bathroom grow ideas

WOW! That looks sharp!

I like it!

Soil is so simple...

Until you have to figure out deficiencies.. dispose of it... carry it... get rid of pests....

I love soil...

But +rep for a real nice set-up...

I wish you luck on this harvest!!!

Now.. if you were feeling adventurous... you could try and do something fast and furious like this...

How do I make an ebb & flow

or even dirty and dingy like my own DIY Hydro Thingy

It's easy... there is no guessing, you grow by numbers... like baking a cake...

Water goes down the drain.. and out the faucet.. no need for hauling dirt around...and it is waaay easier to clean and sterilize a hydro op than a soil op...

But, Please... You are doing great... don;t take me wrong...

Thought I'd share...

Here is the place where the clones come from... :hump:



I do understand it better now thanks and ya the lil pic u posted is coming out now I saw how it works, really cool actually, I don’t have space for a home for mothers right now but im hoping to make room for some in the near future , Ive heard of the lollipop method u speak of heard good reviews from it also but for that I need more plants correct ? im really only trying to grow no more than 8 so what do u suggest is the best method for me ? I know u seem to be a very literal person I like that trust me Im not wasting ur time everything u say im soaking up I really appreciate ur help and will do the same once I am in a position to help others. Yes im using the exhaust fan it has, but I need ac how would I vent the a/c , should I buy a unit or some how run duct from an outside room to throw air into the grow chamber? K im excited to get started next wk ill get that toilet out and start to scrub down the place , what fans do u recommend and light so I can get started on purchasing that stuff also … as I always say thanks agsain u have really got me motivated..
oh! oh!

Is that good or bad...?


But seriously Weedman... you know enough to chime in with your pros and cons...

Won't you suggest a possible plan for Toker to follow?

oh! oh!

Is that good or bad...?


But seriously Weedman... you know enough to chime in with your pros and cons...

Won't you suggest a possible plan for Toker to follow?


haha its good, i just saw the book your writing here ... im just shocked how much time you put into your responses .
i like the idea of using the tub as a res, if heat is going to be a issue... may just want to go with the 600w.
obvisouly i highly recommend having a seperate veg room because perpetual is the shit :hump:
Yeah... I guess I have been getting a little carried away...

But it's my leg again...

It started acting up again, and I am trying to stay off of it as much as I can...

I have another surgery coming up... sometimes I do wish they would just cut the fucker off... but there is still a chance of fixing it... I hope...

Pain sucks... and RIU has become my

Plus... having someone willing to listen and not gamble with their investment is a big plus in trying to help someone...

I am not the lollipop nazi some have come to think of me as...

That is just the area that I am specializing in.. therefore it's what I know...

I can't advise anyone on soil... that's where folks like you come in... and chime in with the pros and cons...


Toke wants to keep the plant count down...

So we may be looking at some topped plants... and what not...

In all reality, you have much more experience with this size plant than I do...

Have you seen MBlaze's tree?

He grows using coco...... HUGE TREES...

I think we should all brainstorm, and figure out what is the best way for him...

The moment we get away from SOG, I start to question ebb/flow as a good method...

DWC creates much better "bigger" plants in my opinion...

and it seems that coco kicks ass too...

All I am saying is that we are walking away from what I know here... so it will take all of us to come up with an ideal solution...

And it might help you in your choices too...

Thanks for stopping by (like it's my journal...hahahaha)..

to grow a big bush in soil you gotta plan on veggin it for 2 months.
the perfect size bushes for my room are 12-18" tall and have about 10 tops when they go into flower
Doesnt need to be soil, i really like the SOG method but that requires more trees and im trying to keep the tree count low, yes i want to eventually have mothers also but till i find where to set that up ill just start with this, what brand light and how big of an exhaust fan do i need
I have had really good luck with HTG supply's


I also have a Galaxy 600 digi, but I am not pleased with it... I has quit firing HPS bulbs and will only fire a MH now...

Another thing is that the Galaxy is more meant for a Greenhouse/high humidity setup.. so it is sealed... and gets hot...


Htg's ballasts would not withstand the humidity, but it is vented and has a built in fan... it's cool to the touch even after being on all day...

Now... I have done some research, and decided that when it is time to replace, I will go with Lumatek's products...

With that said...

You can save a ton by going old school and getting a magnetic ballast...

One of these kits inside of an old army munitions box works like a charm too...


As for a reflector, I have a few different ones...

I like the cool sun the best... the quality of the product and the light dispersion seem to beat the other reflectors I have... better craftsmanship for sure... and it has a 6" flange...


As for exhaust and odor control, this is pretty much what I use... just a different brand...

And Also ... I am just using theses as examples... you can buy equivalent locally...

But I would recommend the better quality/warranty VORTEX brand fans... more expensive they last longer and run a fair bit quieter than most...


You can also opt for a 8" setup with a speed controller.. which will allow you to control the flow to your specs but also be quieter and draw less power...

Big fan @50%is less noisy than little fan @100%


I would use solid ducting where you can... the so convenient "soft" ducts steal cfm and make noise like crazy... use the flex duct IF and WHERE you need it only...

So how are we doing?

Something I just saw online...

I guess if you have cold enough water you can just dump the air into your op ... kinda like ac...

Not sure how well it works, but for an enclosed space, it is deff. worth investigating...

Your not suppose to use your regular water, you need to buy a chiller.

They do work, I want to invest in some eventually. I've heard that they can manage temps so well that you dont need AC, just a chiller to pump cold water.

Thanks gypsy taken note of the lights and the equipment, I am really intrested in the heat exchanger, i think i would need a chiller thow im in florida water is probally to warm arent chiller expensive ?
I am pretty sure that as BC noted above, you will need a chiller of some sort...

The question is...

What is more efficient (cheaper in the long run)... AC in the room or cooling the water?

I have never run or even seen the type of chiller we are talking about... but my gears are turning...

Bear with me... these are raw thoughts...

The refrigerators now days have a water dispenser... cold water dispenser... hmmmm

Does your fridge have that?


An ice chest with a serpentine, much like they use for kegs of beer... filled with ice... it should last a few days at least...


use the ac and air cooling as planned, and add the heat exchanger running room temperature water...

Even tap water in Florida will be cooler than the air inside of that hood...

.. hummm...

What are your thoughts?


This is what you would be looking for. Something like a 1/2 or 3/4 HP chiller would be overkill for 1-2 lights, but would leave a TON of room for expantion to watercool anything in the grow room. Lights, Res, Intake, Exhaust. All could be ran off 1 single chiller to replace the AC all together.

The thing I like most about them, with aircooled hood you eliminate all that ducting. Which potentially means you could seal off your grow room 100%, have a single exhaust fan that comes on at night or if it gets too hot, and inject pure c02 without ever wasting any of the c02.\\

And you could still have an AC in the room, but you would only need to use it when absolutely necessary. The problem I find with AC is also they lower humidity, so if your needing to run your AC a lot, your humidity is going to be really low all the time.
