Bernie Sanders goes to Canada with group to buy insulin

Funny, I don't see any other candidate- from either side of the aisle- doing anything like this.

Why is that?

Because in the final analysis, the rest of them care more about BEING president than what they can do with it in order to help others.
So you are saying that this isn't a carefully crafted, well publicized tactic to promote Bennie for President? Lol. If what you are saying is true, then Bernie would have been doing these drug caravans for some time. They would also be ongoing. In actuality, this is part of his Presidential campaigning and for you to claim otherwise just shows what a complete fool you are.

As usual, the cult of Sanders is there to say "Bernie did ________, why aren't others doing this?" But other candidates will do stuff too without their supporters anointing them as a saint.

Good for Bernie, he scored a few points, which he desperately needs as his campaign has done nothing but falter since the campaigning season began.
So you are saying that this isn't a carefully crafted, well publicized tactic to promote Bennie for President? Lol. If what you are saying is true, then Bernie would have been doing these drug caravans for some time. They would also be ongoing. In actuality, this is part of his Presidential campaigning and for you to claim otherwise just shows what a complete fool you are.

As usual, the cult of Sanders is there to say "Bernie did ________, why aren't others doing this?" But other candidates will do stuff too without their supporters anointing them as a saint.

Good for Bernie, he scored a few points, which he desperately needs as his campaign has done nothing but falter since the campaigning season began.
If Prince Biden did this you'd be singing his praises from the rooftops, hypocrite.


I'm waiting.

No. It's not. But you seem to love digging in when you're wrong so enjoy that.

I doubt you've ever even met anyone that was even enrolled in deers. The military doesn't accept sex offenders.
Yes it is. Military, spouses and dependents.

Jesus fuck you're stupid and arrogant.
Yes it is. Military, spouses and dependents.

Jesus fuck you're stupid and arrogant.
Doesn't mean that all vets are service connected. Anyway wtf are you even getting at? That was what you appeared to be contradicting by stating "tricare is for everyone". What's your point? Are you going to try to insist that I have medical coverage and therefore my other arguments are invalid?

I'm telling you, not all former servicemen are service connected. You don't just go to a VA hospital and tell them that you were once in the military and expect care. How does that make me stupid and arrogant? How will that make bernie's braindead plan any better?
Funny, I don't see any other candidate- from either side of the aisle- doing anything like this.

Why is that?

Because in the final analysis, the rest of them care more about BEING president than what they can do with it in order to help others.

Maybe you don't see other candidates doing it because it's a bad idea.

Canada is so much smaller population wise. Our system isn't equipped to supply Americans with cheap drugs. When Americans go to Canada to buy cheap insulin, it creates shortages of insulin in Canada.

If Bernie cares about helping Americans as you say, is he prepared to do at the expense of Canadian's?

Most pharmacists are reporting that drug shortages have increased in the last 3-5 years, with the vast majority (79%) indicating that shortages have ‘greatly increased,’ according to a newly released survey by the Canadian Pharmacists Association (CPhA).

Canadian pharmacists report rise in drug shortages causing 'patient confusion and distress'

Exclusive: Canada warns U.S. against drug import plans, citing shortage concerns
It doesn't matter if it is a good idea or a bad idea, it is never going to make it because any platform with this will likely lose the house and senate.
Perhaps you're confused. (you are)

A free market, as opposed to a government aided crony capitalist market WOULD indeed, bring prices down.

Let's take cannabis prohibition as an example. Cannabis during extreme prohibition, which limited supply, saw exorbitant prices for an ounce. Now, in this era of "prohibition lite" the supply restrictions have been eased. What do we see now ? Lower prices.

If there were NO prohibition lite and government got the fuck out of everybody's business as they should….how much do you think an ounce of weed would cost then ?

I had assumed you had a better grasp of economics. You seem inquisitive, so perhaps someday you'll accept reality, rather than always seeking solutions from the source of the problems.

No way, Cannabis was regulated in an attempt to make the product illegal, driving up prices since there was a risk that added to the cost.

Medical treatment is (generally because if I don't say that you will hit me with something like stem cells or some other technicality I am guessing) not being suppressed, so the costs would not necessarily decrease if government stepped aside.
Yes it is. Military, spouses and dependents.

Jesus fuck you're stupid and arrogant.
Hey Tyler, you claimed that I would sing Biden's praises if he did this. Show me one time I have sung Biden's praises or you are, once again, proven a liar (which is not the worst of your sins you woman abusing pimp).

Denouncing all those who oppose them and making up lies is an official Progressive tactic. Hmmmm, who does that remind me of? Oh yeah, Trump!
It's also not so straightforward. Being a vet does not qualify one for full coverage through the VA. They have to be service-connected, meaning that they have to be diagnosed with some ailments or injuries that are a result of their service in the military.

This. Makes sense for several reasons but it came about because healthcare coverage puts people into groups. It's insurance. So for example a 22 year old athlete does not generally need coverage for cardiopulmonary conditions. This person does not belong in an insurance group with my dad. This person should have a very low monthly payment and a high deductible and be covered for typical injuries.

It's just like car insurance. When I was younger, just before I started driving, it became law that all motorists acquire insurance. The result was lower premiums, safer roads and nobody ever complains about it any more. Comprehensive coverage is there for those who want it.

Why would a 16 year old with a learner's permit have the same coverage as a retired Highway Patrol officer for the same premium?

Now, getting to the human right to health? That's where regulation comes in. Tax tobacco to pay for emphysema. Fine building owners who use asbestos. I'm talking about getting costs down while getting everyone covered before trying add 32-49 trillion dollars to the budget for taxpayers to carry for the next decade.
Unless you retire after 20-years