Best way to combat pythium and root rot in all hydroponic growing methods.

Nice ya its really hard to wait your first couple runs but those last few weeks the buds swell and fill up with all that goodness
It wasn't that I wanted to pull em but my vegging girls were getting too large and needed to be moved to the flowering room :(. I need more rooms, and bigger rooms :(
From all the info I've been reading I believe they do they feed each other and help each other thrive and I mean u could run thses a week or to to give a boost or fix prob then go back to a sterile red if that's what anyone prefers this van be used as a quick fix or the whole run right into flowing orob not the last month dunno bout taste or yeald but I'll update this after harvest
Having a Eureka moment are you?
No he's having what is a personal belief and unlike you will not resort to belittling people if they don't agree....really do you ever stop....being a douche I mean? Are you like this in real life or just a keyboard douche? If your ever up this way let me know we'll grab a coffee ;).
Having a Eureka moment are you?
Having some nice healthy plants is what I'm concerned about and I read all the time and research so everyday has a eureka moment don't get why your being so childish unless mabey ur a child that trolls sites to be a arrogant troll nothing you have posted on this thread will help anyone so I put some real pics to actually see some evidence clearly you don't use as medican or you wouldn't be a ass to people for being stoned or feeling the effects of whatever strain helps them just pick must make you feel better huh? Cause ur still doing it I thought this site was for adults thanks for nothing but some info I could have googled myself peace going to start a new thread about the same thing just without the salesmen troll
The root rot norm come from brown slime algee they live perfectly in no light even after taking every precaution people can still end up with this algee which If left untreated will smother roots and root rot will set in however sum people are lucky enough to be able to run a dwc with out any Bennie or hydeoguard ect without ever having any issues I'm proactive not reactive
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Bacillus amyloliquefaciens are gram positive rods with peritrichous flagella allowing motility. The cells often appear as long chains unlike many other Bacillus species that form as single cells. The optimal temperature for cellular growth is between 30 and 40 degrees Celsius. Similar to other Bacillus species, B. amyloliquefaciens forms endospores allowing survival for a long period of time. Endospores appear centrally in the cells which do not have a swollen appearance.

30 - 40 C = 84 - 104F Clearly they like it warm.

care to quote your source? or is it coming out your arse like usual?
Honestly I was trying to ignore this guy but I just can't lol. First thread he made was basically a question as to does this (saturated O2 levels) help. It quickly became apparent that his agenda was to berate and belittle any who disagreed. There has not been any other subject matter or any other grow related discussion. Seems he's a one subject kinda guy, kind of a one trick pony lol. Must have spent a whole shit load of time googling this but not enough to answer the really tough questions ....."call this number they'll tell ya" Fucking fell off my chair when he said that lol.
The root rot norm come from brown slime algee they live perfectly in no light even after taking every precaution people can still end up with this algee which I'd left untreated will smother roots and root rot will set in however sum people are lucky enough to be able to run a dwc with out any Bennie or hydeoguard ect without ever having any issues I'm proactive not reactive
I am now, thought I was before to lol.
Honestly I was trying to ignore this guy but I just can't lol.

i know, me too! i love how he deflects from any questions by telling totally off topic stories and anecdotes.

funny that he talks down to us and he's the one that uses his real name on a growing site. Hola Senor Dumas!
care to quote your source? or is it coming out your arse like usual?
Potty, potty, potty mouth... all doped up, drugged out and stupid as yesterday... to lazy to drugged to do a Google Search? Here, let me help you mindless one. Just click this:
Or maybe have your Bud click it for you.... but, who's going to read it to you.

I'm so, so disappointed, I thought me and little potty mouth Bud were going to be buddies today, but the little stinker tricked me..... OK, I'm over it now, that was quick.
The root rot norm come from brown slime algee they live perfectly in no light even after taking every precaution people can still end up with this algee which I'd left untreated will smother roots and root rot will set in however sum people are lucky enough to be able to run a dwc with out any Bennie or hydeoguard ect without ever having any issues I'm proactive not reactive
Just cant prevent the disease can you, you love to fight the disease don't you treatment guy.
Potty, potty, potty mouth... all doped up, drugged out and stupid as yesterday... to lazy to drugged to do a Google Search? Here, let me help you mindless one. Just click this:
Or maybe have your Bud click it for you.... but, who's going to read it to you.

hahaha. you stupid, doped up, potty mouth, PLAGIARIST! i busted you, you semi-literate retard.

i did a google search. it came back to this. verbatim what you stole. see post #4

you really should give JCOM credit when you steal other people's posts.

bad, bad, bad salesman!
I don't even have the brown slime man like I've been saying rather be proactive then reactive and by doing so I'm preventing so think before you type and reading helps as well troll if u can that is anyway don't see why you keep saying smug ass shit seems like u have a case of diarrhea at the mouth