Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in the US

I wonder sometimes if these "leftist extremists" aren't Republican plants?

They've done more to harm the Democrat party than Republicans ever could by themselves.

And they talk about false news but quote a Fox News poll for their "Bernie is the most popular..." figure.
Have you considered the idea that the more the Democratic Party emulates the Republican Party's strategic direction and tactics, the more voters will choose either the REAL right wing- or be so disgusted they stay home?

There's a political left in America that simply isn't being represented and hasn't been for a decade or more. THAT'S why Bernie gets wild applause and Establishment Democratic Party shills don't.
Have you considered the idea that the more the Democratic Party emulates the Republican Party's strategic direction and tactics, the more voters will choose either the REAL right wing- or be so disgusted they stay home?

There's a political left in America that simply isn't being represented and hasn't been for a decade or more. THAT'S why Bernie gets wild applause and Establishment Democratic Party shills don't.

Up all night again, eh?
Are black people humans?

If A = B, and B = C, then A = C

If black people are humans, and humans have a herd like mentality, then black people have a herd like mentality

If white people are humans, and humans have a herd like mentality, then white people have a herd like mentality
tom perez gets bigger applause and more standing ovations than bernie does. they have been on tour together lately.
Do you think black people humans? Do you think humans animals?
please never vote democrat again. i don't want our party to be open to people like you.
It's a pretty simple, straight forward question.

Yes, black people are humans. Yes, humans are animals.

You simply can't answer it because it logically deduces your argument to bullshit, which it is

You continuously make the claim that I'm racist against black people because I said black people have a herd like mentality, but never actually face the counterarguments to your claim.
Do you think black people humans? Do you think humans animals?
Do you mean dark people or African Americans? In either case, yes, we are all humans. Dumb question.

Ameobas are animals. Tunicates are vertebrates, even closer genetically to humans than ameobas. I don't think people are either. Dumb question.
With an attitude like this, get used to losing.

It's time the Democratic Party got a lot more inclusive.

bernie sanders is out campaigning for a guy who wants to force women to have ultrasounds.

is that the type of inclusivity you are looking for?
Why did Sanders lose in the south during the primary? His policies are so inclusive and all that.
We've hashed this out on several occasions. I think it had a lot to do with a lack of name recognition at the time of the primaries, poor messaging on Bernie's part (he failed to adequately connect the dots between his proposed economic reforms and their effect on people's lives) and plenty of obstruction by the DNC, in no particular order.
Why did Sanders lose in the south during the primary? His policies are so inclusive and all that.

bernie sanders has invented a new form of trickle down: give white men everything they want and just trust that it will trickle down to women and people of color.
bernie sanders has invented a new form of trickle down: give white men everything they want and just trust that it will trickle down to women and people of color.
How does taxing the rich and free college not benefit women and minorities at least as much as white men?

You're getting weirder by the minute, fella! Are you sure you're not a republican in Dems clothing?
How does taxing the rich and free college not benefit women and minorities at least as much as white men?

yep, let's give everyone a free* education so that black people, hispanic people, and women can STILL earn less than white men.


that'll fix the institutional sexism and racism that the backbone of the democratic party is affected by.