Beanz 2.1 400w Bare-Bulb Vertical Plushberry - True OG - Pre98 Bubba Kush Grow


RIU Bulldog
Allright. I'll take it as a lesson learned. MAybe something else is causing the leaves to get all fucked up.


Well-Known Member
yeah i'm in agreement with that. a high saline medium will block the passage of K, causing the plant to become K deficient. hence the necrosis on the leaves. obvioulsy a K deficient plant will then have trouble taking certain micro's... etc, etc.

seems to me like you do it right right up till the mid-point of flower and then are just going too far when you need the K. by the time you get to mid-flower there is such a build-up of salts that K is slowed and this is losing you out on yield. critical feeding is a dangerous game, i know because i've played it many times. get it right and it's a bumper harvest, even slightly wrong though and it has consequences. i actually still play that game, LOL... growing is meant to be fun too.

Don't get stuck in the bullshit that says you need to up your feeds each time... fuck, i can't remember what medium you use now... but if in soil, then you can feed intermittent plain water feeds, slightly alkaline. this will help balance out the medium. proper medium management is important... it's about the soil. i got to take my kids to school... i''ll get back to this later.


Well-Known Member
The plants are fine m8. Just power through. Ive yet to do a grow where something hasn't went right. I just kinda skimmed the last 35 pages. Where is your Nevs Haze? Great plant to grow but takes forever


RIU Bulldog
yeah i'm in agreement with that. a high saline medium will block the passage of K, causing the plant to become K deficient. hence the necrosis on the leaves. obvioulsy a K deficient plant will then have trouble taking certain micro's... etc, etc.

seems to me like you do it right right up till the mid-point of flower and then are just going too far when you need the K. by the time you get to mid-flower there is such a build-up of salts that K is slowed and this is losing you out on yield. critical feeding is a dangerous game, i know because i've played it many times. get it right and it's a bumper harvest, even slightly wrong though and it has consequences. i actually still play that game, LOL... growing is meant to be fun too.

Don't get stuck in the bullshit that says you need to up your feeds each time... fuck, i can't remember what medium you use now... but if in soil, then you can feed intermittent plain water feeds, slightly alkaline. this will help balance out the medium. proper medium management is important... it's about the soil. i got to take my kids to school... i''ll get back to this later.
Thank you so much for the honest criticsm. I appreciate all the ppeople who follow along and say 'nice job' but I like to know what I'm doing wrong better so I can improve my technique. I wish I could take credit for trying some kind of special feeding technique, but truth is I'm just kinda winging it. I water-water-feed but I added some 4-3-2 chicken compost to the soil and I wasn't making adjustments in the fertilizers. I grew the plants 12/12 from seed too for the first time which also threw me off. I couldn't figure out how important N was in a 12/12 from seed program so I think I over-did it a little. I've heard from a few people that nothing is wrong with the plants, but I'm pretty sure the leaves aren't supposed to be all twisted and clawed.
I know it's nothing major but it would nice to know why it happened so I don't do it again.

The plants are fine m8. Just power through. Ive yet to do a grow where something hasn't went right. I just kinda skimmed the last 35 pages. Where is your Nevs Haze? Great plant to grow but takes forever
Oh yeah thanks for reminding me. I have to as kitty to change the thread name. I have a little rodent running loose somewhere in the house and it actually ate my three nev's haze seedlings. You believe that shit?
Even clean, my house is so old that I don't think I'll be able stop them, so now I just keep the plants up off the ground. I lost the three nevs hazes and two of the 7 plushberrys, but I still have 40+ NH seeds left and 3 PB seed. I was actually gonna do them with the SSH f2's next time, but I have a friend who wants to invest in the grow so I might just be taking plushberry clones and going hydro for a while. Idk when I'll grow them, but it'll be soon.


Well-Known Member
beanz a you could also just stop feeding and go all organic, just use beneficial microbes and maybe molasses, the fert in the soil would break down and feed the plant at an almost perfect rate if you do it right, then you can let the plant choose when it wants food. only saying that cuz you got mg and chicken fertz just mg is supposedly supposed to have nuff to go through a gro that + mixed in fertz could mean over fertilization but i make my soil never had to do Mg before so i could be wrong .


RIU Bulldog
beanz a you could also just stop feeding and go all organic, just use beneficial microbes and maybe molasses, the fert in the soil would break down and feed the plant at an almost perfect rate if you do it right, then you can let the plant choose when it wants food. only saying that cuz you got mg and chicken fertz just mg is supposedly supposed to have nuff to go through a gro that + mixed in fertz could mean over fertilization but i make my soil never had to do Mg before so i could be wrong .
No, your totally right. For some reason I continue to fertilize even after I enrich my soil. The chicken manure was 4-3-2 npk and the soil is enriched to last 1-2 months alone so yeah I'm probably over ferting it. The funny thing that I am running completely organic, but I'm just now getting acquainted with it so I'm making stupid mistakes. I'm just gonna give them plain water and EJ catalyst for a few weeks.


