Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in the US

We just witnessed how well that strategy worked out. Democrats have been losing since 2010. If you bank on them doing it worse, you will not win votes. You have to offer something better, not just depend on the opposition failing.

From the strategy of "TRUMP BAD!!!". Progressives will gain nothing because Democrats will lose again if that's all they can offer

The winning strategy is so obvious, but the Democratic party can't touch it because it goes against their donors interests. This is why Justice Democrats will win.

I like to think I vote for the greater good.

I think you vote more for ideology.

The greater good is more important to me.
We just witnessed how well that strategy worked out. Democrats have been losing since 2010. If you bank on them doing it worse, you will not win votes. You have to offer something better, not just depend on the opposition failing.

From the strategy of "TRUMP BAD!!!". Progressives will gain nothing because Democrats will lose again if that's all they can offer

The winning strategy is so obvious, but the Democratic party can't touch it because it goes against their donors interests. This is why Justice Democrats will win.
Do you still believe that the red states are populated with progressives who voted for Trump?
Everyone loves Bernie Sanders. Except, it seems, the Democratic party

If you look at the numbers, Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in America – and it’s not even close. Yet bizarrely, the Democratic party – out of power across the country and increasingly irrelevant – still refuses to embrace him and his message. It’s increasingly clear they do so at their own peril.

A new Fox News poll out this week shows Sanders has a +28 net favorability rating among the US population, dwarfing all other elected politicians on both ends of the political spectrum. And he’s even more popular among the vaunted “independents”, where he is at a mind boggling +41.

This poll is not just an aberration. Look at this Huffington Post chart that has tracked Sanders’ favorability rating over time, ever since he gained national prominence in 2015 when he started running for the Democratic nomination. The more people got to know him, they more they liked him – the exact opposite of what his critics said would happen when he was running against Clinton.

One would think with numbers like that, Democratic politicians would be falling all over themselves to be associated with Sanders, especially considering the party as a whole is more unpopular than the Republicans and even Donald Trump right now. Yet instead of embracing his message, the establishment wing of the party continues to resist him at almost every turn, and they seem insistent that they don’t have to change their ways to gain back the support of huge swaths of the country.

Politico ran a story just this week featuring Democratic officials fretting over the fact that Sanders supporters may upend their efforts to retake governorships in southern states by insisting those candidates adopt Sanders’ populist policies – seemingly oblivious to the fact that Sanders plays well in some of those states too.

Sanders’ effect on Trump voters can be seen in a gripping town hall this week that MSNBC’s Chris Hayes hosted with him in West Virginia – often referred to as “Trump country” – where the crowd ended up giving him a rousing ovation after he talked about healthcare being a right of all people and that we are the only industrialized nation in the world who doesn’t provide healthcare as a right to all its people.

But hand wringing by Democratic officials over 2018 candidates is really just the latest example: the establishment wing of the party aggressively ran another opponent against Keith Ellison, Sanders’ choice to run the Democratic National Committee, seemingly with the primary motivation to keep the party away from Sanders’ influence.

They’ve steadfastly refused to take giant corporations head on in the public sphere and wouldn’t even return to an Obama-era rule that banned lobbyist money from funding the DNC that was rescinded last year. And despite the broad popularity of the government guaranteeing health care for everyone, they still have not made any push for a Medicare-for-all plan that Sanders has long called for as a rebuttal to Republicans’ attempt to dismantle Obamacare.

Democrats seem more than happy to put all the blame of the 2016 election on a combination of Russia and James Comey and have engaged in almost zero introspection on the root causes of the larger reality: they are also out of power in not the presidency, but both also houses of Congress, governorships and state houses across the country as well.

As Politico reported on the Democrats’ post-Trump strategy in February, “Democratic aides say they will eventually shift to a positive economic message that Rust Belt Democrats can run on”. However: “For now, aides say, the focus is on slaying the giant and proving to the voters who sent Trump into the White House why his policies will fail.”

In other words, they’re doubling down on the exact same failing strategy that Clinton used in the final months of the campaign. Sanders himself put it this way in his usual blunt style in an interview with New York magazine this week – when asked about whether the Democrats can adapt to the political reality, he said: “There are some people in the Democratic Party who want to maintain the status quo. They would rather go down with the Titanic so long as they have first-class seats.”

