Aussie Growers Thread

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
hahah love it.

@Ninja - For now would the white rhino be ok in plastic cups?....there are a good 38 or so seedlings and dont want to destroy any yet but as you could imagine 38 decent sized pots would be a tad fooking wasteful atm.
Coffee cups, yoghurt containers, half milk cartons etc, all good untill you get roots growing through them.



Well-Known Member
hahah love it.

@Ninja - For now would the white rhino be ok in plastic cups?....there are a good 38 or so seedlings and dont want to destroy any yet but as you could imagine 38 decent sized pots would be a tad fooking wasteful atm.
Get urself some plastic party cups, they'l see ya right 4 a couple of weeks. I find growth from seedling alot slower than from clone, so by then u should be able to select the pheno u want @ chop the rest for a small batch of butter.


Active Member
anyway please tell me... is there any procedure or what should I do prior to switching? Particularly when to feed. when to stop feeding in veg. and lighting - how long should I wait before actually turning the light on? i kno it's pretty straight forward but everyone usually has their own way of doing things. eg. one person I've heard gives a complete 24 hrs of darkness before exposing the plant to 12/12



Active Member
anyway please tell me... is there any procedure or what should I do prior to switching? Particularly when to feed. when to stop feeding in veg. and lighting - how long should I wait before actually turning the light on? i kno it's pretty straight forward but everyone usually has their own way of doing things. eg. one person I've heard gives a complete 24 hrs of darkness before exposing the plant to 12/12



Active Member
shit rusty you can go quite large in cups i see.

@Ninja thats exactly what im using mate ;)

White Rhino seedlings.jpg

The lights are two Grow lights 4' 36watt. They are about 20mm away give or take. (had to raise them a little to take the pic)

ALSO i have a good 10 or so in a large pot outside (as i ran out of cups). How would White rhino grow in such cold conditions at the moment? I was thinkign if they take of putting some in my compost just to see what happens...anyone compost grown before? (im thinking severe root burn?)


As Skiz said SLH is a Sativa & a monster performer outdoors!
As 4 when the best time is it's spring.. Fathers Day & Mothers Day r good benchmarks.. I coined a nice lil saying that's easy 2 remember - Til the Soil 4 ur Father & Pick the Flowers 4 ur Mother :-)
haha very nice saying, will remember that now!
might have to order some SLH in for fathers day then :bigjoint:

ive currently got some green o matics outside (my first grow), they just started to flower but aren't very big, guess the cold weather and winter sun cycle has slowed them a fair bit. also have 1 kush plant there, not sure what to expect from that.


Active Member
haha very nice saying, will remember that now!
might have to order some SLH in for fathers day then :bigjoint:

ive currently got some green o matics outside (my first grow), they just started to flower but aren't very big, guess the cold weather and winter sun cycle has slowed them a fair bit. also have 1 kush plant there, not sure what to expect from that.


Just finished my first one too. Its fun aye ;)

You could always take some clones and try veg them inside on a heat mat so when it warms up again you could start again?


Active Member
anyway please tell me... is there any procedure or what should I do prior to switching? Particularly when to feed. when to stop feeding in veg. and lighting - how long should I wait before actually turning the light on? i kno it's pretty straight forward but everyone usually has their own way of doing things. eg. one person I've heard gives a complete 24 hrs of darkness before exposing the plant to 12/12

Im far from a pro at any of this.....but i think the questions that must be asked first woudl be:

How are you growing (hydro, soil)
If soil what type (as different soils have differnt cation exchange so will hold nutes better than others)
What strain you have (i think sativas grow more lush so may need more nutes, also different strains require different veg/flower cycles to maximise the yield)
Are you growing under HPS or CF? (dont no if it makes a difference to the answers given but it might)
What nutes you using (different nutes will have higher and lower amounts of NPK so will need to feed at different amounts or you can burn and get nute lock)

Generally speaking i have heard that a 20/4 cycle is good to start seedlings off and to keep them vegging. Once you want to flower you hit the 12/12. Unfortuantly thats all i can really comment on ;)



Just finished my first one too. Its fun aye ;)

You could always take some clones and try veg them inside on a heat mat so when it warms up again you could start again?
congrats to you too, how much did your yield/plant and what was the quality like? how long did you cure for? haha lots of questions!

well it doesnt get tooo cold where i am and the plants look happy enough so ill leave them out and use what ive learned from this grow to do a better one come growing season


Active Member
congrats to you too, how much did your yield/plant and what was the quality like? how long did you cure for? haha lots of questions!

well it doesnt get tooo cold where i am and the plants look happy enough so ill leave them out and use what ive learned from this grow to do a better one come growing season
I had 4 plants (just bag weed seed so strain was unknown) . 1 of them was a confirmed hermi the others were just pissy little things. I got.....i donno the actual amount to be honest. The quality was ok though. Got me fucked up so i was happy :P

Im still curing though as the taste at the moment is very sweet and kinda just tastes funny. I heard you need a good couple weeks to months to cure correctly?


