Berkeley's Liberal Intolerance is about to bite them in the ass.

We had a March for Science protest event in my town today. A father showed up with his little girl who was wearing black and had her face blacked. Seeing dad with his girl in black walking to the protest warmed my heart.

Of course you are feeling threatened by the obvious threat posed by a militant antifascist movement. Fascists glory in violence and the threat of it. Not only must fascists be opposed with the threat of violence but the antifascist opposition shows up in numbers. You and your fascist troops are outnumbered. Sucker punching coward.

We had a March for Science protest event in my town today. A father showed up with his little girl who was wearing black and had her face blacked. Seeing dad with his girl in black walking to the protest warmed my heart.

Of course you are feeling threatened by the obvious threat posed by a militant antifascist movement. Fascists glory in violence and the threat of it. Not only must fascists be opposed with the threat of violence but the antifascist opposition shows up in numbers. You and your fascist troops are outnumbered. Sucker punching coward.

Shit that was today? I wanted to show up for the one here. It's amazing and sad that in the 21st century we have to March FOR science...
The kkk should be labeled a terrorist organization. There sole purpose is to intimidate and suppress those who do not think like them.
I sincerely hope they change fast enough to avoid another Great Crash and resultant Depression.

I mean, exactly who do all those closet authoritarians think 'their' government is going to crack down ON, anyway?!
there is such a smoke screen going on people are focused on the here & now there is lots worse looming on the horizon our government is 3 steps ahead of us at any given time I usually don't say much in these matters but as peach in Berkeley is just a drop in the bucket I'm 60 & dad ww2 vet both mom & dad went through the depression older brother went to nam the draft stopped right when I turned 18 I still had to carry a draft card I think it's best to look ahead & then plan ahead
there is such a smoke screen going on people are focused on the here & now there is lots worse looming on the horizon our government is 3 steps ahead of us at any given time I usually don't say much in these matters but as peach in Berkeley is just a drop in the bucket I'm 60 & dad ww2 vet both mom & dad went through the depression older brother went to nam the draft stopped right when I turned 18 I still had to carry a draft card I think it's best to look ahead & then plan ahead
My grandfather fought in WWII, and believe it or not I lived in Saigon with my folks in 1971. I was 5, but there are many things I still remember very clearly. Some didn't make much sense to me then but thinking back as an adult they definitely do now.

We are all of us tourists in this world, no one gets out alive. I'm working to leave the world a better place than I found it, or at least give the next generation a fighting chance to.

That's my motivation, politically and in my career.

What's been done to our country by monied interests runs counter to my state goals. What astounds me is that I'm sure the ultra rich want the same things as I do, yet they behave in ways that work at cross purposes to our common goals.
My grandfather fought in WWII, and believe it or not I lived in Saigon with my folks in 1971. I was 5, but there are many things I still remember very clearly. Some didn't make much sense to me then but thinking back as an adult they definitely do now.

We are all of us tourists in this world, no one gets out alive. I'm working to leave the world a better place than I found it, or at least give the next generation a fighting chance to.

That's my motivation, politically and in my career.

What's been done to our country by monied interests runs counter to my state goals. What astounds me is that I'm sure the ultra rich want the same things as I do, yet they behave in ways that work at cross purposes to our common goals.

Give up dude, you can't even find a girlfriend. :roll:
My grandfather fought in WWII, and believe it or not I lived in Saigon with my folks in 1971. I was 5, but there are many things I still remember very clearly. Some didn't make much sense to me then but thinking back as an adult they definitely do now.

We are all of us tourists in this world, no one gets out alive. I'm working to leave the world a better place than I found it, or at least give the next generation a fighting chance to.

That's my motivation, politically and in my career.

What's been done to our country by monied interests runs counter to my state goals. What astounds me is that I'm sure the ultra rich want the same things as I do, yet they behave in ways that work at cross purposes to our common goals.
I think they won't hesitate to exploit us to better themselves & then try to convince us they're justified in doing it it just gets kind of hard to swallow I love this country it is my home both parties need reform from the ground up I don't think this is the vision our forefathers had in mind for us
I think they won't hesitate to exploit us to better themselves & then try to convince us they're justified in doing it it just gets kind of hard to swallow I love this country it is my home both parties need reform from the ground up I don't think this is the vision our forefathers had in mind for us
Look these up;
Justice Democrats;

Our Revolution;

On YouTube;
Secular Talk
The Young Turks

There's of course many more, but these are a good place to start.

There's a movement afoot, the American People are finally waking up to the situation and they're mobilizing to bring change.

We might 'thank' the Chumpster Fuhrer and his associates for turning up the heat enough to bring the kettle of reform to a boil.