In the long term, change may be coming for Democrats whether they like it or not. Sanders loyalists are quietly attempting to take over many local Democratic party positions around the country. While Ellison lost the race for the DNC chair, it was incredibly close – closer than Sanders came to beating Clinton. And Sanders’ supporters are already organizing primary challenges to incumbent Democrats who aren’t sufficiently opposing Trump.

One thing’s for sure: Democrats who refuse to change do so at their peril.
I like to think I vote for the greater good.

I think you vote more for ideology.

The greater good is more important to me.
At this point the ideology that @Padawanbater2 and I are championing IS the Greater Good.

Here's a link to the Justice Democrats platform;

Please tell me if there are ANY planks in it you personally disagree with or will be major sticking points in the next election?

I've had it with @UncleBuck's money grubbing establishment Democratic Party. Bernie Sanders is absolutely right when he says that they'd happily go down with the ship as long as they have first class tickets- because THEY won't suffer.

History repeats itself. Listen to some FDR speeches; they sound pretty damned timely, once again...
Do you still believe that the red states are populated with progressives who voted for Trump?
I believe all states are populated with people who are confused about actual political science terms because they're taught one thing growing up that is completely counter to reality. When pressed with the actual issues, it is a fact that most Americans side with progressive positions. People like my dad, who I actually ran this experiment on. I asked him where he sided based on the issues. He is a staunch Republican, has been all his life based on his own self identification. Just like many self espoused Trump supporters. And yet he was as liberal as I was based on the actual issues. Imagine that! Poor people without access to healthcare side with progressives when it comes to providing it.. Poor people who can't pay their own bills side with progressives when it comes to raising their wages.. When ideas are presented in a way they can relate to, they do. Sanders has proved that.
i don't think his way involved the opposition party illegally colluding with russia and the FBI.
Oh dear God, you are sooooooo full of excuses.

Did you read the platform? Any issues on there you don't agree with?

Can you find your way out of the thicket of identity politics for EVEN ONE DAMN MINUTE?!
I believe all states are populated with people who are confused about actual political science terms because they're taught one thing growing up that is completely counter to reality. When pressed with the actual issues, it is a fact that most Americans side with progressive positions. People like my dad, who I actually ran this experiment on. I asked him where he sided based on the issues. He is a staunch Republican, has been all his life based on his own self identification. Just like many self espoused Trump supporters. And yet he was as liberal as I was based on the actual issues. Imagine that! Poor people without access to healthcare side with progressives when it comes to providing it.. Poor people who can't pay their own bills side with progressives when it comes to raising their wages.. When ideas are presented in a way they can relate to, they do. Sanders has proved that.
People are frustrated with identity politics. It never seems to make things any better for them.

Economists are now blaming 'lazy' blue collar workers getting hooked on opiates for the current economic malaise, because they don't dare tell the truth and lost their jobs.

That truth is that the rich have sucked all the life out of our economy and everyone else is struggling just to survive. That's a recipe for disaster, not prosperity.
Oh dear God, you are sooooooo full of excuses.

Did you read the platform? Any issues on there you don't agree with?

Can you find your way out of the thicket of identity politics for EVEN ONE DAMN MINUTE?!

i don't think pointing out the reason why hillary lost so narrowly is an excuse.

and identity politics? do you mean civil rights?
Oh dear God, you are sooooooo full of excuses.

brazile, who was not part of the DNC, discusses possible debate topics and some mid level staffers try to gin up good press for hillary. bernie loses by 4 million votes. you yell RIGGED!!!!

trump and his team collude with the FBI and russian disinformation propagandists spreading fake news like wildfire for months while leveraging the FBI to throw the election, hillary wins by 3 million votes. you yell STOP MAKING EXCUSES!

sooner or later we're gonna have to decide if we want to abide by facts or not.
brazile, who was not part of the DNC, discusses possible debate topics and some mid level staffers try to gin up good press for hillary. bernie loses by 4 million votes. you yell RIGGED!!!!

trump and his team collude with the FBI and russian disinformation propagandists spreading fake news like wildfire for months while leveraging the FBI to throw the election, hillary wins by 3 million votes. you yell STOP MAKING EXCUSES!

