Berkeley's Liberal Intolerance is about to bite them in the ass.

So, in your world, everyone who isn't a dumb ass conservative like yourself is some bleeding heart liberal wimp? Times are fucking changing. Get used to it
In my world you do not dress in black because you're too much of a pussy to show your face and go around beating people that don't agree with you. That's what you said above it tells me everything I need to know about you and none of it's good.
when you want to ban every muslim person from the country, kick out all the immigrants, annul all the gay people's marriages, and bar every woman from having personal autonomy, it's a bit more than a simple disagreement.
I have never said nor agree with anything you said up there.
In my world you do not dress in black because you're too much of a pussy to show your face and go around beating people that don't agree with you. That's what you said above it tells me everything I need to know about you and none of it's good.
I think its pretty clever.
I wouldn't be afraid of beating your ass while you get a look at who'se kicking your ass. It's more about the police not seeing me on camera beating your fucking dipshit brain in. You know?
@ttystikk "I hope fascist police raid your grow and best the shit out of you while hauling you off to prison." this is what this POS said to me after I jokingly threatened Antifa with spider mites.. I wonder if this half-narc ever called the cops on anyone's grow.. uuummmhhhhh.. I'm ignoring this POS and i suggest EVERYONE on this site does the same for security reasons..

Like you have a shred of influence here.

You can't even remember to set your lies up correctly.
@ttystikk "I hope fascist police raid your grow and best the shit out of you while hauling you off to prison." this is what this POS said to me after I jokingly threatened Antifa with spider mites.. I wonder if this half-narc ever called the cops on anyone's grow.. uuummmhhhhh.. I'm ignoring this POS and i suggest EVERYONE on this site does the same for security reasons..
You voted for the fascists. Maybe you're the narc.

You're definitely a sad lil snowflake, though.

Meltdown much?

@ttystikk "I hope fascist police raid your grow and best the shit out of you while hauling you off to prison." this is what this POS said to me after I jokingly threatened Antifa with spider mites.. I wonder if this half-narc ever called the cops on anyone's grow.. uuummmhhhhh.. I'm ignoring this POS and i suggest EVERYONE on this site does the same for security reasons..
LOL. You lost an argument and can't stand it, can you?

You are the fascist. You voted for those GOP trash. You back those dumpster divers in everything they do. All Ty said what he hopes the same happens to you whenever a Trump fascist "security officer" beats the crap out of somebody. That would be a good thing if it happened. Just saying. Justice.

So, I hope fascist police raid your grow and beat you till you crap your pants. Maybe break a few bones. I'd even laugh if I heard they had given you one of their special inspections with a nightstick.

Do me a favor and put me on ignore too. Then again, you'll never know what I'm saying about you so, there is that.
i know you
If i was younger, this guy would 100% be one of those black bloc heads. Smashing racist fucks with my skateboard dressed in black.
yeah... and you would be getting your ass kicked by me and based stick man.. along with the rest of your pretend wanna be ninja retard buddys... didnt you see the last round? tough Antifa are not.. lol
I wouldn't be afraid of beating your ass while you get a look at who'se kicking your ass. It's more about the police not seeing me on camera beating your fucking dipshit brain in. You know?
better do it in a state with tight gun laws.. can you dodge bullets? i mean........ your a ninja right?
@ttystikk said "I hope fascist police raid your grow and best the shit out of you while hauling you off to prison." this POS wants a fellow grower to be jailed... wow what a great guy!!!!
I heard you're a liar, snowflake.

And I've seen proof.

Now you're gonna cry... A whole river.

You're the fascist apologist.

You should be more than willing to take a beating from fascist cops before crawling on your knees to suck their cocks.