Best Joke to Tell High?

Did you here about the woman stabbed and
dumped in a tub of milk?
They think it might be a cereal killer.
i bet you mom and grandma are the same person
A little girl wrote to Sarah Palin asking, "How did the human race start?". Sarah Palin answered, "God made Adam and Eve, they had children and all mankind was made."

The next day the little girl wrote to michelle obama and asked the same question. Michelle obama answered, "Many years ago there were monkeys in africa from which the human race evolved."

The confused girl went to her father and asked, "How come Sarah Palin told me that mankind was created by God, and michelle obama told me mankind evolved from monkeys?"

Her father answeres, "Well, it's very simple . . . Sarah Palin told you about her ancestors, and michelle obama told you about hers!"
I bet your mom and grandma are the same person
A little girl wrote to Sarah Palin asking, "How did the human race start?". Sarah Palin answered, "God made Adam and Eve, they had children and all mankind was made."

The next day the little girl wrote to michelle obama and asked the same question. Michelle obama answered, "Many years ago there were monkeys in africa from which the human race evolved."

The confused girl went to her father and asked, "How come Sarah Palin told me that mankind was created by God, and michelle obama told me mankind evolved from monkeys?"

Her father answeres, "Well, it's very simple . . . Sarah Palin told you about her ancestors, and michelle obama told you about hers!"
God was making man and woman and had labored for some time and took a break as he was almost finished.
Upon taking a break, the archangle Gabriel noticed something.

"God, your work is magnificent, but it seems you have forgotten something"

"What's that?"

"Well, I see the sex parts on the table and you have not put them on the man or the woman yet"

"Eh, you do it."

He looked at them for a while and confused he said to God "Lord, I do not know what part to give who"

The lord replied "Eh, give the pussy to the crazy one"
Totally missed is that all you come back lassie!!...ya ken!

you common as muck stupid fucking yankee bastard,
how yas getting on in the war with iraq, are they still suicide bombing against you lot, and is that before or after you bomb your own fucking men, you will be there fighting that war until 2111, you have no fucking chance against a fucking, under intelligent, under armed, and under fed civillian army, and your black president that rules a supreme white united states nation might be pulling out before he pulls his fucking hair out, i can see your wonderfull fucking usa in a few years with an iraqi at the helm running it, after all it was a war against the black african race that you had first, and now you have lost it full stop, i can see mohammed or abdul at the helm soon, and they will make your bloody eyes water, but then they are working very hard to organise a bomb made with plutonium to use against Washington D fucking C. and that my friend is in the very near future.
you common as muck stupid fucking yankee bastard,
how yas getting on in the war with iraq, are they still suicide bombing against you lot, and is that before or after you bomb your own fucking men, you will be there fighting that war until 2111, you have no fucking chance against a fucking, under intelligent, under armed, and under fed civillian army, and your black president that rules a supreme white united states nation might be pulling out before he pulls his fucking hair out, i can see your wonderfull fucking usa in a few years with an iraqi at the helm running it, after all it was a war against the black african race that you had first, and now you have lost it full stop, i can see mohammed or abdul at the helm soon, and they will make your bloody eyes water, but then they are working very hard to organise a bomb made with plutonium to use against Washington D fucking C. and that my friend is in the very near future.

Um....I'm not American so who is the inbred ginger scots cunt now you moron!!

PS. Al Qeida, the Taliban and the "war on terror" is a product of the CIA and Mi6. Perhaps if you read a bit you would be more informed.

Again you are Scottish aren't you...figures!!
you common as muck stupid fucking yankee bastard,
how yas getting on in the war with iraq, are they still suicide bombing against you lot, and is that before or after you bomb your own fucking men, you will be there fighting that war until 2111, you have no fucking chance against a fucking, under intelligent, under armed, and under fed civillian army, and your black president that rules a supreme white united states nation might be pulling out before he pulls his fucking hair out, i can see your wonderfull fucking usa in a few years with an iraqi at the helm running it, after all it was a war against the black african race that you had first, and now you have lost it full stop, i can see mohammed or abdul at the helm soon, and they will make your bloody eyes water, but then they are working very hard to organise a bomb made with plutonium to use against Washington D fucking C. and that my friend is in the very near future.

someone missed med call...
weegogs,calm down..youre working yourself into a state.

not sure if u realised, but you said mohammad would be at the helm of the usa soon, and yet theyd bomb the usa? why would they do that? just have a joint man, and calm down.

its a thread about jokes,lets make it fun not argue!