• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Behold, Clinton pandering reaches new lows


Well-Known Member
May 19: O'Reilly discusses a number of inflammatory and bogus charges that were floated in the U.S. media about France (e.g., France supplied Iraq with precision switches used in nuclear weapons, French companies sold spare parts to Iraq for military planes and helicopters, France possessed illegal strains of smallpox, France helped Iraqi leaders escape to Europe by providing them with travel papers). Recall this last charge was made by Major General Paul Vallely on May 8 on The O'Reilly Factor. Again, the Pentagon denies all such charges although much of the Beltway thinks it's obvious that the Pentagon is the source of them. O'Reilly claims that Vallely is only irresponsible if the charges don't turn out to be true. O'Reilly refers to documents that prove that the French government was briefing Saddam right until the war started. [Briefed on what?]

May 20: O'Reilly concedes that the Private Jessica Lynch rescue story could be a fraud, as asserted by the BBC and Los Angeles Times columnist Robert Scheer. "Somebody is lying," he states. He says that if the U.S. military has concocted a fraud, then it will be a terrible scandal but if the BBC and Scheer are wrong, nothing will happen to them. He says he is skeptical of the BBC and Scheer.

To prove his point he brings on no other than Colonel David Hunt. [Geez. Transcript here.] Over and over, Hunt calls the allegations of staged rescue an "assail on the finest soldiers in the world." He claims that the ambulance with Lynch in it that drove up to a Marine checkpoint was never shot at, its drivers demanded $10,000 for information on Jessica, Saddam Hospital was guarded by uniformed Iraqi soldiers and Fedayeen, Jessica's life was saved, and coalition forces didn't trash the hospital. What were his sources for this information? The special ops members on the raid, some of whom are his friends and former colleagues. Over and over Hunt kept saying, "They're the best soldiers in the world, they're the best in the world. Why would they make this up?"

[What followed next was an exchange that's priceless and one of many that goes by far too un-analyzed on Fox every day:]

Hunt: In my opinion it's an assault, an effrontery to the finest men and women in our service, it's an assault on Jessica, it's an assault on these great guys, these great special operations guys ... at a minimum we should no longer buy the L.A. Times, no longer buy the Toronto Free Press, and shut the BBC off. It's a government to government issue...this is calling into question the veracity of the finest soldiers in the world and it's uncalled for, it's absolutely unbelievable."

O'Reilly: If you [Hunt] turn out to be right, nothing will happen to Scheer...he'll just go along blithely printing his lies and living his life and getting paid for it.

[To the Colonel: U.S. special ops soldiers may be the best in the world at what they do, but how does it logically follow from that assessment that particular actions taken during the raid were not excessive and unjustified? How is the BBC's story an assault on Jessica?! What do you mean when you mention a "government to government issue" given that the U.S. government now controls Iraq?! Is the Pentagon the most effective check on its own possible misdeeds? How convenient if you're suggesting that it is. Who is your source that Iraqi doctors were trying to ransom Jessica? Why hasn't this allegation made its way into any other news reports?]

[To O'Reilly: If the raid does turn out to be mostly staged, there'll be no terrible scandal precisely because you, Fox News, and the Pentagon will assert just the opposite and allow yet another embarrassment to slide into the Memory Hole. This is exactly why your demand for accountability from the BBC and L.A. Times is so hollow and hypocritical. Instead of plumbing the U.S. military to investigate itself, why don't you interview Iraqi doctor Harith al-Houssona as the London Times did on April 16 (where the story was first broken, not by the BBC or Robert Scheer) who actually saved Lynch's life instead of the U.S. special ops who could have jeopardized it? The doctor testifies that all Iraqi forces left the day before the raid and that Jessica was delivered by an ambulance that had to return to the hospital because it was shot at by Marines. Why would he lie? You say you automatically trust the Pentagon. Why, when tales of Lynch's heroics in fighting off 500 Iraqi soldiers with one hand while severely wounded and tales that she had amnesia have already been proven bogus?]

May 22 (5:54 a.m. CDT): Richard King, a military doctor, appears on Fox and Friends with promises by the show's hosts that he will verify that the Jessica Lynch rescue wasn't staged. King doesn't prove anything. He states that he arrived at Saddam Hospital the day after the rescue, concedes damage and mal-treatment of doctors at the hospital, and that he "was told " that the hospital was guarded by hostile forces but doesn't specify who told him. [The testimony of the hospital staff contradicts this last hearsay.]

