Nah I want him to know I find him repugnant. I think he's reported me to the mods already too. He's such a clown. If I could total his entire time spent on this forum, it would be close to 1/4 of his entire life. He's an embarrassment.
you've been on this forum for 10 years and you've been wrong the entire time with you're predictions. So badly that you refused to make any when I and others challenged you to do so months ago. You are a coward and a weak limp wristed gatekeeper who just wants to decide the way the conversation goes. I knew you'd go for Warren when the candidates began announcing their runs, and now that looks like it won't happen and now you're here trying to muddy the waters for us Bernie supporters. You're as predictable as you are pitiable and detestable.
warren's become a bit of a phony. it's a good thing we have time to evaluate real time. i just didn't like her approach to the claim..they were friends right? with friends like her..