Well-Known Member
i think you might find organic kinda fun but mistakes cost you more :) been wanting to go n buy some chem nutes and start some plants up to see the diff ,


RIU Bulldog
i think you might find organic kinda fun but mistakes cost you more :) been wanting to go n buy some chem nutes and start some plants up to see the diff ,
I'm actually planning to use the plushberry to learn hydroponics better and do that for a while. I love organics but I need money badly and I anit makin any growing only for head. I'm gonna let them veg under the T5 for like 6 weeks and then take clones from them all and run a ebb and flow SOG setup. I wanna stick 30+ plants in 4" rockwool cubes under a 1000 watts (1x600w & 1x400w) in a 4'x5' space. Things are coming together now for it too happen in the next few weeks.
I'm planning to go chemical infused with organic teas. Consider that Plushberry can be a 55-63 day strain, there's room to make some cash. My family is struggling and I got bill collectors calling all the time. Moms is getting old too and she didn't plan for her future soI gotta do something so that she doesn't live in squalor when she retires. I know I sound greedy wanting commercial to make money, but my intentions are pure.
I'll probably do an update today so keep a look out ;)


Well-Known Member
I'm actually planning to use the plushberry to learn hydroponics better and do that for a while. I love organics but I need money badly and I anit makin any growing only for head. I'm gonna let them veg under the T5 for like 6 weeks and then take clones from them all and run a ebb and flow SOG setup. I wanna stick 30+ plants in 4" rockwool cubes under a 1000 watts (1x600w & 1x400w) in a 4'x5' space. Things are coming together now for it too happen in the next few weeks.
I'm planning to go chemical infused with organic teas. Consider that Plushberry can be a 55-63 day strain, there's room to make some cash. My family is struggling and I got bill collectors calling all the time. Moms is getting old too and she didn't plan for her future soI gotta do something so that she doesn't live in squalor when she retires. I know I sound greedy wanting commercial to make money, but my intentions are pure.
I'll probably do an update today so keep a look out ;)
get that eye of the tiger man^^

lol who the fuck would think you are greedy? trying to take care of my moms is the main reason i am gettign into it. Fuck that..i wanna have a good life man, and working a 9-5 aint fr everybody. When you crop out i know some heads that will buy off you...shit you might even know some of them already hahah since we all lived so close.


RIU Bulldog
get that eye of the tiger man^^

lol who the fuck would think you are greedy? trying to take care of my moms is the main reason i am gettign into it. Fuck that..i wanna have a good life man, and working a 9-5 aint fr everybody. When you crop out i know some heads that will buy off you...shit you might even know some of them already hahah since we all lived so close.
Some people look down on commercial growers because they don't cure the weed before they sell it and don't flush. They figure they all cut corners to make as much money as possible, but I won't be like that. I'm gonna actually dry and cure the bud right and I'll be flushing too.
Sorry about the update, I'm getting it up now.


Well-Known Member
i do not lookdown on commercial, cuz i know how it is, ova here we grow tomatoes and other veggies and bananas commercially, and as much as you would like to stay fully organic and healthy, the competition never stops, and hormones will make a tomato fruit faster and bigger and make the roots spread faster when there young, attacking a nute deff is much easier and effective when you can put in directly what you need into the drip. once you try to let up your production slows contracts stop coming. guess Mj is about the same. that's why am growing my own veggies , cuz i know even organic veggie farmers aren't really organic even if they would like to be


RIU Bulldog
I thought only one was starting to smell but it turns out that they're all already starting to smell. You can tell first thing in the morning when you open the door. The last two runs I didn't need the carbon filter, but I'll probably need it this time :D

#1 Big, fast growing; took well to topping (branched a lot and recovered quickly); hybrid style leaves

#2 Smaller, slower growing; similar leaf structure to #1

#3 Smaller, slower growing, similar leaf structure to #1, already starting to smell

#4 One of the bigger, faster growing plants; likes topping; branchy; similar leafs as the others

#5 Small, slower growing than all of them; didn't take well to topping; only plant that looks like it might be a different pheno


Super Silver Haze
This SSH is crazy long. Sunday was the start of week 7 and it looks like it could go another month. On the other hand, it definitely the best weed I've ever grown genetically. It's structure and bud development is beautiful. It looks bad I know, but it really seems like it would be a snap to grow. I planned to grow like 20 of these but ended up with 5 (2 males) after an accident with the dog. I decided I'd go ahead and finish these to see how they grow so next time around it will be better. I know now they Mg whores. They love it. They also don't need a lot of N it seems. I can't wait to try them again. I left out pictures of Edmonda cause let's face it, you kinda lose interest in a girl when she get pregnant. Am I right fellas? lol

Kev's Bitch
When I took her take pictures I was surprised by how stocky she's become. Her side buds are cute solid little golf balls that keep swelling and swelling. She's still my favorite. I went ahead and pollinated a few of the lower branches so I could keep he genes. With a little veg time these plants will be epic.

She's still giving me guff. She not a heavy eater and I may have over-ferted her a little but oh-well, lesson learned. I can tell I over fed her because Kev's Bitch keeps swelling where as Sara seems to have hit a snag. I don't care thought. I'm just can't believe that I actually grew this stuff. Everytime I look at it I imagine the possibilities.


Sexi Mexi
The mexis aren't as cute as the others. They're kinda the red-headed step child of my grow. I keep it around for the government check but I don't really care about em. lol
Most of them are tall and lanky, but a few are afghani/indica like with short fat leaves.


So I found a few seeds in a bag of Hillbilly Skunk and I decided to germinate them, I found three but I figured you guys know what a pot of wet soil looks like.

I converted my old grow closet into my veg room. I keep the males in there too.