sooner or later we're gonna have to decide if we want to abide by facts or not.
Talking Heads have a lot to say about facts:

"Facts are simple and facts are straight
Facts are lazy and facts are late
Facts all come with points of view
Facts don't do what I want them to
Facts just twist the truth around
Facts are living turned inside out
Facts are getting the best of them
Facts are nothing on the face of things"

Where do you stand on the issues?
I believe all states are populated with people who are confused about actual political science terms because they're taught one thing growing up that is completely counter to reality. When pressed with the actual issues, it is a fact that most Americans side with progressive positions. People like my dad, who I actually ran this experiment on. I asked him where he sided based on the issues. He is a staunch Republican, has been all his life based on his own self identification. Just like many self espoused Trump supporters. And yet he was as liberal as I was based on the actual issues. Imagine that! Poor people without access to healthcare side with progressives when it comes to providing it.. Poor people who can't pay their own bills side with progressives when it comes to raising their wages.. When ideas are presented in a way they can relate to, they do. Sanders has proved that.
We agree on this. I've had the same experience. After discussion, I find right wing voters want the same things for this country that I do. Not just health care and a social safety net but campaign finance reform.

When we get to who to put into office to enact these changes they look to conservative or right wing leaders to implement these changes. Doesn't matter what label you want to put on them. They vote for right wing leadership who clearly espouse right wing ideology. People who vote for right wing leaders are who I call right wingers. Or more accurately right wing voters.

Question: Did you ask your dad why he voted for right wing leaders? My guess is he's convinced that the right wing ideology is the only way to bring about the changes he wants.
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Indicate ? You as well missed the sentence about example. Link ? What link did I mention or see as you stated. I saw no link. I asked for no link. The only thing I saw, is "through" that graph.

They went back to 2007 and not 2015 because it`s a broad period of time and makes for a better selection. Not to give perspective or relative significance to the lie told.

Lies in Donald Trump`s past are not as important to the general public because he is not a public servant. Lies in Hillary Clinton`s past will be of more value to the general public because she is a public servant. Why else would they create a graph showing Hillary Clinton as the most honest ? Her biggest lie to me was that she forgives her Husband for being impeached for cheating on her in the same Office she wanted to hold and make History in. He beat the impeached on a technical, but convinced the general public, he did not.

You are not really relying on a count tally, are you ? Did you ?

"Providing a link", to what, a chosen example used ? You didn`t really just_ask that, did you ?

Not welcome by who ? This is the only section of the site that has said such to me. I got along with others in other sections` threads. You don`t think I know why, Right ?

The avenue you`ve taken with me is clearly marked. I`ll probably be banned for at least being able to hold my own with Mr. Buck and the like. I probably wont make the night. You don`t think I know why too, Right ?
OK so you just made shit up. Thanks for telling me all I need to know about you. Goodbye.
Here`s an EXAMPLE of how dumb some editor thinks people in the US are,

A video released of Trump and Bush was to put a dark shadow of pervert over the Candidate. They conveniently did not do this with Hillary`s husband.

"they let you grab them by the pussy" was mentioned in it. Said editor has no idea how true that is. TV personalities may, but chose to darken the shadow instead.

I`ve been in that type of situation and the general public loves that food.

Trump and the Island is the same as Bill Clinton and the same Island. Did this editor show this to the public ? I think not.

Democrats and Republican only care about getting even with each other, It`s only the Democrats`s turn this time around.

Democrat leaning editor, Republican running candidate.

were you crying when you typed this load of horse shit?
Talking Heads have a lot to say about facts:

"Facts are simple and facts are straight
Facts are lazy and facts are late
Facts all come with points of view
Facts don't do what I want them to
Facts just twist the truth around
Facts are living turned inside out
Facts are getting the best of them
Facts are nothing on the face of things"

Where do you stand on the issues?
Play it

I like the Talking Heads. Not certain they got the facts right.
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Isn't the greater good ultimately ensuring one mouth = one vote?

With the EC, obviously not.

I'm not fan of the EC as I stated before Nov. 8th.

The best possible (available) candidate who has similar beliefs to mine is who I vote for. I like Sanders, but I realize I'm not always going to get what I want.

As proven by the last 35 years.