BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

The one from CAP called ozn-1, with the cover off facing a larger reflective surface in the tote. It says it will treat 5500 sq ft. It's in the attic but I'll be tearing down pretty soon and I'll snap some pics then.
yea i read some crazy stuff that to make it effective you have to pass it though like 8 meters of of exhaust ?!?! i wouldn't have room for the tent let alone 8 meters of pipe
Well I'm potted up took some livers and dog cuts, just did coco & rooting pooder and into the heated prop. I really need this lot to take or my rotations screwed.

Took 3 dog last night, doesn't look massive yield but the nugs look lovely.

And lastly I think the 3 fireballs I have are all blokes ffs wounded. Stuck them in the tent anyway I'm hoping I'm wrong!
have you tried to make any livers s1?
Ya but the exhaust doesn't have to be a straight line, the idea is to mix the ozone in. A coil of pipe or a baffle box gives you run length minus the distance and if you have it in the intake negative pressure side of a centrifugal fan the flow isn't diminished significantly. Not that I'm trying to convince you, just what I have done to handle the implementation.
have you tried to make any livers s1?

thought about it but it's already been done man check ugorg seeds out. and it seems they've just done psychosis as well. i was going to get that going this year but meh you snooze you lose eh.
Ya but the exhaust doesn't have to be a straight line, the idea is to mix the ozone in. A coil of pipe or a baffle box gives you run length minus the distance and if you have it in the intake negative pressure side of a centrifugal fan the flow isn't diminished significantly. Not that I'm trying to convince you, just what I have done to handle the implementation.
I'm with you man, it never crossed my mind to even attempt it!
what's the little black spots mate?

need to get a detailed description of the way you do it, looks like a reasonable straight forward way. You reckon I could use this Polish vodka to winterize it?
Which pic re you referring to re black bits? The 4th is just stuff I scraped off the bowl sides with a scalpel, the last two are after winterizing which are mostly bubble shadows the odd very far spot I guess must be my carelessness and some sort of contaminant, flecks of weed probably, I'll take some snaps of the process or rather the working bits in a bit lad.

As for the Polski spirytus I'm not sure man, you'd have to try it or check out that matt rize thread he'll know.

Still stoned over this morning. By a long way....
it's pretty straight forward D, you freeze your trim inside the thermos about 2/3 full or however much you want to but 2/3 full is about the top you want to push to. i took the cap bit off the thermos and put some bigger drain holes through:
screw it back on the thermos
blast a couple of tins of butane into it ( which is re-usable if your doing double thermos runs btw).
run it through a coffee filter or similar just to keep the stuff in the thermos:


then ban marie it or for the non kitchen fire enthusia let it evap naturally...


then when it's almost all evapped or if you want to i guess you could purge it at this point but i don't bother i just gently heat a couple of times while it's still fairly liquid then mix in the ethanol and put it back in the freezer overnight or about 8 hours if your in a rush.

then take the thing out again and coffee filter it again but into a bottomless jug:
DSCF2072.JPG DSCF2074.JPG it's easier to tape the filter in place or peg it fyi
put it back in the freezer to drip through and your left with all the waxy plant fat stuff in the filter and nice clean oil in the pyres which you just evap naturally.

and that's that start to finish. i have neglected to tell the missus where the tea towel has gone missing too and why the bin smells funny.:fire:
So is that just a normal thermos flask? Have you drilled a hole in the top? Looks like you drilled a hole, then made that big opening afterwards? I am guessing the thermos is just another way instead of a tube? (with the added bonus that the liquid gas is not evaporating but extracting/stiping more from the plant?!?!

And this is the pic with a few black spots....reason I ask is that with the alcohol extraction you sometimes get darker bits in the extract.
yup that's it exactly bro, thermos does indeed just hold the gas for longer so your deffo getting all you can out of the material. i reckon you could get a nuts yield doing a bud run. unfortunate thing is the ethanol wash does strip some of the flavour out.

as for the black bits, i honestly don;t know, i had a drink while i was pouting it through the filter could have been a slip could have been left over goo in the pyrex from last time idk!?
Be it ethanol alcohol sprit or iso its like its either taking good flavour or adding bad. The last few bho runs ive made i have worked it a lot on heat whipping it then freeze and whip again. Havent had headache oil in a while just awesome stickyness with great taste. That tube is perfect for me. Find it very easy and seems somewhat safe :P
Feel so bad thinking about that fucking posty. Ill try again soon with a more mcgyver approach to the package. Not so much at a time tho..
Ah man shit happens especially with our post!

In other news it appears I have two males and a girl fireball so I've took 3 snips, still not sure I'll keep the males, tho thy do look decent just exactly the same lol