You are right Bigtacofarmer, they do only hire low IQ people. I believe there was a PD in NY that was sued over it.
As for cleverpiggy, I mean no offense, but I can't help to wonder, when you use the term 'piggy' in your name, are you saying you are one? You know, LEO. I understand your concern cleverpiggy, your concerns of people driving while impaired. I have not read anywhere in this post that insinuates that Belle was impaired. As for a police report, would you really trust what they write in that report? Only a fool would truly believe the report to be completely accurate of all accounts. Anything you say or do can and will be twisted to the benefit of the LEO and used against you in the court of law. I have followed up and purchased police reports and I have not seen one that was truthful yet, on the recollection of the LEO, not even close.