitude (re sea level or above) also I believe EC levels play a big role and the higher the lower the saturation levels. That is why over feeding is a bad thing beyond burning the shit out of plants. Perhaps if I have stated any bullshit JH could clean it up, this is just what I have researched (limited effort lol) when I was not being proactive and almost lost my crop. :(.

What is 8-8.5%? I'm interested in this 8-8.5% number. I have never seen are heard of this #. Where can I find more info about it? Are you saying that if this # can be reached and sustained fungal prevent is preventable? Thanks.
What is 8-8.5%? I'm interested in this 8-8.5% number. I have never seen are heard of this #. Where can I find more info about it? Are you saying that if this # can be reached and sustained fungal prevent is preventable? Thanks.
This is what I have read and researched that is what most commercial ops try to achieve re percent oxygen for optimal growth (or more) without the addition of supplemental oxygen in the hydroponic solutions. Again I may have understood it wrong. Are you running a system at 24%?
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And as far as fungal prevention, well most OP's, I believe, but again could be wrong run a preventative regime of either sterile (bleach) or beneficial bacteria. I would really like to hear your experience though. I run Res temps at 65, use waterfall water return and beanies and everything seems great touch wood.
This is what I have read and researched that is what most commercial ops try to achieve re percent oxygen for optimal growth (or more) without the addition of supplemental oxygen in the hydroponic solutions. Again I may have understood it wrong. Are you running a system at 24%?
Air contains 20% O2. Yikes - 8-8.5% O2 is less than 1/2 the O2 % in air. I can see now why "low oxygen" and treating root rot is the norm, the "low oxygen" problem is crystal clear now. There is no prevention, only treatment.

I had no idea the goal of commercial ops was less that 1/2 the O2% in air.

I like 76F-80F nutrient temp and environmental air temp, 50% RH, 115-125% DO supersaturation,13-15 ppm DO concentration continuously. Temp control with room A/C unit. I use a DO meter to measure and regulate DO saturation/DO concentration. I never have "low O2" or fungal disease issues therefore I never treat fungal outbreaks. Beneficial thrive and multiply in the DO supersaturated environment. I prevent outbreaks with O2, I do not treat outbreaks with chemicals (too much hassle, cost damage to plant and microbial health). My oxygenation capabilities are not limited by a DO Chart, air, water chiller, mechanical aeration, air pumps or bubble rocks at all. I am only limited by gas chemistry - Henry's Law.
Sorry I was should have said ppm not %. I haven't seen any pics of your setup, do you have any? What are you using to supersaturate your water?
Sorry I was should have said ppm not %. I haven't seen any pics of your setup, do you have any? What are you using to supersaturate your water?
Pics are quiet incriminating in some states; pot growers, dealers and users are commonly busted. Private run jails and state prison systems generate tremendous incomes form any and all pot convictions related illegal activities. Politicians encourage incarceration laws targeting pot activity because there is big bucks in incarceration paid for with tax dollars - there will be no pics today. PSA or VSA oxygen generators are electrically efficient and an oxygen cone dissolved the oxygen very well, both do a great job and are cost effective. Electrolysis oxygenators produce pure O2,but the cooler the water the less O2 they produce and that is limiting.
Pics are quiet incriminating in some states; pot growers, dealers and users are commonly busted. Private run jails and state prison systems generate tremendous incomes form any and all pot convictions related illegal activities. Politicians encourage incarceration laws targeting pot activity because there is big bucks in incarceration paid for with tax dollars - there will be no pics today. PSA or VSA oxygen generators are electrically efficient and an oxygen cone dissolved the oxygen very well, both do a great job and are cost effective. Electrolysis oxygenators produce pure O2,but the cooler the water the less O2 they produce and that is limiting.
I would think just talking would be as incriminating or at least interest tweaking but as I grow only for my self with 4-6 plants I'm not to worried. When I was actually doing it on a bit larger scale years ago your right I would not have been any where near this site but that's in the distant past lol. I don't think the problem is that big with most serious growers because they have learned that to provide a healthy root zone chilled res's are a must or in your case, supersaturate it with other means. Have you actually measured the difference in growth rate at higher water temps? I gotta say it's hard in my case to think rate of growth could increase much more than I'm getting now. My chilled water system consists of one circ pump that draws .7 amps and runs only as needed so very reasonable cost at probably $10 a month without doing the math. But I'm sure there are benefits to your setup as well.
I would think just talking would be as incriminating or at least interest tweaking but as I grow only for my self with 4-6 plants I'm not to worried. When I was actually doing it on a bit larger scale years ago your right I would not have been any where near this site but that's in the distant past lol. I don't think the problem is that big with most serious growers because they have learned that to provide a healthy root zone chilled res's are a must or in your case, supersaturate it with other means. Have you actually measured the difference in growth rate at higher water temps? I gotta say it's hard in my case to think rate of growth could increase much more than I'm getting now. My chilled water system consists of one circ pump that draws .7 amps and runs only as needed so very reasonable cost at probably $10 a month without doing the math. But I'm sure there are benefits to your setup as well.
Louisiana is notorious for pot convictions and long prison sentences for a joint or 2, careful if you ever go there. Pot and prison goes hand in hand and is big business there today, politicos and law enforcement get a piece of the pot pie there and good business if more business... heck of a deal. Do you recall long ago when high school boys cross the Mexican border for a weekend of fun, frolic and buy a pound of Mexican dirt weed from a drug dealer in "Boy's Town" for $10/lb... A setting like the movie, "The Last Picture Show."
If you don't like O2 comes, oxygen-injection, packed columns, O2 saturators here's another option. Here's newer technology a year old, 2015 stuff:

Check this oxygenator: O2Grow RDWC pure oxygen system replaces aerators, diffusers, air pumps and the old water cooler machines Tested by High Times.

Here it is: O2Grow
So if u wanted to utilize both methods when u change your response each week couldn't u just make a small unit to o2 the water in a diff container then just fill ur rest the usual way an run your difusers for the week and repeat for a liil 10-12 hour boost could even top of with o2 water just a thought
So if u wanted to utilize both methods when u change your response each week couldn't u just make a small unit to o2 the water in a diff container then just fill ur rest the usual way an run your difusers for the week and repeat for a liil 10-12 hour boost could even top of with o2 water just a thought

findings in that high times article:
On the other hand, a study done on hydroponically grown lettuce showed that only a minimum level of DO was necessary to keep the lettuce alive, and extra DO did not improve overall growth.

he's just a salesman for his product. don't fall for his $1500 sales pitch.
Ya I get that but i wouldn't mind making a homemade one I have before she I was a kid think I just cut a cord off something stripped it wound each wire around a nail AMD to see ina bucket of water bubbles like crazy (do not try at home) bet it be good water to top off withe mabey use it when u change ur deff gunma do a Lil experimenting now lol