You a yank?
I'm sure you do... Where did you "live"?
Run from the cops in any country and you're gonna get a beat down or at least tasered...
We've had no problems with multiculturalism except for one or two riots, for which, a small extremist element from both sides making look bad for everyone
Typical! Comments the Australian on life EVERYWHERE despite not having been everywhere him self in order to actually know whether or not his claim is fact.
That reminds me, according to some people who live there (and have never been elsewhere), the land down under has the best weather in the world. Ironic, right?
Am I a yank? No I am not. I may tell of my geographical history, but not right now.
You say that Aus has had no problems with multiculturalism? That's a lie, bro.... Look, I have respect for all people deserving it (and imo everyone deserves respect up until the moment that they do something which takes away their right to automatic respect)
Trust me, I have lived in Aus, and I know that it is a fucked up country, to a point. There are many good things about living in Australia! okay? but there are also many bad things.
Fucking atm bombings, fucking drug use (public fucking needle disposal bins are NOT normal) mad police who think that the best way to combat crime is to turn 50% of the population into the police force. They want to fight fire with fire obviously. (I'm over exaggerating with the 50% thing) rather than actually using their brains to solve crimes. I don't know what its like now, but apparently a few years back the Gold coast police did random RAIDS on RANDOM peoples homes just to make the top boss look good, to make him look like he was doing a good job with all the constant raids on suspected criminals, who in actual fact were just unlucky citizens who had their vehicle number plates picked out in a parking lot and were the victims of police corruption. There is a TON of bad stuff which I could write about right now, but it will just make me look more like a hater to you.
We've had no problems with multiculturalism except for one or two riots, for which, a small extremist element from both sides making look bad for everyone
If you really believe that then you must be naive to the facts, and I am sorry that you must learn this way. Perhaps it is better though that you learn this way than never learning at all.
Because to say Australia has no Multiculturalism problems is a big fat lie and an insult to every person who has ever travelled to Australia and has experienced "problems", especially due to their differing race.
echelon1k1, I think it is safe to assume that you NEVER watch the news, correct?
And the worst thing of all? Telling from experience on online forums, Australians absolutely HATE it when I come along and spread the truth like I have done here. So much that I am hated. And I don't like being hated, Especially when it is simply for correcting misinformation, its not very fair, is it?
Sorry highlo and sativied, but your 'facts' are off target. I'm fairly sure the refugee 'boats' don't have people in them whilst being blown up and they generally are dilapidated or half sunk before the Navy spends millions in recovery operations, the desert camps you refer to are much like a 5 star hotel, air-conditioning, lcd tvs, new computers, education and sporting facilities and the helmet law is true though the cops usually don't give a shit, but when they do (like if you were riding around at 3 am with no lights or helmet) they usually don't beat you up afterwards. In regards to the suggestion that most Australians are stupid and racist, I'll refrain from comment, please don't believe everything you see on the net/tv. lol
I did not support the claim that refugee`s were being blown up!! Everything else I have said though, comes from either personal experience in which case it is the bonafide truth, or it comes from the news, or word of mouth.
If you could point out exactly what it is that I said which you consider to be off-target, I'm sure I could better explain my self.
I'm not here to make Enemies! (As I said, Im not a yank

joking... half joking*)