Bernie Sanders goes to Canada with group to buy insulin

The best argument against bernie's braindead bill is the contents of the bill.
So let's see your solution.

Meanwhile, no one else running for president is riding in a bus with patients, listening to their problems and working to solve them.

THAT'S creepy.
So let's see your solution.

Meanwhile, no one else running for president is riding in a bus with patients, listening to their problems and working to solve them.

THAT'S creepy.
ACA, also known as Obama care. Obama (that guy you hate) did more to expand healthcare coverage in the US than anyone else ever has.

I think expanding that and making Medicare a public option to get the 27 million remaining uncovered Americans insured is the solution. It's definitely better than raising taxes on the middle class by 30%+.

Speaking of creapy, bernie wrote rape fantasy columns. He rides on the bus just to get his picture taken with as many of us peons as possible. It's a fucking photo op, just like his braindead bill was symbolic.

He has never accomplished anything meaningful.
Because Bernie's braindead plan will cost between 32 and 49 trillion dollars for the first 10 years and raise taxes on middle class earners by at least 10k annually. I get that you don't care because you're unemployed but once people get wind of this, they do a 180 on it.

Also because reality exists.

My thought here doesn't have anything to do with the thread topic, so I'll keep it short and if I comment again, I'll stay on topic....

To me, it's weird how Bernie say one thing like he wants us to keep more of our money that we earn, but then he wants to tax us to hell and take more of my money that I earn. So how am I supposed to keep more of my money if he wants to raise my taxes?

Until Bernie starts talking about giving all America the same congressional Cadillac health plan he has, then he can fuck right off. If Bernie has it, why can't we have it?
Never said no one else should get, just telling you why he and other vets receive it.
It's also not so straightforward. Being a vet does not qualify one for full coverage through the VA. They have to be service-connected, meaning that they have to be diagnosed with some ailments or injuries that are a result of their service in the military.

This. Makes sense for several reasons but it came about because healthcare coverage puts people into groups. It's insurance. So for example a 22 year old athlete does not generally need coverage for cardiopulmonary conditions. This person does not belong in an insurance group with my dad. This person should have a very low monthly payment and a high deductible and be covered for typical injuries.

It's just like car insurance. When I was younger, just before I started driving, it became law that all motorists acquire insurance. The result was lower premiums, safer roads and nobody ever complains about it any more. Comprehensive coverage is there for those who want it.

Why would a 16 year old with a learner's permit have the same coverage as a retired Highway Patrol officer for the same premium?

Now, getting to the human right to health? That's where regulation comes in. Tax tobacco to pay for emphysema. Fine building owners who use asbestos. I'm talking about getting costs down while getting everyone covered before trying add 32-49 trillion dollars to the budget for taxpayers to carry for the next decade.
Tty, why do you keep ignoring that the American cost of healthcare is so expensive (vs other countries) because we are the drivers of the vast majority of the science and innovation in the hospitals and drug companies. If America didn't pay for it the continual breakthroughs would diminish, or be made in places like China losing out on a lot of American jobs.

I have not seen anyone in this thread against insuring every American, just how to get there is the question right?

Bernie will end up costing the House because Trump will destroy him as a socialist in the general and it will turn off a lot of the population from voting 'D' in state, house, and senate seats, even if the Bern can pull off a win he won't be able to do anything.
If government were not involved and a free market prevailed insulin prices would fall to their natural price point.

Asking government to solve a problem created by government is not sound reasoning.

Bernie Sanders wants desperately to insert himself into this "problem" and be seen as a champion of the people. Not necessary. Open borders and free unmolested trade would solve this problem.
And you're at it, maybe you can explain how Thailand can offer excellent medical care for 20% of the cost of America's? It's not like that country is rolling in cash or anything.

And don't try to weasel out by saying it isn't good healthcare; Americans fly there every day to get care- and they save so much it pays for the rest of the vacation!

When you use the word "offer" you don't really mean offer as in, the thing being offered can be refused right ?

You mean offer that can't be refused right, like the kind from violent thugs and governments right?

Wouldn't another word that more aptly fits the action be better?
While robroy moore couldn't be more wrong about the free market bringing down prices, he's right about "offer".

Perhaps you're confused. (you are)

A free market, as opposed to a government aided crony capitalist market WOULD indeed, bring prices down.

Let's take cannabis prohibition as an example. Cannabis during extreme prohibition, which limited supply, saw exorbitant prices for an ounce. Now, in this era of "prohibition lite" the supply restrictions have been eased. What do we see now ? Lower prices.

If there were NO prohibition lite and government got the fuck out of everybody's business as they should….how much do you think an ounce of weed would cost then ?

I had assumed you had a better grasp of economics. You seem inquisitive, so perhaps someday you'll accept reality, rather than always seeking solutions from the source of the problems.
What have you done to deserve it?

So you believe people who obediently follow orders from your masters should get to work "in the big house" and wear masters cast off clothes rather than pick cotton?



Okay. You implied cannon fodder should get special privileges from the nanny state, rather than a "thank you for your servility" salutation which some would not quite get.

A person who blindly follows orders should not be rewarded, they should be enlightened.