Best way to combat pythium and root rot in all hydroponic growing methods.

So the cold water did not prevent your root rot nor even slow it down. That happens more often than you think contrary to popular belief about chillers and cold water. Chlorine, chloramine and hydrogen peroxide might kill lots of stuff if the cold water isn’t working. Ozone works great and will eliminate any stinky odors too.

Hope is always the buzzword… first always chill the water and hope you can prevent the fungal outbreak, then hope you don’t catch a dose of the fungi, when that fails then hope you can cure the disease with chemicals when you catch it and then the ultimate firefight is on. The fungal disease is ubiquitous, just waiting for the right opportunity.

The cause of the root rot infestation simple, the grower in charge failed to keep the plants and beneficial microbes healthy, the plant became stressed and released stress chemicals, the stress chemical signal the fungi to come and eat… and they came and they feast on rotting plant tissue, they multiply and they colonize… the BOD and COD increase dramatically causing “low oxygen” and more cellular death and dying. Now you have caught yourself a full blown dose of the dreaded root rot disease.

Fungi always wait patiently for the plant to release stress chemicals which is the signal to colonize and feast on the dead and dying plant tissue and multiply. They do the same thing with a dead/dying humans too. They are like a turkey buzzard or Cara-Cara when these birds smell chemicals releases by death and rotting flesh… they congregate and many come and eat, it’s fiesta time.

Of course disinfecting a hydroponic system is a challenge and not sterilization by any stretch of the imagination. You might review “aseptic techniques” as sterilization may be a far reach for most hobbyist.

Disinfecting equipment with Consan (Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chlorides 9%) is an another option when your whole system is seriously contaminated

And of course, if all the chemicals fail and you catch another dose, get rid of the contaminated equipment and start over fresh with clean equipment.
Oh and when did I say I was selling on this site? My spider sense is starting to tingle ..... Perhaps we have a rat amongst us.....
Not a rat, idk what he is ,but I don't think he's a rat. He spouts all this crap, but has nothing to back up his mouth. There's a couple threads he started. His answers to almost everything was "call the manufacturer, they'll explain it to you". He just regurgitates what he hears or reads with no actual comprehension.
Of course disinfecting a hydroponic system is a challenge and not sterilization by any stretch of the imagination. You might review “aseptic techniques” as sterilization may be a far reach for most hobbyist.

hmm. seems someone hasn't done their homework, J Henry. or did you steal this information from somebody else, AGAIN??

you know what they use in aseptic packaging? H2O2. 35% to be exact.

you know what they don't use? O2 injection.

better let bobby and jackie know you lost another sale.
Not a rat, idk what he is ,but I don't think he's a rat. He spouts all this crap, but has nothing to back up his mouth. There's a couple threads he started. His answers to almost everything was "call the manufacturer, they'll explain it to you". He just regurgitates what he hears or reads with no actual comprehension.

i've got this guy figured out. he takes 10000 words to describe how to tie your shoes. but he's never actually done it himself.
I'm not usually this hard on people on here, I wouldn't normally say anything, he rubbed me the wrong way with his know-it-all attitude.

you aren't the only one.

i don't mind the attitude if he had pictures to back up what he's saying. as far as i'm concerned, all he has is an unproven theory that is way more complicated than it needs to be.
I charge $200 an ounce
Bud, this looks to me like you are clearly you are selling dope for $200/oz on this site to me.... Advertising selling dope on the internet, hmmm. That's not very bright, that reaches into interstate commerce on the internet, that touched Federal Drug Regulations, red flags, people looking, shame on you... you may need a lot of good luck on this one after such a stupid statement.
A little touchy?
I value knowledge. You brought nothing new. I tried to have a somewhat educated conversation with you, and you couldn't elaborate on your comments. All you did was provide links, which you couldn't explain, and phone numbers, leading me to believe you don't understand what you're talking about. I don't want to see people taken by a charlatan, that's all.
Bud, this looks to me like you are clearly you are selling dope for $200/oz on this site to me.... Advertising selling dope on the internet, hmmm. That's not very bright, that reaches into interstate commerce on the internet, that touched Federal Drug Regulations, red flags, people looking, shame on you... you may need a lot of good luck on this one after such a stupid statement.
I'm not allowed in your country so there lol. And they better pack a lunch if they want to catch me doing anything bad these days, I'm retired and living the good life :). You sure are a giant douche and now it would seem a giant rat as well. Your like the pimple on my ass that I think is gone and then ouch it's back.
I'm not allowed in your country so there lol. And they better pack a lunch if they want to catch me doing anything bad these days, I'm retired and living the good life :). You sure are a giant douche and now it would seem a giant rat as well. Your like the pimple on my ass that I think is gone and then ouch it's back.
Keep running your mouth old man.
I see you've made many friends here in our little community and only here for such a short time :).

i just realized your avatar is of a boat. is that your vessel? looks like a nice fishing rig.

J must do a lot of fishing in Minnetonka, don't ya J. or are you too busy copying and pasting other people's work?
Keep running your potty mouth old man.
Now J do I need to remind you again that it was you that told someone here to go fuck himself and his mom too. So you best be lookin in a mirror douche ;). You should move along and let's us real growers discuss growing.