My perfect nightcap. Smooth. No expand, but will smack you right between the 'ol Manson Lamps, clamp a carabiner on your face piercing, pull you outta your chair to get your attention, then let you down on a feathery cloud of ‘ahhhhhhhhh’.
They say don’t get high on your on supply. Fuck them. I think this is the best shit I ever grew. Reminds me of Rainbow.
I have evolved to a whole nother level or two in my growing, keeping my ears open and listening to my RIU friends here.
I know sometimes I talk too much, and say some ridiculous things. But right now, this second, is what the whole year, the whole thing, is all about.
I am rocked by this years Harvest. Not in its quantity, I threw out boxes of colas from sheer overconfidence / laziness.
But the quality. Wow. So I'm sitting here, with a perfectly solid high, gonna give myself a legitimate 8.0, and I could have never have done it without you guys.
So thank you all, for this amazing season. One can only imagine what next year will bring.