BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

We do have Bear Grylls and he's known for being a total joke! He actually got caught being helicoptered out at night and sleeping in 5 star hotels, then going back in the morning to his "survival spot". What a wanker (did I do that right? :)

I know I'm late but where is the Good doctor going hiking? Up in the mountains that is my new favorite pastime. I'm obsessed with google earth and there are HUNDREDS of alpine lakes high in the mountains all around me. So I plot out the map/trail/hike, load up a few brewskis, PLENTY of herb and a sandwich or 2. Many times we will hike for 8 hours and not see another soul. Come across several black bears, coyotes and beaver:shock:

Fishing season just started so I'm excited to hike to these hidden gems and catch some dinner! I also got a big raft I'm itching to use. Some great river for whitewater rafting here.

As far as the Lee Perry ark, my humble abode is more of a barn.(:

Since Don G said it's alright here's a few pics. (no art on this computer I don't think)
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Oops! Forgot I put everything on the other computer the other day.... and she's getting a virus scan as she's a dirty, dirty girl (or her browsing history is :)

Here was an old pic of Goji Lights by Bodhi....Better than nothin I guess. Cheers mates!
sounds like the dream man, fresh water and living off the grid, I'd love to live in a non cramped concrete country.

Living in a barn sounds cool, are you sharing it with any animals?!?

Been seeing a lot about ghoji lately seems a few heads have been impressed with it, know bhodi does good work tho, yours looks fine an dandy man.

And yes, 'what a wanker' was played perfectly :razz:
LMAO DST!!:DI think you have been hanging out with the girls behind the glass too much.;)
damn BUSHY that is a work of art. gawd dayum what a beauty! Bodhi gear is the chit mon!
Rasclot ur SMELLY dog is INCREDIBLE!
I LOVE your hash DON, very nice! I can see the trichomes glistening out the side cut. very nice.
:weed: shure to be a mind melter. :peace:happy trails! have a wonderful week:bigjoint:
Howdy, Ive been busy getting the new tent up and sorted, its took me all weekend as every morning ive had a j from that dog and its kept me in the chair wanting to do nothing but EAT. Did you find that ith it at all ? Very tasty, it was a real treat not too unlike the sweet Fireball's. ( did you get a fem btw ) Mine's still way to small to try them but i have been looking about on info on the 3 headed dog and came across some interesting info. There's alot on it, this was one that stuck out...

The list of common trait's are bang on with this one i have, almost them all!

Westy, they sound freakin Funky geez!
Haha, You can really catch a whiff of coffee after a fresh grind, how many week's was that to flower ?

1 out 3 is good man, you'll be chuffed thinking they were all dude's
Again, or is this the same branch lol, that'll be qrazy flav F.B x Psyco.

Im at a loss as what to do with this new tent? Na fekkin bottom hole's for in-take or nothing man!
i just built my breeding box 24in deep X 34 in long X 49 in tall:) also built a new veg cab on top of the old one. i am moving the veg to the new one and flowering under leds in the old one. have a lot of new space and can add one more veg cab as soon as i can it is going on top of the breeding cab for a total of 6 cabs. may have to talk abou some of those ph X fb;)smoked some bp and it was almost a copy of cof's bx1 dog i smoked and will be pulling a more livers heavy pheno in a couple days
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I'm looking at 2ft wide 3ft long and 5'6 tall. it's going to have a cool hooded CFL in there for the time being then i'll switch it over to a 600 HPS.

I want the psycho x FB to be at least F2 before peeps get testers but shure man!

had a bad day cycling today got 1.3 mile down a huge hill then blew a back tyre and had to walk it home as my pump was knackered. bad times lol.

late night pr0n

amaryllis/DSCF2146.JPG DSCF2154.JPG DSCF2160.JPG psychosis/doggy nug
i got loose with the FB pollen and got my all my alligator kushs, so we are going to have some Gator Balls beans coming. hell i think it is gator season here in a week or so i may have to get some alligator balls, or some tail meat and cook it:razz:
Gaterballs sounds kool dr! Or Cayman kahones lol

No dst the plant is cosis the bug is dog, just wanted to take some pics as I'd bought a new charger, old one was 'tidied' up somewhere .....

You wait though it is coming!