bathroom grow ideas

All Day Toker

Active Member
Hey guys im new to growing, ive been a member for a while reading and learning, I need help in setup for equipment.... Money for equipment isnt a problem... Bathroom is 6x6x9... any help is greatly appreciated...:joint:


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Btw.. Im looking to do a 600w or 1000w setup, I just need ideas mainly on how to properly vent the bathroom...I live in a town house, im pretty sure that exhaust fan in the bathroom leads to the top of the house, the bathroom is connected to the second bedroom which is my jane room ill post pics of that later..
thanks for that clearing that up, but my main question is how do I get the air intake into the bathroom, and is there a way i can use that exhaust fan i have in there already, obviously id change the one thats there for a better fan... thanks again if any one else has any ideas please help me out need to start growing asap wasting to much green on green :):joint:
I would, as you said, replace the exhaust fan with a cetrifugal, hook your carbon filter to it and use that as your exhaust...

I would personally use passive intake for your set up...

No ducts no fans... just whatever leaks into the room... you may have to make a vent if the room is air tight...
Where can i get a cetrifugal do they sell it at the hydroponics store? Because i live right by one :) ya the bathroom has a door so i will probally need to get some a/c in there to cool it down, i have an idea on what i might be able to do ill try it out if it doesnt work ill be back, with that space what do you think is better a 600 or 1000w? thanks again for all ur replies ur the only one thats helped me out.:joint:
I would remove the toilet, but leave the bathtub, could be quite useful. I would but a piece of plywood over 3/4 of the bathtub for more space too, young plants could go there, big plants on the main floor.

It really depends if you want to clear out the bathroom or not. If you want to go all out, you could tear out the counters and everything and have a good grow room.

Are you trying to preserve your bathroom or are you just going for it??

Im planning on removing the toilet leaving the tub, I thought about that plywood idea i was just going to put plywood to cover the whole tub and then put the plants on there and make like a lil table area where the toilet is and maybe have one or two more plants there, the bathroom does not have any cabinets nor a sink just toilet and tub,
OK.. before you go spend any money...

You seem to be a cool dude... and you are willing to listen...

If you would like to, I could help you set up a kick ass ebb flow, perpetual SOG, that would keep you smiling forever....

I will let you do your thing, but I promise you that if you follow the same recipe I do (Al B. Fuct's) you will be happier than a pig in shit...

The first thing you have going for you is that bath tub.... you have a built in hydro reservoir, that will never leak and has quick and easy drainage..

I would build a wooden support for a true 4'x4' ebb/flow tray and slap a 1k over it...

We can build you a small tent, if you have no other space, where you keep moms and clones...

It's up to you... but it's just like baking a cake... no guessing.. it's all done by numbers...

And just so you know I am not blowing hot air up your skirt... here is my op...

Indicas @ 6 weeks...








Satvas @ 6 weeks...






The Op...



What do you think?

thanks, lol well if u say i can be as happy as a pig in shit im all ears what do i need to do to make a grow like that, sorry i couldnt see the pics idk if its my laptop or the site, I did read that thread great read, instead running duct to get a/c what if i buy a small a/c that will keep the temp perfect in there what you suggest ? thanks again
thanks, lol well if u say i can be as happy as a pig in shit im all ears what do i need to do to make a grow like that

Well, first of all, before you spend a cent or sprout a seed, we need to have a plan and you need to have complete understanding of how and why the op works...

I say we start with the design of the room...

I suggest, as I said, a 4x4 (I recommend Botanicare) ebb flow tray ...

An air cooled 1k HPS over it...

You already have the exhaust plan down, right?

A centrifugal fan (6" 440CFM) drawing air from the op through a carbon filter, and exhausting it wherever the original bath exhaust goes...

We now need to figure out where to draw the fresh air for the light...


This may be one of those rare situations where it may warrant doing things abit "the wrong way"... hehhemmmm ....

If you got an 8" fan with filter you could do away with the need for fresh air for the light, although I must warn you, this will make the overall efficiency of your ventilation system suffer...making your ac work harder...

So you could, against all that I know and have done, run like this...


But as I said... that is far from ideal and will make your temp contro suffer...

You already have a big ass res... so we are good there...

Do you understand the principles of ebb flow?

This animation should help...


So what are we missing ?

, sorry i couldnt see the pics idk if its my laptop or the site,

Bummer try again man.. you will like it..

I did read that thread great read,

Yup... he does good, uncle Al....

instead running duct to get a/c what if i buy a small a/c that will keep the temp perfect in there what you suggest ?

