Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in the US

How Voters Feel About Their Senators Ahead of Election Day (September 2016)

"Based on interviews with almost 72,000 registered voters since May, Morning Consult crunched how constituents feel about their home-state senators (see more on methodology here). Sanders maintains his spot at the top of the list for most popular senator, a distinction that appears long lasting. He was at 83 percent approval last year, and no other senator had a higher rating.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) retains the distinction of the least popular senator among his home-state constituents, with a disapproval rating of 51 percent. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has soured with Silver State voters and is now the third-least popular senator, with a 43 percent disapproval rating. That's up two spots from earlier this year."
I believe all states are populated with people who are confused about actual political science terms because they're taught one thing growing up that is completely counter to reality. When pressed with the actual issues, it is a fact that most Americans side with progressive positions. People like my dad, who I actually ran this experiment on. I asked him where he sided based on the issues. He is a staunch Republican, has been all his life based on his own self identification. Just like many self espoused Trump supporters. And yet he was as liberal as I was based on the actual issues. Imagine that! Poor people without access to healthcare side with progressives when it comes to providing it.. Poor people who can't pay their own bills side with progressives when it comes to raising their wages.. When ideas are presented in a way they can relate to, they do. Sanders has proved that.
I took both political quizzes, one says who you side with, and one tells you where your ideals are . Be interesting to see owhere the options fall. The issues and what we get to vote on don't even cover the left sides wishes and the laws are usually authoritarian. We don't get to vote for more rights only more restrictions and shity candidates.
I took both political quizzes, one says who you side with, and one tells you where your ideals are . Be interesting to see owhere the options fall. The issues and what we get to vote on don't even cover the left sides wishes and the laws are usually authoritarian. We don't get to vote for more rights only more restrictions and shity candidates.
By and large, you're right. TPTB don't dare give the voters a chance to express how they feel in any IMPORTANT issues, because that would be giving power to the People. Too many interests like their positions of holding that power to themselves and then rent seeking.

Can you link to these quizzes? I'd like to see them.
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I think it's time to make certain the votes are accurately counted and adequately respected.

Accusing the populace of stuffing the ballot box is an all too convenient distraction from those who would tamper with the actual results.
By and large, you're right. TPTB don't dare give the voters a chance to express how they feel in any IMPORTANT issues, because that would be giving power to the People. Too many interests like their positions of holding that power to themselves and rent asking.

Can you link to these quizzes? I'd like to see them. for voting for us and uk for political ideals

iSideWith (1).jpg
internet stuff..
just did a search for political quiz and found more.
yea i liked the other one better., kinda fun to take tests sometimes, gonna find more.
I find to be very credible. Their representation of the American political spectrum squares very well with the Overton Window and other analysis.

It's important to note that they don't just focus on American politics and that their contributors include a broad swath of journalists and others from media outlets around the world.
"There's an opportunity to shift congress without redrawing the lines, which is amazing. We don't have to redraw the already Republican favoring gerrymandered lines to win if we talk about economics. But that means the Democratic party, the institution itself needs to realign itself, needs to restaff with people who are willing to talk about populist ideas, to talk about workers, to talk about poverty, and how it connects to identity politics." -Nomiki Konst
"There's an opportunity to shift congress without redrawing the lines, which is amazing. We don't have to redraw the already Republican favoring gerrymandered lines to win if we talk about economics. But that means the Democratic party, the institution itself needs to realign itself, needs to restaff with people who are willing to talk about populist ideas, to talk about workers, to talk about poverty, and how it connects to identity politics." -Nomiki Konst
WE need to force the economics conversation. If we don't, the politicians will just keep making the same mistakes.
WE need to force the economics conversation. If we don't, the politicians will just keep making the same mistakes.
Remember when we did that during the primary and moderates said we're racist against minorities and sexist against women because solving the economic problems won't help them... somehow?
you did say black people have a "herd like mentality" and you're a "men's rights activist".
I said all people have a herd like mentality because all people are animals. A herd like mentality exists in all animals, including humans. I'm a human rights activist since it encompasses all humans, including females and minorities

Your attempt to spin what people say into what you say they say is par for the course around RIU, which is especially funny considering my post history is completely transparent

So why won't solving economic problems help minorities or women?
I said all people have a herd like mentality because all people are animals. A herd like mentality exists in all animals, including humans. I'm a human rights activist since it encompasses all humans, including females and minorities

Your attempt to spin what people say into what you say they say is par for the course around RIU, which is especially funny considering my post history is completely transparent

So why won't solving economic problems help minorities or women?

so now you're claiming i am spinning this?

you've said point blank you're a "men's rights activist" and you liked a post where a racist sock puppet said black people have a "herd like mentality".
black people have a "herd like mentality".
Are black people humans?

If A = B, and B = C, then A = C

If black people are humans, and humans have a herd like mentality, then black people have a herd like mentality

If white people are humans, and humans have a herd like mentality, then white people have a herd like mentality
I said all people have a herd like mentality because all people are animals. A herd like mentality exists in all animals, including humans. I'm a human rights activist since it encompasses all humans, including females and minorities

Your attempt to spin what people say into what you say they say is par for the course around RIU, which is especially funny considering my post history is completely transparent

So why won't solving economic problems help minorities or women?
Hi changed the subject because he has nothing to say on substantive issues.

I think a focus on economic equality would perforce mean a focus on improving the economic situation for- wait for it- minorities and women.

Now, to sell that idea to the very groups most affected.