May 22: O'Reilly fails to live up to his promise to make a big stink if no WMDs are found by today. In his Talking Points Memo he wonders why the U.S. has caught such informed Iraqis as Dr. Germ and Ms. Anthrax and has gotten no leads. He states that more time is needed [contradicting what he said more than a month ago, when he said that if no WMDs were found after 2 months U.S. credibility would be "shot" and there would be big trouble]. He ends his Memo saying Bush must candidly address the situation soon.

June 2: [Unfortunately for O'Reilly, Bush isn't candidly explaining anything.] A video clip on Fox and Friends is shown with Bush in Poland claiming that "[w]e found" weapons of mass destruction. His evidence? Two trailers found near Mosul that were supposedly used as mobile bioweapons labs. [A June 7 article by the Times' Judith Miller reports serious doubts by some analysts that the two trailers were used as mobile bioweapons labs. Said one senior analyst about the initial CIA report, it "was a rushed job and looks political." Yes, they violated U.N. resolutions but this is another red herring to suggest WMDs.]

June 4: O'Reilly's Talking Points Memo: [Surreal.] O'Reilly says that the WMD issue has now been politicized [!!]. The war was a just war because there's now great progress between Palestinians and Israelis and that alone made the war worthwhile [?!!]. Also the mass graves and other horrors discovered add to the case for war. The intelligence was either wrong or more time is needed to find the WMDs. [Again contradicting what he said on and before April 22.]

June 11: Fox reports a bus blast in Jerusalem caused by Hamas, killing 15 and wounding at least 100. [Looks like the real reason for war according to O'Reilly (Israeli-Palestinian peace) has also disintegrated, but don't expect O'Reilly to admit it.]


Well-Known Member
And this is just as of 2003..... I can find more.
Not to mention that the Saudi prince owns a controlling interest in Fox News.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
y'all live to diagree with each other... ITS WHAT MAKES YOU FEL LIKE YOU.. YOUR FALSE IDENTITY AND SELF IMPORTANCE REQUIRES AN ENEMY.. REQUIRES PUTTING DOWN ANOTHER PERSON.... and since med is gone you all would rather cannabilize each other than actually have a loving conversation..

true or false ?



New Member
^^^ False assumption on your part GK ^^^

7x ...

Your last post was just about the most insightful post regarding the "left" that I've seen in many years of posting on these boards. Kudos to ya, Bro.



Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I was not making an assumption.. I was asking IF the above statement was true or false... sorry if I did not make that clear... :)



New Member
"... and since med is gone you all would rather cannabilize each other than actually have a loving conversation.. true or false ?"

Well, I'd have to still say false. I see cannabals as ravishing beasts who eat the hearts out of their neighbors in the name of compassion. Med was the only cannabal here and he's gone now. Seems fairly peaceful here to me.




Well-Known Member
y'all live to diagree with each other... ITS WHAT MAKES YOU FEL LIKE YOU.. YOUR FALSE IDENTITY AND SELF IMPORTANCE REQUIRES AN ENEMY.. REQUIRES PUTTING DOWN ANOTHER PERSON.... and since med is gone you all would rather cannabilize each other than actually have a loving conversation..

true or false ?


false. i seek no enemies and discord is better left in the company of fools. as Vi said, no one has torn into anyone lately...the cruelty and abuse has ceased.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
"... and since med is gone you all would rather cannabilize each other than actually have a loving conversation.. true or false ?"

Well, I'd have to still say false. I see cannabals as ravishing beasts who eat the hearts out of their neighbors in the name of compassion. Med was the only cannabal here and he's gone now. Seems fairly peaceful here to me.


how about raising cows and pigs and other creatures and then tearing their hearts out... is that permissable in your book?

what happened to med?


New Member
how about raising cows and pigs and other creatures and then tearing their hearts out... is that permissable in your book?

what happened to med?

1. Yes ... I love animals. They taste great. As one sage on this site has said a few times: "Animals have their place ... right next to the peas and mashed potatoes."

