BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

When I am selecting males I like to flower them out to see their expressions throughout then select from their clones. So my opine would be that you should back them up and see how they behave, to control their spunk I just spray them down with water a couple times a day. A dangerous proposition I know! :fire:

Check me out, all sharing and shit..... lol
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they do look similar. like the fems, you need to grow em out to see how the sac formation is. got a little bit of a leg like the male I got but that's to be expected with the mix I guess.
I just don't have the space, I'm at max capacity right now, I have some spluff from d and hope fully the snips will take , thinking fireballs and deep blue together and psychosis x FB should be fun to work.

New cloner seems to be holding up nicely as do the clones in the prop. Hope that's not jinxed it...
hiya Donald! can you toss the old filter in a dumpster off the beat and track? we take all our big trash shit to the dumpsters at our old apartment complex. There are so many dumpsters and tenants no one knows whos coming or going ..... late at night no one see's.
im on the road back from trying to find a crib in Denver. Omen after Omen, bad vibes from that place. don't go there, you will see all the young kids from 15 to 24 struggling on the streets .look like they haven't taken showers for months. Babys pushing babys in baby carrigages. Boyfriends who look like they want nothing to do with them. Black men dreadlocks jumpin out of the bushes sayin "don't worry I don't have a knife or a gun., can you please drive me to the hospital so I can see my pregnant girlfriend. Flithy stinkin tourists from Japan, German and Russia flood the city with there rudeness. Highway all chopped up and hard to drive around. Buildings goin up everywhere to try to accomdate the recent flood of people. High rents everywhere, Even in the projects! and look out for those Craiglist scams that say they have a house for rent , that there husband is a missionary but living in another state.. give me all your info...Gangs of Mexicans in lowriders in the Safeway parking lot lookin like they are going to car jack you and maybe stick you up.Didnt have time to check out the rec clubs though bro, im sure they are pretty happening. I hate to tell you all this negative stuff, but unfort its true. When I went there a year ago it was a completely different place. It was a nice laid back city but now its like everyone is trying to get over on everyone. Im going back to Az with broken dreams.
Holy shit your kidding me?!? I met hemlock and I know he can handle his business but that sure doesn't sound like the kind of place he'd choose to live anywhere near! He's probably half way up mountain with a huge 4x4 (I hope).

Back to AZ though? Thought you were totally done with there? I'd be in Canada if I could, we'll circa 2001
Oh my bad thought amber was heading up to see hemlock! Thanks COF

Shame bout the love child Mo, can't win a coconut every time eh, like my qq x dog smelled pretty awful, got you plenty high but tasted meeeh...

Dog pics inbound!
that is a pretty cut don mate, any chance? My cuts are a bit dull in colour and bit stretchy lol. Man 30th birthdays are bout the biggest there is , well mine was lol. Stll young enough to dance all might but still dumb enough to pay for it the next day lol. Tho i dont supose ur lass will be getting too wrecked in the true sense of the word lol.
yeah plenty chances fella, i'm on it! though i may have this pheno or the week earlier finish one, can't remember which was which, both lovely though, the longer one's more sweeter than coffee ish. mind you they both still do a fair stretch and golf ball kush like nuggets.

missus is stressing over uni, barely seen her for weeks man. she's totally straight barring a love for gin which comes out to play occasionally though!
last one's down now, just the two mothers in flower both kicking up a gear.

the fireballs lone female
HST'd her before i pot her u, hate doing this after i've flipped.

the psychosis mum looking like she's behind the dog's but she'll finish strong. going to giver her another dusting with FB jizz later (incidentally , the branch i done in this dog didn't take either)
and lastly a horrendous group canopy shot! that'll be sorted this evening...

Oh my bad thought amber was heading up to see hemlock! Thanks COF

Shame bout the love child Mo, can't win a coconut every time eh, like my qq x dog smelled pretty awful, got you plenty high but tasted meeeh...

Dog pics inbound!
lol, actually I will be closer to ole Hemlocker now cuz im moving back to Washington state to my house I was renting out for the past two years. Remember, the one with the HUGE GROW building in the backyard?.lol... not exactly what I wanted to do but its my best option at this point. Should be interesting to see how Washington State handles the legalizagion of MJ. Will keep you posted on all the insanity mate.
Damn Don, the garden looks fuckin HOT! awesome work again, your killin IT!
lots of love, take care !