Berkeley's Liberal Intolerance is about to bite them in the ass.

hahaha the young turds... Ben Shapiro, Dinesh D'souza.
You're a turd. And you're a racist authoritarian fascist wanna be who cries when people tell you that you deserve a taste of your own medicine.

Crawl back under your rock.
Of course you are feeling threatened by the obvious threat posed by a militant antifascist movement. Fascists glory in violence and the threat of it. Not only must fascists be opposed with the threat of violence but the antifascist opposition shows up in numbers. You and your fascist troops are outnumbered. Sucker punching coward.
ever been describing something and then halfway through realize that your talking about the same exact things that your guilty of??? talk about hypocrisy... shit.. oh well... summer is right around the corner and all it will be too hot for the lil ninjas to come out and play.. I personally cant wait till theses kids either calm down, or get sick of getting beat down.. either way it's coming to en end real soon... trust me.. I'm a cop.:o
ever been describing something and then halfway through realize that your talking about the same exact things that your guilty of??? talk about hypocrisy... shit.. oh well... summer is right around the corner and all it will be too hot for the lil ninjas to come out and play.. I personally cant wait till theses kids either calm down, or get sick of getting beat down.. either way it's coming to en end real soon... trust me.. I'm a cop.:o
Ahhh so @UncleBuck is right- you ARE law enforcement.

Good to know, racist thug.
your a Homo..

And while many of my friends do happen to be bi, lesbian or gay, I'm not.

It would seem you have some serious unresolved latent homosexuality issues.

Just come out as who you really are. It's no longer socially unacceptable, unlike being a racist, fascist SNOWFLAKE.


And while many of my friends do happen to be bi, lesbian or gay, I'm not.

It would seem you have some serious unresolved latent homosexuality issues.

Just come out as who you really are. It's no longer socially unacceptable, unlike being a racist, fascist SNOWFLAKE.

your the biggest tool. do have any thoughts that are your own?...
your the one who likes it...

You keep coming back for more, snowflake.

You started this by saying black lies matter;
all 3,500 of them... hell yeah.. Black Lies Matter too...
Racist. You don't even bother denying it.

You're a waste of perfectly good oxygen.

One can be against liberal ideas without being a racist fascist thug, but clearly you don't possess the necessary basic intellect to make any kind of a logical argument.

Classic snowflake behavior.

Cry us a river. Better yet, drown in it.
Look these up;
Justice Democrats;

Our Revolution;

On YouTube;
Secular Talk
The Young Turks

There's of course many more, but these are a good place to start.

There's a movement afoot, the American People are finally waking up to the situation and they're mobilizing to bring change.

We might 'thank' the Chumpster Fuhrer and his associates for turning up the heat enough to bring the kettle of reform to a boil.
I'll check them out
Ill play you a song instead.... at your funeral.. :finger:
And back to personal threats you go- I'll outlive you, because you're a self absorbed fat greasy slob who has to sit in front of his keyboard all day, spewing lies and hate.

You used to get a break every night to watch your hero, Bill the Great Molester O'Reilly- but even Faux Spews dumped the sick fuck after advertisers stampeded for the exit.

And speaking of funerals- mine will be attended by many people, after a long and worthy life.

You'll die alone, end up in a pauper's grave and no one will notice- let alone care.