2. Med found that even with all of his bluster, rudeness, abusiveness, stupidity and ugliness, he just couldn't convert anyone in this forum over to communism. So ... he took his hammer and scythe and went home.



Well-Known Member
Dude, i was watching fox news the other day and they were talking about how global warming isn't real, that it is something "the democrats invented."... lmao...they're the most biased news station on the planet.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
when ONE expands his conciousness beyond the confines of HIS own mind... (not imagines but actually) ONE realizes conciousness is ONE.. and THAT eating an animal is no different than eating ONE SELF.... or one's sister...

being ignorant is AN excuse... waking up can be a real bitch... LOL



New Member
Yeah, yeah ... if it has a face, don't eat it.

How about putting a bumper sticker on your car that reads: "Save The Baby Humans." Are you enlightned enough to do that, GK??



Well-Known Member
regarding the media flamed attacks on Gen. Pace's dangerously human-sounding personal views on homosexuality:

Clinton told ABC News Wednesday that it's for "others to conclude" whether homosexuality is immoral. On Thursday, she put out a statement saying that she'd heard from gay friends who said her answer sounded evasive.

"I should have echoed my colleague Senator John Warner's statement forcefully stating that homosexuality is not immoral because that is what I believe," her statement said.

democrats beware! if you are so blind as to not be able to see this woman for what she is - well, good luck to you.... she stands for absolutely nothing. she avails herself only to those with sway and power so that she may feed her insatiable lust for power. she is dangerous and to be honest, i am quite ashamed that so many of my fellow Americans still find themselves captivated despite her blatant lack of standards.

from volunteer republican campaign worker as a young college student, she found democrats to be more trendy and made the switch. when pro-life fell out of style she became pro-death. she voted for the war in Iraq then demanded more troops and now she says we should start leaving in 120 days. she is the epitome of cowardice and political corruption.


Well-Known Member
Vi I've always been pro-life, but since the Supreme Court has decided that abortion is legal, I say it's the law of the land.
No need to beat a dead horse year after year.
You made an assumption about me, thinking that because I'm a social liberal means I have no soul or no compassion for the unborn....
Now I do believe that Abortion should be legal in cases of Rape, incest or if having the baby will risk the mother's life.
But getting an abortion because it's just not convenient to be pregnant at the time, oops, I forgot to take my pill, We ran out of rubbers, and crap like that should be outlawed in my opinion.

I haven't rang in on the General putting his foot in his mouth, I think he is entitled to his opinion, but should have stated it in a private conversation, since stating it in a interview that he knew was going to be in print, he deserves what he gets.
This may end up being his undoing, however uninformed he may be.

Many other nations have openly gay troops and it does not effect the cohesion of a unit. One's sexual preference has nothing to do with one's ability to shoot a gun.
Last I checked fraternization was still against the UCMJ.


Well-Known Member
We need to be out of Iraq, there is no winning there.
Please define a Victory over there.
If you think that you will get an unconditional surrender, well you got another think coming. That won't happen, Arabs don't work like that. Go read your history books.


Well-Known Member
I haven't rang in on the General putting his foot in his mouth, I think he is entitled to his opinion, but should have stated it in a private conversation, since stating it in a interview that he knew was going to be in print, he deserves what he gets.
This may end up being his undoing, however uninformed he may be.

my point wasn't about the Gen.'s opinion on homosexuality, point was/is that Clinton will say anything... The Gen. is free to have any opinion he wants to have, and if sharing his opinion on something he was asked about is his "undoing" i say that America is dead already.

Many other nations have openly gay troops and it does not effect the cohesion of a unit. One's sexual preference has nothing to do with one's ability to shoot a gun.
Last I checked fraternization was still against the UCMJ.

the ancient Greeks had a heck of way to use openly gay troops; they let all the openly gay men serve together. according to legend (Plato, etc.) we're not talking about pansy ass queers either, these were some of the most fierce warriors of that era. the commanders tried to put "lovers" in the same legion because if one came under attack the other would go all out (no pun intended) to help save him. now, i'm not saying segregate but there's no doubt that the "differences" can have negative impacts on a unit. just one soldier feeling uncomfortable with another man starring at his pecker in the shower is already too far imo. they should be able to reel in their desires if they want to serve and it should never even come up. people need to quit trying to define themselves by their sexual preferences.