Best way to combat pythium and root rot in all hydroponic growing methods.

nope, but yours is tossing my salad right now. she says Hi !

since you steal other's posts, why don't you steal their pics and show us all how great your O2 injection works?.

see what happens when an intelligent stoner meets a retarded salesman? you lose.
I don't even have the brown slime man like I've been saying rather be proactive then reactive and by doing so I'm preventing so think before you type and reading helps as well troll if u can that is anyway don't see why you keep saying smug ass shit seems like u have a case of diarrhea at the mouth
Wind him up, open the gate and watch him go... like an excited rat on a treadmill chasing his tail, no where to go... I am watching textbook behavior of a classic genetic social malfunction in real time. This is a great psychological demonstration in real time.
"I'm so, so disappointed, I thought me and little potty mouth Bud were going to be buddies today, but the little stinker tricked me..... OK, I'm over it now, that was quick."
LOL yup that's me a little stinker ;) but just to clarify ...... I believe it was you that was first of the line by telling someone to go fuck themselves and not to stop there but to tell him to go fuck his mom as well. Bet you had to do a bit of self whipping for that one, you do sound like a flagellant. Perhaps take s couple for me as well, I am a little stinker after all ....... What a douche :)
Wind him up, open the gate and watch him go... like an excited rat on a treadmill chasing his tail, no where to go... I am watching textbook behavior of a classic genetic social malfunction in real time. This is a great psychological demonstration in real time.
Yes isn't it, classic "I'm ok but he's not" ...... Again classic douche bag! Yes yes I know I've overused that but just about perfectly describes you.
hey budley, did you see on the last page where i busted ms. henry for stealing other's posts.

naughty, naughty.

should we call him post-booster from now on?
"I'm so, so disappointed, I thought me and little potty mouth Bud were going to be buddies today, but the little stinker tricked me..... OK, I'm over it now, that was quick."
LOL yup that's me a little stinker ;) but just to clarify ...... I believe it was you that was first of the line by telling someone to go fuck themselves and not to stop there but to tell him to go fuck his mom as well. Bet you had to do a bit of self whipping for that one, you do sound like a flagellant. Perhaps take s couple for me as well, I am a little stinker after all ....... What a douche :)
Just playing with 2 social misfits, that are all drugged up. It's kinda fun in a twisted way winding you and tripper up and watching you reactl. Like pulling the antenna off a June bug's head and watch what he does.
Yes it is but whose playing who lol. And yup kinda figured you for a bug torturing douche. Now that you've been ridiculed and shot down in every thread you've been on as a post stealing douche, perhaps you should just move along and go to another forum and try this again, but I doubt that will happen, sadly I think your here to stay but that's ok, I've decided trolling your ass is an ok pass time while I'm stoned lol.
Just playing with 2 social misfits, that are all drugged up. It's kinda fun in a twisted way winding you and tripper up and watching you reactl. Like pulling the antenna off a June bug's head and watch what he does.
Also you may not have notice but this is a primarily a "marijuana growing forum" so drugged up is probably the theme of the day and yes I'm kinda proud that my oxygen deprived weed gets me "drugged up" ..... Fuck what a douche lol.
Also you may not have notice but this is a primarily a "marijuana growing forum" so drugged up is probably the theme of the day and yes I'm kinda proud that my oxygen deprived weed gets me "drugged up" ..... Fuck what a douche lol.

Hay Bobby, are you and Jack on line watching this dysfunctional social interaction?

I was afraid my new dysfunctional potty mouth acquaintances had left for the day but they are still here. Buddy, trippy, and tricky-rky are special…Tricky, he’s my favorite head, he has special needs. Buddy is clearly social dysfunctional, his antisocial verbal communication (potty mouth syndrome) is vulgar and persistent; trippy is just probably wasted 24/7, he's probably just limited-out in his life time. My new acquaintances are like Whirling Dervishes spinning aimlessly off the table continuously striving to reach the otro mundo or… maybe they are more like 3 cucarachas that split a little hit of RAID cucaracha spray and over dosed, dazed, combative, over stimulated, upside down with all legs wiggling. Not enough RAID to be fatal, yet enough chemical to cause brain damage that is noticeable.

OK, you guys Dx this in 30 seconds and don’t laugh out loud either. That’s unprofessional and you know it. See you at work Tuesday.
Hey Bobby, Jack see what an unprofessional jerk you have on your payroll. Everyone he's interacted with here has called him out for being a pretentious jerk. He's failed to actually convince anyone that what he says has any validity and continues to participate in what is obviously forum trolling, the difference between him and I is I'm not a rep of a company (supposedly but thank your gods no names mentioned) just a guy wasting a weekend trolling this asshole. :).
Just playing with 2 social misfits, that are all drugged up. It's kinda fun in a twisted way winding you and tripper up and watching you reactl. Like pulling the antenna off a June bug's head and watch what he does
Lol I'm not even close to wound up buddy in fact I think its funny that you started a post to troll and waste everyone's time shows your the one with the prob
Hay Bobby, are you and Jack on line watching this dysfunctional social interaction?

