Well-Known Member
I know exactly what you mean 
Either way, it's a good idea.

Either way, it's a good idea.
Beware, this is like the Survivor series of AFs!guys this has been great i just got some autos this is my second grow first didnt make it when will there be another cage match im in
There you go! I'm going to call it Coyote, thanks for the clever name, saved me some thinking!call it "coyote" cause he's always trying to asassiante the roadrunner....also "The word assassin is derived from the word Hashshashin and shares its etymological roots with hashish....these assisans were belived to be under the infulence of the drug and that is where we get the word from... and they killed a ton of christians....thought id share
OKAY- I'm going to do the Mortal Combat thing. I'm working on the draft now. Hopefully it'll be up by tonight.I'm still in for the next comp, depending who starts it.
Hahaha! Yeah, knife to a gun fight. Thanks canon, that was really nie of you. Sorry I haven't been on in a while. Good looking plants people, I'll post my vote at the end.UTA-
Your "mailbox" is full and will not let me make vote. So here it is -
Where'd everyone go?
I ask questions and nobody makes a comment?
I just don't understand why people on this site and thread are the way they are I guess (must be me).
I'm quite disgusted with all this and will not be doing any Mortal anything.
Never got an answer to if I'm the last one,, how many are left,, who's in,, etc. and it's been asked a few times.
But, I'll make a vote.
I'll vote for the foolclap:
) that brought a knife to a gunfight ----- Nappa.
He was the only one that tried something out of the ordinary like I did and was willing to let the chips fall where they may. He also did a very impressive job at getting something from nothing. And displayed more restraint in the verbal battles than I or many others did.
Yup, Nappa gets my vote.
Kudos,, well done my friend.