Bad advice!!!!


Well-Known Member
see whats kinda fucked that a c-section doesn't damage the doesn't damage the puts a slit in the uterus...that's it...the whole "you are highly unlikely to be able to have a vaginal birth after a c-section" is crap...a vaginal birth is a vaginal birth is a vaginal birth...the only 'problem" after a c-section is the VERY low risk of having the original uterine scar tearing...6 out of 10 vaginal after c-section births go just fine, the other 4 have birthing issues to begin with that would make them prone to needing a c-section anyway, or overzealous doctors ;)

It's amazing when you look at hospitals c-section see some with very low rates(under 10%)...then you see others with 20-25%...and you start to wonder why...then you look at what makes up the hospital staffing at those hospitals. Ones with lower c-section rates are normally attributed to working with a group of midwives, vs hospitals with high rates that have nothing but doctors and a meat market mentality towards their patients ;)


Well-Known Member
yeah, i agree with you 100% and not trying to defend the hospital but she had issues with her first child due to too small of a space inbetween her hips. so in her case it was just easier than going through 12 hours of labor just to be cut open.

hospitals do just prefer the easy method wich is a quick surgery, this allows them to schedule the staff to be on duty during the operation and not have to be woried about being under staffed if something does go wrong.

i actually looked at the rates of C section when i was there and i was amazed how many births end up being a C section. i think this may also be due to lazy mothers who would rather a spinal and lay there while they just take the baby out than have to go throu hours of painfull labor and work.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i agree with you 100% and not trying to defend the hospital but she had issues with her first child due to too small of a space inbetween her hips. so in her case it was just easier than going through 12 hours of labor just to be cut open.

hospitals do just prefer the easy method wich is a quick surgery, this allows them to schedule the staff to be on duty during the operation and not have to be woried about being under staffed if something does go wrong.

i actually looked at the rates of C section when i was there and i was amazed how many births end up being a C section. i think this may also be due to lazy mothers who would rather a spinal and lay there while they just take the baby out than have to go throu hours of painfull labor and work.
^^ bingo...don't forget a c-section costs insurance companies a fuckton more and makes the hospital use more of their 1000% marked up products ;)

Also if shes lacking space between her hips, then that's YOUR fault for not fucking her hard enough to dislocate her hip a few times to make room :D teeheehee :razz::razz::razz:


Active Member
dude.. just use Advance Nutes.. youll get 2lbs off a 400w

in my brief time here i have learned the following lies

1. flushing solves every problem

2. advanced nutes gives you multiple pounds per grow.. regardless of lighting situation

3. regardless if i happened to be extremely knowledgeable in a particular subject.. i have less then 150 posts.. therefore i am wrong

4. GHSC has a 100% hermie rate


Well-Known Member
^^ bingo...don't forget a c-section costs insurance companies a fuckton more and makes the hospital use more of their 1000% marked up products ;)

Also if shes lacking space between her hips, then that's YOUR fault for not fucking her hard enough to dislocate her hip a few times to make room :D teeheehee :razz::razz::razz:
ok so you have taught me to

A: Fuck her harde
B: Fuck her in the ass
C: Fuck her harder in the ass


Well-Known Member
I so love a dirty girl that will take it in the ass, but i all ways kick em out in the am and never call em back.


Ursus marijanus
My ex had what mariner types would call a "blue-water beam", but our firstborn just barely made it out the usual way. The suction device needed to be used, and Daughter's head looked like a four-dollar muffin for a few days. When it was Son's turn, he was just enough bigger in that fat haid of his that he ... bounced, repeatedly. An emergency C-section was done, but the damage was already there from Daughter. Ex was looser than a wizard's sleeve after that ... cn

Arr give me a gal with a blue-water beam
A blue-water beam's for me
I give her the lan'ud
its towers of man'ood
She gives me the goddess the Sea.


Well-Known Member
ok on a serious note.

brainstorm with me. we need a way to give a bad advice tag to people, but it needs to be in a way its not being abused



Well-Known Member
i just read through s thread where people told a guy that these were male preflowers, i think the dude killed his plants ><


Well-Known Member
yep the dude killed his plant, 1 pic did look like a male plant and i read thru the entire thread and well its his own fault.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
dude eat a dick thats not even remotly what im saying, im just saying it would be nice to reconize bad advice just as its nice to reconize good advice
thats not even remotly what your saying, you keep going on and on pretty much insulting people trying to help and learn.
so some people are wrong in advice. now your posting shit to say see i told u, look at this.
jump into some of these threads and say u dont think thats the right advice for your problom. thats what others have done.


Well-Known Member
no im not insulting anyone. im simply saying if you are not 100% sure say so. give your advice but say, hey man im new to growing so im not 100% sure but from what i have gathered this is what i THINK the problem is.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
no im not insulting anyone. im simply saying if you are not 100% sure say so. give your advice but say, hey man im new to growing so im not 100% sure but from what i have gathered this is what i THINK the problem is.
and i agree with what u just said.