Best Places For White People

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Where are the best places for White people? What makes these places great places for being White? we're talking about regular White people who like to do regular White people stuff, not dirty hippies or hipsters.

Beardo when you find that place, let me know too

So I can move right next door to ya
Cool story bro....You from the beach too? Don't sound like it with that rhetoric....

Plus, we don't bomb 1/2 the middle east buddy....
Hate to tell you this but you're misinformed...Wherever you're from outside the US.
You can have a handgun....A shot gun......And find all sorts of things to defend yourself with in between......

WTF you need an AK for? WTF you need a semi for?
If you're not American, you couldn't even begin to understand......bro

And if you are American....WTF are yoooooouuuuuuuuu talking about?!

No you bomb a bunch of countries under false pretex, pretend it's justice for a domestic terror attack, then don't even go after the real culprits.

Did you hear that version of world events from faux? And a long gun with a large mag doesn't compensate for being a poor shot...

And don't give me this protect ourselves from tyranny bullshit, because the fact of the matter is your country's falling down around you, instead of fix it you wan't to wait untill the last possible minute, then engage in warfare against your government to what, fight over rumble in a long drawn out civil war?

Sounds like just the prescription...
Where are the best places for White people? What makes these places great places for being White? we're talking about regular White people who like to do regular White people stuff, not dirty hippies or hipsters.

My guess is beardo's house.
No you bomb a bunch of countries under false pretex, pretend it's justice for a domestic terror attack, then don't even go after the real culprits.

Did you hear that version of world events from faux? And a long gun with a large mag doesn't compensate for being a poor shot...

And don't give me this protect ourselves from tyranny bullshit, because the fact of the matter is your country's falling down around you, instead of fix it you wan't to wait untill the last possible minute, then engage in warfare against your government to what, fight over rumble in a long drawn out civil war?

Sounds like just the prescription...


Put the bottle down and light somthing up. You're obviously DRUNK.
Therefore your perception of the world is a little off right now...

And if you not American, don't comment on America.
This is the GREATEST country in planet...
And opportunity here is everywhere. I'm not in a recession.

You see North Korea ain't budge...WTF do I want to go to war against my own government for? I'm NOT STUPID!

And ain't nothing "falling down" other than drunk ppl like you.

What are you talking about?!

Put the bottle down and light somthing up. You're obviously DRUNK.
Therefore your perception of the world is a little off right now...

And if you not American, don't comment on America.
This is the GREATEST country in planet...
And opportunity here is everywhere. I'm not in a recession.

You see North Korea ain't budge...WTF do I want to go to war against my own government for? I'm NOT STUPID!

And ain't nothing "falling down" other than drunk ppl like you.

What are you talking about?!

The only pissheads here are the morons drunk on american exceptionalism. ^^^ Case in point.
Not drunk enough to believe in hope and change or any of the other faux news republicunt conditioning.

You wouldn't begin to understand the half of it from the outside looking in. You don't get the same opporunities in other countries as you get here.
Argue or cry about it all you want, that's a fact.

you don't even need to drink to get retarded

Good one....:neutral:
And if you not American, don't comment on America.
This is the GREATEST country in planet...
Exactly... Man I could have used your backup in a recent "moving to America" thread in TnT where I was to put it mildly not appreciated for saying exactly the same thing :D
Hell yeah brother! And I know first hand how GREAT of a country Holland is too bro, so it's dope that you can relate.

I could tell you about the story where I met a guy in the Andersom whose work was arguable comparable to the Dutch "greats", but do had a terrible studder and he just looked like sort of a bottom dweller you know?!
He and I had a few convos and we both came to the conclusion within on of the first ones, that he would be famous already had he been American.

Where is doesn't matter so much what you like as a person when you have immense talent!
Long story short tho, I'm glad you understand as a foreigner that I didn't mean that comment as a bigot in anyway.

It's just the face of the matter...

They don't call it the "European" dream lol or the "Asian", "African", "Australian", or "South American" dream..

The phrase is the American dream.
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