Bernie Sanders WILL Consider Legalizing Marijuana If Elected President

No. You didn't. Rawn Pawl is what I have been calling Ron Paul for years. It has been picked up by quite a few others who can corroborate. Now as you go back and read my posts again, you'll gain a better perspective on my view.

Bernie Sandwich is very similar to Rawn Pawl in the way he has been presented as a populist who is not designed to win.

i disagree.

bernie is nothing like them, in any respect.

he has a plan (features) with viable (have worked) solutions (benefits).
incidentally, the model of success in corporate culture..the difference? it includes 'We the People'..
But how is he going to react when Shillary begins stealing his lines and twisting his good works into hers?

the same way he reacts now..this is no newcomer; thick skin, warts and all..:wink:

I’ve known Hillary Clinton for 25 years and I have a lot of respect for her,” Sanders said, but emphasized the differences between the two presidential hopefuls on several issues, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

“I frankly don’t understand how you could be a major candidate for president of the United States — Hillary Clinton, or anybody else — and not have an opinion on that issue,” he said.

Clinton has outlined a few general principles for what the TPP ought to accomplish, but has declined to say explicitly whether she thinks the trade pact has actually met those conditions.

Asked whether he thought her silence is a “cop-out,” Sanders replied, that, “Yes. It is.”

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'We the Sheeple' are now morphing back into 'We the People'..a movement like no one has ever seen in this country..'the system is rigged' file has been confirmed..locking target now..

So why is he considering it ? What`s gonna make him say yes or no ? Do like candidates that have not made up their mind yet ?

Please, Why is he considering it ?

So why is he considering it ? What`s gonna make him say yes or no ? Do like candidates that have not made up their mind yet ?

Please, Why is he considering it ?

google is your friend:hug:..and me too:wink:

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said Tuesday that he supports the decriminalization of marijuana possession and the legalization of medical marijuana, and suggested that he's also open to considering further reforms when it comes to recreational marijuana.

"Let me just say this," Sanders began in response to a question about his position on the war on drugs during a Reddit "Ask Me Anything" style interview. "The state of Vermont voted to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana and I support that. I have supported the use of medical marijuana. And when I was mayor of Burlington, in a city with a large population, I can tell you very few people were arrested for smoking marijuana. Our police had more important things to do."

With regard to full marijuana legalization, Sanders said he will look to Colorado, where recreational marijuana is legal, to see the effects of such a policy change. Colorado was the first state to legalize the drug for recreational purposes. It's now fully legal in four states and in Washington, D.C., though sales remain banned in the District.

"Colorado has led the effort toward legalizing marijuana and I'm going to watch very closely to see the pluses and minuses of what they have done," Sanders wrote on Reddit. "I will have more to say about this issue within the coming months."
No. You didn't. Rawn Pawl is what I have been calling Ron Paul for years. It has been picked up by quite a few others who can corroborate. Now as you go back and read my posts again, you'll gain a better perspective on my view.

Bernie Sandwich is very similar to Rawn Pawl in the way he has been presented as a populist who is not designed to win.

Yes, but be mindful of who is doing that framing, and for what purposes.

Bernie may be a populist, but he is electable. For proof, have a look at how the mainstream media is treating him. They're totally hands off because he's on fire and they're terrified!
Yes, but be mindful of who is doing that framing, and for what purposes.

Bernie may be a populist, but he is electable. For proof, have a look at how the mainstream media is treating him. They're totally hands off because he's on fire and they're terrified!

america is waking from its deep slumber of corporate nitrous oxide..all that it took was the right spark to blow it all sky high.
google is your friend:hug:..and me too:wink:

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said Tuesday that he supports the decriminalization of marijuana possession and the legalization of medical marijuana, and suggested that he's also open to considering further reforms when it comes to recreational marijuana.

"Let me just say this," Sanders began in response to a question about his position on the war on drugs during a Reddit "Ask Me Anything" style interview. "The state of Vermont voted to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana and I support that. I have supported the use of medical marijuana. And when I was mayor of Burlington, in a city with a large population, I can tell you very few people were arrested for smoking marijuana. Our police had more important things to do."

With regard to full marijuana legalization, Sanders said he will look to Colorado, where recreational marijuana is legal, to see the effects of such a policy change. Colorado was the first state to legalize the drug for recreational purposes. It's now fully legal in four states and in Washington, D.C., though sales remain banned in the District.

