Bad advice!!!!


Ursus marijanus
you would post a picture of a dirt girl that did everyone at a party... So ya just blew ur spot up that u are getting no ass and have nothing better to do then bitch about peoples lame ass answers.....Perfect
We does love us some dirt girls on this site. cn


Well-Known Member
you would post a picture of a dirt girl that did everyone at a party... So ya just blew ur spot up that u are getting no ass and have nothing better to do then bitch about peoples lame ass answers.....Perfect
well since my wife just had our child less than 10 days ago, yeah i guess your right i am not getting much ass right now.


Active Member
ROFL, They love it when they get up at night to deal with a screaming child and there you are snoring away !

My wife still to this day holds that against me ! (my wife)" I was up all night with our crying baby, around 3:30 AM you roll over and say (me) Cant you shut that kid up, I'm trying to sleep here" (wife) Starts balling" ! Oh those where the days !!


Well-Known Member
I agree with the OP 100%. The problem I see is you have a bunch of people who come here to learn how to grow and they are too lazy to do a little reasearch so they ask questions and alot of times people with near zero experience themselves answer in an attempt to sound smart and then the first guy runs around spreading that bad advice and it just snowballs out of control. That is why this site is flooded with bad info and ignorance and people are arguing all the time. I dont even ask questions publicly here anymore. All my questions get asked via PM to someone that I know has a decent bit of knowledge. Alot of times I am amazed most of the newbies here can complete a grow with all the bad info floating around this site.


Well-Known Member
i always do my best to answer someone even if im not 100% i like to try and help and alot of people are the same way. they want to help. but when im not 100% sure of my answer i make it very clear that there is a good chance i could be wrong.

i know myself have spread advice that i have read on here thats been wrong. but like i said i always give a "disclaimer" stating that im no pro and that they may want to get a second opinion. then if the person follows my advice without that second opinion then its thier fault.
Alright guys, I am by no means a "Professional grower" but i have read and understand enough to be able to sometimes give the best advice i can offer.

What I am getting sick of is people on these forums clicking a thread taking 2 seconds to look at the couple of pictures someone posts and giving them the famous

"cal/mag deficiency add epsom salts"


"its nute burn flush immidiatly!!!"

without even taking the time to read through what the person wrote.

so first, if you dont have the time or patience to fully read what the person asking advice wrote and just want to look at the pic and provide some cheapshit diagnosis, dont bother. this person will probally take what you say literally and end up killing his grow because he listened to some dipshit who is too lazy to gather all the information before judging the situation.

and second, if you fully read the article and are even the smallest bit unsure, tell them that so that they can wait for a second opinion. there is nothing wrong with being humble and trying to help but admitting that you may be wrong, but in your honest opinion this is what you BELIEVE the issue is.
i think its a mag deficit or nute burn just flush asap


Well-Known Member
well since my wife just had our child less than 10 days ago, yeah i guess your right i am not getting much ass right now.
last time I checked babies didn't come out of the whats wrong with that hole at the moment? I thought that's what you use when the vagina is out of commission :D


Well-Known Member
For any new grower reading this. I would bet that 70% of the suggestions given on forums is somewhat incorrect, or down right wrong. Never just take one persons advice, wait for multiple people to tell you the same thing. Also get a good recommended book on growing. GG


Well-Known Member
last time I checked babies didn't come out of the whats wrong with that hole at the moment? I thought that's what you use when the vagina is out of commission :D
she had a C section so she is in alot of pain. its not so much the hole but when it hurts her to move i have to respect that. i didnt say i dont utilize other "methods"


Well-Known Member
she had a C section so she is in alot of pain. its not so much the hole but when it hurts her to move i have to respect that. i didnt say i dont utilize other "methods"
She want the C-Section or did the doctors tell her to have one for no fucking reason? Doctors have a tenancy to do that lately so they don't have to birth a child in the middle of the night...the lazy wife gave birth at night every time...with 0 pain meds, and nothing after the birth either :D


Well-Known Member
She want the C-Section or did the doctors tell her to have one for no fucking reason? Doctors have a tenancy to do that lately so they don't have to birth a child in the middle of the night...the lazy wife gave birth at night every time...with 0 pain meds, and nothing after the birth either :D
her first child got stuck and it ended up being an emergency C section. she opted for the c section on her second child. this was her 3rd child and she could have tried to have him vaginaly but she would have had to be transported to a hospital that is an hour away because our local hospital does not offer the option for a VBAC (vaginal birth afte c section)

it was baisicly her choice but the choice wa spretty much made up for her as we didnt want to have to travel that far when she went into labor.