Ac will still require some venting right? I suppose you could exhaust into a "Y" and dump it out wiith the ops air

thanks again

You are welcome...
GypsyBush said:
So what are we missing?

I am going to star making a list of things you will need...

it will grow and we'll prioritize as we go along...

4x4 ebb/flow tray with fill & drain fittings and supports to hold it above the tub (I suggest 2x4s)

185gph water pump and tubing to match both fill and drain fittings (you can skip the overflows tubing if you don't mind the deep sound of water falling....

Air pum and air stone with the tubbing(recommend lots of air, just an qauarium pump is ok)

1k digital MH/HPS 110/220v ballast/socket and bulb...

Big air cooled hood (6" or8" flanges depending on the size fan you choose)

Timer... We'll get into it later, but I DEFF. recommend running 220v into a 30 amp timer box...(more on that later, but here is a link )

Exhaust fan and MATCHING carbon filter (filters are rated for CFM)

Ducting to match the flanges (6" or 8")

PPM/pH meter ( I use and love Hanna's Grocheck - )

Oscilating fans to keep air moving in the op... ( recommend 2, one pointed UPish and one DOWNish from opposite ends of the room)

Nutrients and additives...(more on that later..)

Pots to fill your tray...

Hydroton to fil your pots...

RW cubes or RR plugs for cloning...

A t-5 ho 8 bulb 4ft fixture for the moms (400 watt HO T-5)

A home made (or Botanicare) small ebb flow tray with res for the moms (look here for great info on DIY ebb/flow How do I make an ebb & flow )

a low table to set the clones next to the moms...

Some PVC or 1x1s to make a frame around the moms...

Panda film to cover the frame and light proof the mom "tent"...


I am sure there's more...
wow lol idk where to start on how to thank u for all that info on what i need it is alot, i dont know much about how to use a ebb flow, can u explain that to me a lil so i can get an understanding before i start to invest, also do u think 1000w is to much i dont want to grow more than 5-6 plants i only need enough for me and my wife? Also dont want to have the electricty bill going up to much?im trying to keep a low profile i like this place very much and dont need any trouble with the law, i do like the idea of having mothers and cloning, first i want to set up the actual grow before i get into the mothers/cloning part, sorry one last thing im still not sure on how to cool the bathroom what do u suggest for that ? thanks
ur pics opened now wow man thats really ur setup ? that is beautiful i have to hand it to you, how to i rep you on this site? btw one more question what u think i can yield off of 5 to 6 plants i have skunk, trainwreck, big cheese,and PPP
wow lol idk where to start on how to thank u for all that info on

I was helped when I first came here...

All I ask is that you get your shit together.. and after a few harvests.. do what we do and help a newb get set up...

what i need it is alot,

Well, at least you don't need all this on top of a bunch of junk you bought in a

i dont know much about how to use a ebb flow, can u explain that to me a lil so i can get an understanding before i start to invest,

It is very basic...

But you must not be seeing the pictures I am posting... I put a really nice animation a few posts back...


You have your tub filled with the nutrient solution...

A 185gph water pump will pump the solution up to the tray with a hose, through the "FILL/DRAIN" fitting.. which is the lowest spot on the tray...

The pump will continue to fill the tray until the level hits the "OVERFLOW" fitting... which pipes the excess water back to the tub... thus preventing the OVERFLOW ...

After a few minutes flooded, the pump stops and the water returns to the res in the same "FILL/DRAIN" hose... which is the lowest spot....

It is really simple, and with the tray above the res, chances of a big mess are

Hope this helps, but man... that .GIF I posted is a way better explanation...

also do u think 1000w is to much

Well... it depends....

A 1k HPS will put out buds that have no competition indoors...

You will see BIG, CRYSTALLY buds that you will hardly believe your eyes... or the fact that you grew them...

A 600 will fall short both in size and density as well as coverage area...

With that said...

I use 600 HPS in my op...

I choose to go with them for some of the same reasons you mentioned... and the fact that they put out considerably less heat...

In the end, it all boils down to grams per watt... how many dollars you burned to get how many grams to smoke...

Yes the bill may be higher, but the reefer will be chaper...

Did that make any sense?

Grams per Watt?

i dont want to grow more than 5-6 plants i only need enough for me and my wife?

You have a choice here...

I can point you to other grows that do fewer, bigger plants...

like Heath's

And MBlaze's

But I have specialized in SOG.. and I did that because I thought it was the type of op that gave the most bang for my buck... or the best G/W rating...

I am not saying my way or the hygway.. not at all.. but I know that my knowledge is limited to what I have done... and SOG is what I do...

With that in mind...