"Colorado has led the effort toward legalizing marijuana and I'm going to watch very closely to see the pluses and minuses of what they have done," Sanders wrote on Reddit. "I will have more to say about this issue within the coming months."

This means he`s afraid of failure. He will support only if someone else proves it is doable.


OddBall1st, ...As your candidate, I`ll break the federal law and give it a try, if it fails, I`ll go down with my ship.

Sanders, ...only if it`s been shown to work......
america is waking from its deep slumber of corporate nitrous oxide..all that it took was the right spark to blow it all sky high.

To be honest, I don't think I've seen that spark. You and I and interested observers may know, but the average American, somnolently shuffling through their day to day existence, generally doesn't have the energy at the end of the day to think critically about what Faux Spews or the other major propaganda outlets are saying.
This means he`s afraid of failure. He will support only if someone else proves it is doable.


OddBall1st, ...As your candidate, I`ll break the federal law and give it a try, if it fails, I`ll go down with my ship.

Sanders, ...only if it`s been shown to work......

i disagree.

he clearly supports medical and recreational.

he reserves the right in the coming months, regarding full federal legalization, by gaining consensus on this concept in it's infancy. this is must be clear on the facts in which to make an informed recommendation/decision.

and, i believe as a serious presidential candidate, this should be afforded him.

tell me..who (that has announced, other than bernie) has given america a definitive action plan?

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i disagree.

he clearly supports medical and recreational.

he reserves the right in the coming months, regarding full federal legalization, by gaining consensus.

and i believe as a presidential candidate this should be afforded him.

Sanders,... I will not give this country what it wants unconditionally, If that should fail, so would I.....

Observation,...Unable to make decisions without consensus.
i disagree.

bernie is nothing like them, in any respect.

he has a plan (features) with viable (have worked) solutions (benefits).
incidentally, the model of success in corporate culture..the difference? it includes 'We the People'..
Except that he has vowed not to oppose the overall Democrat approach and strategy. He is the biggest obstacle to the formation of a third party. He has said that if (when) he loses the primaries he will back Clinton. In that sense he is very much like Rawn Pawl was for the GOP. He's just there to say nice things (I like the things he says) to get progressives to stay behind the DNC machine.

So in THAT respect, yes he is exactly like Rawn Pawl. When you use the pronoun 'them' you suggest that I made a comparison I didn't make, revealing your lack of understanding of my argument. Yet you replied to it nonetheless despite your inability to explicate it. This is rude and invites troll response. Just letting you know, in case you find it surprising when you don't like what I have to say. In other words, I'm being nice to you, just because.
Obama gave America the ACA, all by himself because he decided, win or lose, succeed or fail, even went so far as to make sure it`s voted on before being read through,....

I`ll take Obama thank you........
Sanders,... I will not give this country what it wants unconditionally, If that should fail, so would I.....

Observation,...Unable to make decisions without consensus.

where did that quote come from?

gaining consensus is necessary in order to make the decision.

you cannot make a proper and sound decision with having all the facts.

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Yes, but be mindful of who is doing that framing, and for what purposes.

Bernie may be a populist, but he is electable. For proof, have a look at how the mainstream media is treating him. They're totally hands off because he's on fire and they're terrified!
No, he is not electable, because his role is to deflate any chance that a real third party candidate (read: challenge to DNC) would have had to gain momentum. He is not electable because he is not going to win the primaries, but when he doesn't, you'll have only Hillary left with any chance of challenging which ever retard the GOP tries to elect.
Except that he has vowed not to oppose the overall Democrat approach and strategy. He is the biggest obstacle to the formation of a third party. He has said that if (when) he loses the primaries he will back Clinton. In that sense he is very much like Rawn Pawl was for the GOP. He's just there to say nice things (I like the things he says) to get progressives to stay behind the DNC machine.

So in THAT respect, yes he is exactly like Rawn Pawl. When you use the pronoun 'them' you suggest that I made a comparison I didn't make, revealing your lack of understanding of my argument. Yet you replied to it nonetheless despite your inability to explicate it. This is rude and invites troll response. Just letting you know, in case you find it surprising when you don't like what I have to say. In other words, I'm being nice to you, just because.

your argument is unconvincing.

magic 8-ball says: try again.