Ugly Betty D.O.B. 9-24-2010 UFO Dimafem Roadrunner.
Been buisy week for the old gal. Raised the roof, dropped her skirt, and trimmed her baggage.

That's her home. 30 yr. old entertainment center modified.

Glass door is nice for looking and studying while not disturbing the enviroment too terribly.

Makes for a nice night light too.

Stelth mode. New light is too hot and tall w/ housing. Plan on modifying. Top cover should come down just below the top of door. A little more entry deterent. Normally this would have my fly tying setup on top w/ vise.

Inside the top. New light is 70 watt HPS. I hate single / centered lighting for grows. Doomed to have a mate before next.

Beautiful well focused pic. Looks like a bucket of worms under her skirt. This gal could of easily used a 5 gal.!

She got pruned! Funny story time -
Got finished, put things away and went to empty the doggie dish. EMPTY! Looking around there's five finered palms torn to shit everywhere! We, had to clean that up before the wife gets home.
Craps out of beer! take the dogs out to leave and there's (again....) five finged palms all over the yard! (we have a doggie door) So I had to clean that up to. Only planned on getting a 6 pak, came home with 2.

Really thinned her out down under.

Kind of tugged on her wires and did a thin too. I keep trying count buds, but get lost.

Back in with room to spare and air in the hair.

A little bud porn? Now I've had a beer, did my medicine (a few times) and stared at this bud. Look about 2/3ds the way up, a little left of center. See the black like dot? Try looking at it stoned and tell me if it doesn't look like a herb fairy staring back at you. Hmmmmm. I need another hit.

One more shot because they're free.

... and I've got to put this in here again. Yes I'm happy as hell with that.

By the way it started out,,, it's come a long way.

A little something I've been thinking of.

I know, off topic.
Maybe next time I'll have some scope shots.