Baywatcher's Basement Blowout

Just finished a morning of garden work. I'd hoped to finish up my flower chamber today as well, but I'm afraid the volume of soil/water/plant moving I did has left me slightly crippled. I am out of farming shape. :)

Today's List:
* Moved the final three LSDs from 2-gallon to 7-galloon. I removed all the existing tie-downs and just did some minimal redirection to get an even canopy.
* Moved the five original Hash Passion clones (that I still don't know the sex for) from the cloner into red cups. They were starting to rebel against having been in the cloner over a month. I'm hoping sex will show in the next week on them. I'll post some pictures this week, maybe y'all can read them better than me.
* Took clones from one of the Critical Jacks and the Kaboom.
* Went through about 20 gallons of water when it was all said and done

That pretty much completes what will be my first round of harvest. I'm hoping at least two of the four Hash Passion are female. There won't be anything else going into 7 gallons for 2-3 weeks I'm thinking. I'm really looking forward to seeing how everything comes out -- it will simplify my life greatly when I'm only trying to juggle one (at most two) phenos of each strain. Right now I'm tracking/cloning 28 individual seeds. Once I've picked the best of each strain, I'll be down to 9 individual plants -- much saner.


I know I always say it man, but they are looking great. I agree about tracking so many plants, I'm doing the same thing narrowing down the selection.
A nice relaxing evening in the basement. Took clones and started mainline on a couple more Critical Jacks and one Pineapple Express. Applied compost tea to everyone. Also, all five Blackberry's germinated!
Mid-week update. First, I think I've got another definitive sex. Sadly, this time it's male I think, and it's my most vigorous Hash Passion. :( Other than that, everything is looking good.



Good news, the big plant I thought was the male (front & center in last pic) turns out not to be. Unfortunately, I still don't know its sex.
Yay, the water department has to change out a meter in my basement. Good thing I haven't set up the flowering chamber yet, since they'd have to walk through the middle of it...

I needed to clean up down there anyway.
Yeah, but the timing is about as good as it's going to get. Four months from now the room would have 20 or so 7 gallon pots full of flowers in it.

I'm just going to start manually moving the HP that's ready to flower into a dark closet for 12 hours/day until they've come and gone.... I'll have everything else zipped up inside the tent in a completely different room in the basement, probably with an ionizer running. Hopefully they'll be in and out in one afternoon.
I killed off the two known male Hash Passions, and moved the known female HP clone out of a red cup into a 2 gallon. I took the top pair of clones off of almost all the Critical Jack and Pineapple Express plants, and topped them for the 4-head mainline if they hadn't been already. I have one PE that is growing nothing like any of the others, I'm curious to see how it turns out.



Next, some mainlined LSD -- a 16-head and a couple of 8s.



Worked my ass off this weekend prepping for a 90 second utility dude visit :) With the tent sealed up and an ionizer running in the basement, there's no detectable odor, so that's good to know as we enter the parent/in-law visit season.
Just picked up 18 oz of wet White Widow x Blueberry trim. It's in the freezer now, I'll be getting up early in the morning to do an ice hash run.
Nice I would love 18oz of trim to work with. I've got about 6 I gotta run this week, gonna make some oil! Also your plants are looking really nice man.
Thanks. This came from 3 monster plants. The plants themselves yielded 8-9z dry each. Seeing the results the grower is getting with 15g pots has made me start thinking about trying some -- do a 16- or 32-head mainline in a 15g pot. Mmmmmm. Colas.
Man I've grown bushes, and they are wonderful and will definitely yield. However I HATE trimming bushes, and hate vegging plants more then I need to, thus why I grow the way I do currently. I personally liked the way your room looks, a good number of medium size plants I think gives you a nice balance. You aren't vegging for months to get big bushes, and you still have a few numbers so you could stagger the harvests and make it perpetual. Thats what my brother just started doing. He was growing 1-2 bigger bushes, and over the last few months has transitioned to more smaller plants to save on trimming and down time between harvests.