Beginning New Cannabis Grow


It took about 2 weeks after I cut the clones before putting them in their new home. After 2 full days of hard labor prep work and clean up. Soon I plan on studying a course growing marijuana.

With a certificate and 25 years of experience in the marijuana industry I hope to have some useful advice to share. Until then it is my privilege to be able to share my marijuana growing adventure with visitors of Rollitup as well as other online resources. Growing cannabis has provided my life with purpose engaging in productive and positive activities to fill my days. I find it to be therapeutic just spending time and work taking caring for my medicinal cannabis plants. Like many marijuana growers I like to talk to and praise “my girls” for doing so well.

The cannabis strains seen on the table above are "double bubble" and "pot of gold".

Below is my double bubble in during blooming.


It took about 2 weeks after I cut the clones before putting them in their new home. After 2 full days of hard labor prep work and clean up. Soon I plan on studying a course growing marijuana.

With a certificate and 25 years of experience in the marijuana industry I hope to have some useful advice to share. Until then it is my privilege to be able to share my marijuana growing adventure with visitors of Rollitup as well as other online resources. Growing cannabis has provided my life with purpose engaging in productive and positive activities to fill my days. I find it to be therapeutic just spending time and work taking caring for my medicinal cannabis plants. Like many marijuana growers I like to talk to and praise “my girls” for doing so well.

The cannabis strains seen on the table above are "double bubble" and "pot of gold".

Below is my double bubble in during blooming.

Good luck! Looks good.

It took about 2 weeks after I cut the clones before putting them in their new home. After 2 full days of hard labor prep work and clean up. Soon I plan on studying a course growing marijuana.

With a certificate and 25 years of experience in the marijuana industry I hope to have some useful advice to share. Until then it is my privilege to be able to share my marijuana growing adventure with visitors of Rollitup as well as other online resources. Growing cannabis has provided my life with purpose engaging in productive and positive activities to fill my days. I find it to be therapeutic just spending time and work taking caring for my medicinal cannabis plants. Like many marijuana growers I like to talk to and praise “my girls” for doing so well.

The cannabis strains seen on the table above are "double bubble" and "pot of gold".

Below is my double bubble in during blooming.

If you have that much experience you should be teaching a class. Pieces of paper mean nothing, no matter what they say. Its kinda like the dollar, backed up by nothing and meaningless. Just my $0.02
What temps do you get under that plastic sheet

at what height are the hps

I haven't measured the temp under the plastic sheets but interesting question. I would assume the same as the water temp which stays at room temp while sitting on a cement floor.
What temps do you get under that plastic sheet

at what height are the hps

hps about 18 inches to start. Going to top and cut clones along the way to selectively control their growth patterns and create sea of green with less plants and then populate a second table and maximize the nutritional yield per cost by combining one reservoir onto 2 tables instead of one double my yield.