Bad advice!!!!


Well-Known Member
Alright guys, I am by no means a "Professional grower" but i have read and understand enough to be able to sometimes give the best advice i can offer.

What I am getting sick of is people on these forums clicking a thread taking 2 seconds to look at the couple of pictures someone posts and giving them the famous

"cal/mag deficiency add epsom salts"


"its nute burn flush immidiatly!!!"

without even taking the time to read through what the person wrote.

so first, if you dont have the time or patience to fully read what the person asking advice wrote and just want to look at the pic and provide some cheapshit diagnosis, dont bother. this person will probally take what you say literally and end up killing his grow because he listened to some dipshit who is too lazy to gather all the information before judging the situation.

and second, if you fully read the article and are even the smallest bit unsure, tell them that so that they can wait for a second opinion. there is nothing wrong with being humble and trying to help but admitting that you may be wrong, but in your honest opinion this is what you BELIEVE the issue is.


New Member
I am sure this thread will clear this issue right up..........nice sentiment and all, but this is the 'net. Where overnight experts are born........


Well-Known Member
yeah im sure it will end up in the bottom of the pile somewhere but hey i tried right. :)

not really attempting to clear up the issue anyways, just making a statement. maybe 1 person will read and think twice before handing out that "quick advice" and actually read the long boring story that goes with the pictures


Well-Known Member
i just urinate in my plants. all the Pros like myself do it :dunce:

no just kidding lol, although i did see a post on here where that was advice given


Active Member
Looks like she has been feed a little heavy on the nutrients! She probably is do for a good flushing out. :-P

I completely agree with the opening post.
Another one I see a lot is: You need to flush (all the time) When in fact the thing is starving for nutes!


Well-Known Member
Looks like she has been feed a little heavy on the nutrients! She probably is do for a good flushing out. :-P

I completely agree with the opening post.
Another one I see a lot is: You need to flush (all the time) When in fact the thing is starving for nutes!
i just ran into a post that was the same deal, plant was going through N deficiency because the guy overfed his plants (hydro system) and flushed them and added straight tap water with no nutrients. one guy told him to cut back on the nutes. he would have known that the plants didnt have any nutes had he read the post. i see it all the time, even just recently seen a guy who had a slight yellowing ( i think it was a burn but wasnt sure) someone told him it was some sort of deficiency. a week later he reposted and his plant was just about dead.