Best Places For White People

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Unfortunately due to the North's ignorance the South is no longer a good place for white people...there that should start something
I was thinking japan might be pretty cool for White people, they are into us and the place is pretty nice, if you can get past their strange customs and foods, they are the most quiet and respectful of the asians, I think what happened to them in wwII still has them shell shocked to where they don't bother anyone, all in all i'm thinking japan might not be a bad choice
I was thinking japan might be pretty cool for White people, they are into us and the place is pretty nice, if you can get past their strange customs and foods, they are the most quiet and respectful of the asians, I think what happened to them in wwII still has them shell shocked to where they don't bother anyone, all in all i'm thinking japan might not be a bad choice

I love Japanese food. Raw fish sounds bad to the average white boy, but it is damn good!

It's a lonely night in Tokyo, or ronery to be more accurate, and you have a hankering for some really freaky shit. Where else but Japan can you buy a pair of soiled women's panties from a vending machine?

Oh yes Japan is great for white folk...idiots...the best place for white people these days is on top of the pile of all other races' dead bodies

Oh yes Japan is great for white folk...idiots...the best place for white people these days is on top of the pile of all other races' dead bodies
Japan IS great for white folk, your point is about 80 years out of date from when it WASN'T good for white folk...

Beardo, are you racist?


But not a real racist racist, I don't really like anyone and don't dislike anyone only because of their race, I will befriend people I like of any race, so i'm not a hard line racist, but I guess by some standards you could call me a racist and I will own up to that, that being said I think if most people are honest they would have to admit to the same but maybe that is just my warped perception

But not a real racist racist, I don't really like anyone and don't dislike anyone only because of their race, I will befriend people I like of any race, so i'm not a hard line racist, but I guess by some standards you could call me a racist and I will own up to that, that being said I think if most people are honest they would have to admit to the same but maybe that is just my warped perception

sounds more like a stereotype thing, than a racist one by how you describe. i know im guilty of it at times, even against my own race
two words ( stupid fuck) moderator needs to ban these questions !

There you go...
ban speech that offends you or that you don't agree with or approve of
Seems like a fascist's wet dream
Democracy sucks, because the majority are stupid and will be convinced to persecute the minority for what they perceive to be their benefit
There you go...
ban speech that offends you or that you don't agree with or approve of
Seems like a fascist's wet dream
Democracy sucks, because the majority are stupid and will be convinced to persecute the minority for what they perceive to be their benefit


They look happy to me , what harm can it do ?
I was not raised to be racist against a physical trait such as skin color, geographic origin or religious beliefs, but I will admit I am prejudice against actions and character.
I have friends from nearly all nationalities and party/hunt/fish/work with quite a few of them.
In my opinion, when you take the skin off, we all look the same. So yea, I'll admit, to be racist against a physical trait is ...well... shallow, petty ass chicken shit.



But not a real racist racist, I don't really like anyone and don't dislike anyone only because of their race, I will befriend people I like of any race, so i'm not a hard line racist, but I guess by some standards you could call me a racist and I will own up to that, that being said I think if most people are honest they would have to admit to the same but maybe that is just my warped perception

Yea I know where you're at, I think. You smoke drugs, and you'v become a little dumb (hey, don't take insult, Iv smoked drugs before and I know from personal experience that they make a person REALLY dumb! Just last week my memory was so fucked up, I couldn't remember where I put my tools 2 seconds after I had placed them somewhere, that's pretty fucked up isn't it?)

And yes It most probably is your warped perception man. You do know that too much THC makes people lose touch of reality, right? ...................................... Lose touch of reality? *head scratch*
Back in the day I was so out of touch of reality that when I finally decided to go 100% clean from all drugs, almost everyday of being clean was like a trip. Becoming MORE and MORE sober was a trip!
I even had an intense buzz from drinking Aloevera juice.

Anyway, the human mind can be a fucked up place. And you should all know that a person has at least two methods of processing information, you can either THINK, or you can feel. Example? >> Lets pretend I have a job... I might not FEEL like going to work today, But I THINK that if I don't go to work, that will be a bad idea considering that I wont get paid. Its all pretty obvious when I put it like that, but there is more to what I wanna say.

Back in the day I noticed that my character changed for the worse when I took drugs and hung out with other people. (other ppl who had bad characters) I became a dickhead, because I hung out with dickheads. (That's just the way weed worked with me!! It made me REALLY impressionable! And I couldn't do anything about it. It was terrible!) Though I never became racist, despite what I may have felt. - Some of my friends were racist and I refused to allow my self to stoop to such stupidity.
Sometimes a person may feel things, but just because you feel it, and feelings are generally strong peices of information which people usually highly respect, DOESN'T mean that what you feel is necessarily always right.

So anyway, when you say that you sort of feel like a racist.. I know what you mean. You're not sort of racist, You're just sort of dumb because you don't think properly because the weed has fucked you up. (I'm only assuming you smoke weed, but uh? I think that's a perfectly safe assumption.)

Would you be prejudiced against him if he was?

Sorry smarty pants, prejudiced isn't the correct word to use here. I think what would be more correct is to ask "would I think he is a dickhead if he is?". In which case, yes. Yes I would think that. But hey, its not the end of the world yet!

I was not raised to be racist against a physical trait such as skin color, geographic origin or religious beliefs, but I will admit I am prejudice against actions and character.
I have friends from nearly all nationalities and party/hunt/fish/work with quite a few of them.
In my opinion, when you take the skin off, we all look the same. So yea, I'll admit, to be racist against a physical trait is ...well... shallow, petty ass chicken shit.



Dude, You can't be prejudice against actions and character. well, maybe Im wrong, But what I think is that deep down inside, you DO have a good reason not to like certain characters and certain actions of other people (well, Maybe not, who the f*** am I to know if you do or dont). To say you are prejudice against that stuff implies you have no good reasons to dislike them at all.

Man, People need to quit being such numb heads. You guys can do fucking better.

Didn't you guys ever go on a mind trip or something when smoking bud? I mean come on man, quit pretending you're cool by acting dumb, Non of you are fooling me.
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