I was afraid my new dysfunctional potty mouth acquaintances had left for the day but they are still here. Buddy, trippy, and tricky-rky are special…Tricky, he’s my favorite head, he has special needs. Buddy is clearly social dysfunctional, his antisocial verbal communication (potty mouth syndrome) is vulgar and persistent; trippy is just probably wasted 24/7, he's probably just limited-out in his life time. My new acquaintances are like Whirling Dervishes spinning aimlessly off the table continuously striving to reach the otro mundo or… maybe they are more like 3 cucarachas that split a little hit of RAID cucaracha spray and over dosed, dazed, combative, over stimulated, upside down with all legs wiggling. Not enough RAID to be fatal, yet enough chemical to cause brain damage that is noticeable.

OK, you guys Dx this in 30 seconds and don’t laugh out loud either. That’s unprofessional and you know it. See you at work Tuesday.
Lol ya your a real peace of work your self buddy think ur gunna sell any of those rip of o2 generator's now lol as far as wasted goes I don't get wasted I medicate at night and never during the day hope u get the help that is clearly needed till then have a great nite troll
Hay Bobby, are you and Jack on line watching this dysfunctional social interaction?

our little post stealer thinks that bobby and jack kennedy are watching him online. he's stuck in the 1960's where phrases like potty mouth were popular

talk about a social experiment! we've got a delusional social outcast right up in good ole Minnetonka MN that thinks the gov't is after him and the Kennedy clan is following him on RIU.

did your mommy not breastfeed you long enough? or did daddy not pay enough attention to little J when he was growing up?
Hey guys, so I am dealing with a root rot problem with low Rez temps, I believe it was caused by my rez color being grey and I think it could have been letting the slightest bit of light through and caused some brown slime algae (pump and hose was smiley during Rez change) I immediately bathed all the plants in the tub in a h2o2 and water solution while I rebuilt my veg unit, I'm running the Stinkbud vegger system so two tubs stacked on one another, the new tubs are the black ones with yellow lids, I painted my top lid black so and now with the lower tub being black as well I believe I fixed the light issue if that was the cause of the algae which was the cause of the root rot (I'm assuming) now my question is do you think I will be safe from here on out with stored RO water, black tubs vs the grey and dark blue I was using before, botanicare kind plus additives. Will be adding pondzyme and hydroguard very soon, just wondering if I should still be trying on these plants or just can them and start fresh, (they were bagseed to test the system for curveballs ;) such as this!) the plants are young, less then a month old, one of the plants that was infected I just cut all the roots off and put in the cloner just to see if that would be an option, but my question is only the older 3 plants have any brown roots, all the younger plants roots look healthy and white but they are all in the same system so I'm worried even after getting the light leak out of the equation and adding h2o2 to my nutrient solution if I still took one step forward two steps back by putting the infected plants back into the new veg system.

Thanks guys, (I knew I should have just bought one of those 400 dollar oxy machines and ran 78 degree Rez temps and I wouldn't have this problem) lolol j guy

Actually I have an extra oxygen concentrator laying around from my glassblowing studio... If you guys help me out with this brown slime out of no where maybe I'll hook it up to its own system just to see if it would ever possibly justify running a huge bulky oxy con for a hydro rez. (Doubtful) but willing to try!

Btw I am using stored reverse osmosis water which brings me to this concern.... Could my whole water storage barrel already be contaminated and therefore any water I use from my stored water will instantly start a bad bacteria ecosystem
You've got some decisions to make huh lol. If it was me, I would start fresh with new everything if I had to do it again as I wasted valuable time fucking with it. And also thought I had that something special strain, not so much lol. And yes get back to us re OG, I never said it wouldn't work, just thought he was a douche who didn't know anything about actual growing, but hopefully gone :).
Hey budley! Thanks for the reply! As in start fresh do you mean ditch all the plants all the stored RO water and all the tubs themselves or just the plants and fresh Rez change? Wondering if I'm going to need to ditch the entire 55 gallons of RO water I have stored? Not exactly the easiest thing to get out of the basement :???:

Update, checked on them this morning and the Rez temps is 62 so just to reassure everyone it's not even like the Rez got over 70 or anything even for a short amount of time, so really guys do I need to pitch everything or should I ride it out with the h2o2 and kind nutes? Should I change it real quick to only water and h2o2 with absolutely no nutes? And wait until th hydroguard and pondzyme arrive and then do a new nutrient mix with

Botanicare kind; base and grow
Liquid karma
Pure blend pro tea

I am also familiar with ewc teas from my soil times and have ewc here and with hydroguard and pondzyme coming 2 day shipping 8-) should I let it do its thing until I can brew up some hydroguard, ewc and pondzyme and add that to the Rez alone with the line up above?

Thanks guys just really don't know what I should do, here's a pic of the only plant in there that I care about,


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Well I would start totally fresh but that's just me and I use well water so not a huge deal. Can you not just pump out the RO water and make new stuff? Not sure if it's necessary though, I really don't know. I stopped using teas as the hydroguard works quite well for now. I got the rot when using tea and a pond product :(. It was temps though in my case. Root zone temps got real high even as Res stayed at 70. How long before the stuff gets to you?