Bernie Sanders goes to Canada with group to buy insulin

Nah, just wondering how far you guys are removed from high school. I’m 50 and I think I just naturally assume people are around my age, but with all the comparisons to hitler going around and Shakespeare maybe you’re younger than I thought.

Younger people don't know who Hitler was and what he stood for so they of course don't see any parallel between Trump and Hitler.

Younger people also find Shakespeare tedious and boring whereas older people, especially educated older people, find him fascinating and engaging and the father of modern literature alongside the likes of Goethe.

Frankly, I would figure you for 19 years old at most since you seem to not know who Hitler was and what he stood for and bash Shakespeare rather than appreciate his contribution to literature.

Either that, or you really are 50, did shitty in school, probably never graduated high school at all and most definitely never went to college.
Prithee, wilst thou cram walnuts up your fundament?

But soft, what potato thru yonder window breaks ?

Younger people don't know who Hitler was and what he stood for so they of course don't see any parallel between Trump and Hitler.

Younger people also find Shakespeare tedious and boring whereas older people, especially educated older people, find him fascinating and engaging and the father of modern literature alongside the likes of Goethe.

Frankly, I would figure you for 19 years old at most since you seem to not know who Hitler was and what he stood for and bash Shakespeare rather than appreciate his contribution to literature.

Either that, or you really are 50, did shitty in school, probably never graduated high school at all and most definitely never went to college.

I have a masters so wrong about that. None of my acquaintances have read Shakespeare since high school, maybe you have. Father of modern literature? Lol, sounds like something you googled.
Before Shakespeare, English was not standardized and words were spelled however the scribe decided to spell them.

You're so dumb, I'm actually agreeing with Tacomac for like 3 posts in a row. That is exceptional. Par for the course from a guy who thinks (or doesn't really) letting Trump build the wall is a good way to beat Trump...
I have a masters so wrong about that.

What's wrong with having a masters? Your sentence suggest you have a problem with your masters degree. I think what you meant to say was:

I have a masters degree, so you're wrong about that.

None of my acquaintances have read Shakespeare since high school, maybe you have.

I find it more than a bit odd you keep up with the reading habits of people over the course of 34 years to the point you know at the drop of a hat that none of them have picked up a single play or sonnet.

In fact, I'll go ahead and call bullshit on it. I have no idea what the people I went to high school have read since then. It doesn't come up in conversation and I don't poll in the event the topic comes up on a pot forum.

Shakespeare, lol, for fcks sake

Bad punctuation, spelling and no sentence structure at all.

Lol, you’re a horrible judge then. That’s ok.

More misuse of punctuation and improper sentence structure.

So, yeah. You never made it out of high school. In fact, I'd be surprised if you made it past the 10th grade.