Active Member
How are you growing (hydro, soil)
If soil what type (as different soils have differnt cation exchange so will hold nutes better than others)
What strain you have (i think sativas grow more lush so may need more nutes, also different strains require different veg/flower cycles to maximise the yield)
Are you growing under HPS or CF? (dont no if it makes a difference to the answers given but it might)
What nutes you using (different nutes will have higher and lower amounts of NPK so will need to feed at different amounts or you can burn and get nute lock
growing hydro
growing 1xbagseed (appears indica), 3xcluster bomb (mostly indica) and 6xwhite widow (sativa)
there'll b 2x400w hps
using Dutch master gold a+b, add .27, eventually pk 13-14

im looking to flowering only my 3 cluster bomb and bagseed as I have already cloned them and I stunted the originals by overtrimming after I cloned them. getting rid of them will give me more room to focus on the clones and the less mature white widows I have in my veg room


I had 4 plants (just bag weed seed so strain was unknown) . 1 of them was a confirmed hermi the others were just pissy little things. I got.....i donno the actual amount to be honest. The quality was ok though. Got me fucked up so i was happy :P

Im still curing though as the taste at the moment is very sweet and kinda just tastes funny. I heard you need a good couple weeks to months to cure correctly?
ah okay, i ordered some seeds from sensibleseeds in and they delivered very discretely and quickly.. so if you want to buy a good strain i recommend them.

from what i've read 2 weeks curing minimum and then the longer the better. what did your buds look/smell like after they had been dried but had not yet been put into jars for curing?


Active Member
ah okay, i ordered some seeds from sensibleseeds in and they delivered very discretely and quickly.. so if you want to buy a good strain i recommend them.

from what i've read 2 weeks curing minimum and then the longer the better. what did your buds look/smell like after they had been dried but had not yet been put into jars for curing?
Yer im not to keen to order seeds YET.....i have to play with my current batch and depending on how it goes/smoke i may just clone them. If not after my experience with Super lemon haze it seems like it might be the go as that stuff is GREAT lol.

2 weeks?....would be approaching that for most of it now (i harvested at different times as i wasnt sure when the best time to harvest was) but yes deffs need more time. The smell is VERY sweet....almost like freshly cut lawn. Smokes kinda funny too but still gets you baked :)


Yer im not to keen to order seeds YET.....i have to play with my current batch and depending on how it goes/smoke i may just clone them. If not after my experience with Super lemon haze it seems like it might be the go as that stuff is GREAT lol.

2 weeks?....would be approaching that for most of it now (i harvested at different times as i wasnt sure when the best time to harvest was) but yes deffs need more time. The smell is VERY sweet....almost like freshly cut lawn. Smokes kinda funny too but still gets you baked :)
awesome, if you remember send me a PM or something and let me know how long it takes your buds to cure to a point where they are sticky and smell wonderful. how did you dry your buds? my only option at the moment may be to hang them up in my shed which sucks because it is no where near dark enough


Active Member
awesome, if you remember send me a PM or something and let me know how long it takes your buds to cure to a point where they are sticky and smell wonderful. how did you dry your buds? my only option at the moment may be to hang them up in my shed which sucks because it is no where near dark enough
Yer will do. That said they probably arnt the best example to use for stickyness.....I donno though, they may sticky up but i may have screwed it up too :P

I hung them up in my cupboard for a week (even without light and alot of air flow they seemed to have dried out VERY fast) then just put them in a airloack tubbawear container to cure opening them up once a day for 2 hours or so to air out (or you get mold). You could always hang them up with maybe a bin liner around them to block out the light?


Well-Known Member
Just a couple of pics of the girls in the morning. I am giving the purple plant one more week. I will look at the trics later to be sure. I have the White Bubba in a week and half flower in the background. The plant in front is a unknown sex Floja. I am giving it some Headmasta tonight for a extra kick in to flowering. I will update the journal tonight maybe.



Well-Known Member
hows it going rock
Good jim. How was the rest of the trip? I hope the ash cloud didnt hinder the travel too much. I was just a little bored and like searching for silly photos. Did you end up putting up pictures or your bad boys? I have been smoking the last few nights, clean tonight, so everything is a little blurry.