I have a botanicare tray.. 48x48x7...

I fit 48 lollipops in it... 7 rows of 7, minus one for the the drain fill fittings...

Under my 600HPS, I average 20g per lollipop... with some much bigger...

20g x 48 = 960g

960g / 600w = 1.6 grams per watt...

Some would argue that I have not included ALL of the accessories in that calculation... but I am trying to keep it simple... and I know that if "they" also include everything, they are not getting 1g/w either...

I am generalizing.. please take everything I say with a grain of

Anyways... you are peobably going HOLY SHIT! that's a lot!

and yes it is a healthy harvest.. but let's rationalize this for a

If you did a perpetual harvest, you would harvest (bear with me, lets say you get 10g a piece) 120g every two weeks...

Let's see what we could do with that...

The best oz should be slow dried and cured to the highest standards... this will not be smoked for a long time, so it is imperative to do it right or it will mold... this is your head stash..

It's the stuff you take on special occasions... that you gift to people you respect... and it's worth more than gold.. for it is a crop's best...

The next oz I imagine can be consumed in the 2 weeks, between you and your wife... I am just guessing here, I have noidea how much you smoke...

This is the second best oz, you keep it for you and your closest...

The third and fourth would be sort of

I always gift my friends and even strangers...

I much rather give a bum a bud than a dollar.... but that's just

Apart from the gifts, wouldn't it be nice to get into cooking with cannabis.???

And also to make a bit of hash...

Not second grade "trim" stuff... I am talking about food products and hash made from pure mature bud... high quality you can't buy anywhere...

Cakes.. brownies... ice creams... yummy....

Also dont want to have the electricty bill going up to much?

If I remember correctly... a 600w HPS adds 30 to 50 a month...

Granted that is not everything... one of my buds pays for that difference...

And also think that I am typing on a cpu pulling 500w...

the sewer heat plug I use all winter pulls 2500 watts......

600w or even 1k isn;t a flag...

ten would

im trying to keep a low profile i like this place very much and dont need any trouble with the law,

I hear you!

Then it becomes all the more important to get a good quality fan...

maybe even investing in a bigger fan than you need, so you can tone it down to 50% or 60%...

A bigger fan running slower will be quieter and draw less power than a smaller one balls out...

There is also the possibility of mountaing the fan inside of an insulated box... greatly reducing noise as well...

Fans are loud... and so is the water falling from the tary to the res, through the over flow, unless you use a hose that reaches the solution...

It's little things like that that get some people in trouble...

Neighbors notice weird noises....

i do like the idea of having mothers and cloning,

For SOG it is imperative that you do...

and it is a GREAT way to preserve DNA that you like... when a mom gets tired and old.. you just veg one of her clones into the next mom... lol.. super pratical...

first i want to set up the actual grow before i get into the mothers/cloning part,

Now you are putting the carriege in front of the horses...

You need to grow your seeds out...

Take clones from those plants AFTER YOU MARKED THEM...

then you force flower the clones as soon as they have roots...

WHen they show sex, you will know the sex of the corresponding mom... or dad...

Kill all the males as soon as you find them...

Pollen will get everywhere... I mean it... it;s designed by Mother Nature to do

So kill the males and continue veging the moms...

When the moms are able to give you the size clones you want, you clone them and flower the cuttings...

Again, all of my advice will instinctively be more applicable to a perpetual SOG...... but you can the jist...

sorry one last thing

Don't apologize...

It;s all good man .. ask away...

im still not sure on how to cool the bathroom what do u suggest for that ?

I am not sure I understand your question...

I thought you wanted to vent through the top...

Or are you talking about AC?

I have no idea about AC cause I live in winter land... Summer is 60F for and it's just a month or 30 to 40 below is more like it for most of the year...

I got Arctic

You're welcome...
Read carefully.. there is a lot of information there...

I am a very literal person... and I try not to waste too many words... so each one counts to make the "big picture"...

Yeah I'm a little crazy... but it's ok.. I enjoy

Thanks for the compliment...

As for yield... that is a magic question...

MBlaze and Heath and FDD (FDD is outdoors) all get well over a pound per plant...

I get 20g per plant... but I don't have just one or

And I would deff. want to make moms of all those strains...
Son of a bitch gypsy, your DIY tent looks a lot like mine. I knew I shoulda put a copywright on it. lol j/k


Clones/Seedlings up top and veg time on the bottom.

I wanted to try SoG but wasn't ready for a full hydro setup so I did soil and not so much SoG. This first round hasn't been so great, but I'll get the hang of it or convert to hydro.

Flowering in here