Well-Known Member
Nah, just wondering how far you guys are removed from high school. I’m 50 and I think I just naturally assume people are around my age, but with all the comparisons to hitler going around and Shakespeare maybe you’re younger than I thought.
Younger people don't know who Hitler was and what he stood for so they of course don't see any parallel between Trump and Hitler.
Younger people also find Shakespeare tedious and boring whereas older people, especially educated older people, find him fascinating and engaging and the father of modern literature alongside the likes of Goethe.
Frankly, I would figure you for 19 years old at most since you seem to not know who Hitler was and what he stood for and bash Shakespeare rather than appreciate his contribution to literature.
Either that, or you really are 50, did shitty in school, probably never graduated high school at all and most definitely never went to college.