Aussie Growers Thread


Active Member
my soil is 90% coco with a little extra peat moss, vermiculite, etc to fluff it out for now till i can get my hands on some more coco. This means my soil will generally consist of coco so im thinking:

CANNA COCO A&B 2X1 LITRE HYDROPONICS NUTRIENT << for $30 seems pretty good as its made with coco medium in mind :)


Well-Known Member
Kmare where did you get this Canadian Express beastifying juice? Sorry i am past the 6 cider mark so words that dont exist begin to be used.


Active Member
Yeah Canna coco is awesome and you also use the same formula for veg and flower. I grow in Coco and use the full Canna line-up except for the boost. Instead of Canna boost i use Canadian Express headmasta. It is the same thing but Headmasta is $19.00 per liter.
ok so if i get the canna coco for nutes for now then when im ready for flower grab some headmasta i should be sweet?....anything else? I need to start getting more coco to grow in so at the same time ill grab my nutes :)

ALSO when buying from those guys....whats best method?


Well-Known Member
PK 13/14 is a must. It is pretty cheap also. Ask Discount hydro to buy from them direct. It is a little cheaper due to them not having to pay ebay's fee.


Well-Known Member
I really havent heard of many using specific flush enhancers but it may be useful. I would say if i had to rank the products i have used so far rhizotonic is at the top. The pk13/14 is for 1 week(i am curious to know what will happen if used longer). Personally if i had to choose out of rhizotonic and also pk13/14 i would go the rhiz.

Dont know if you guys saw on the news that teacher attacked today but if i was him that bitch would have got a back hander.


Active Member
pk= phosphorus(P), and potassium(K)?

If thats all its used for and its only used for one week ill use my pk fert i already got :P


Well-Known Member
All Canna nutes are great. Rock i use the PK 13/14 from usually the 3rd week to the 6th week. I cant remember how much i use of PK 13/14 but it is less than the maximum because i do it more than once.


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't have seedlings in clear plastic cups - roots don't like light at all

mmm fresh orange and mango juice, SO good lol


Well-Known Member
Wow I missed a bit last night..
@Skiz. If I had to guess I'd say those White Rhino seeds look like they were planted on the 16th May.
As for the Nitrosol, fill ya boots. Plants don't need much more than Nitrogen during Veg. A little bit of P,K, Cal & Mag never goes astray, but u can get away with the Nitrosol if ur on a budget.

@Kmoo, u are correct, but for the next few weeks or so I reckon he could get away with it given the weak light & it's distance from the light.
I love the Chuck Norris quote!


Well-Known Member
skiz is a dude? weird lol writes like a chick. no offense, i am a chick - it is awesome being a chick, and yeah you can get away with it for a wee while but ya dont want to let them get too big in clear containers, and like scg said a quick fix is wrapping something round it, but then i'd be more inclined just to stick them in a proper pot lol

ha that's what happens if you type in "where is chuck norris" into google and click the feeling lucky button instead of google search, it amused me greatly lol i keep getting the theme song for walker texas ranger stuck in my head


Well-Known Member
There are some very funny Chuck Norris quotes..
Some of my favourites Are:
'Chuck Norrris' tears can cure Cancer.. It's just too bad Chuck Norris never Cries'.
'At night before going to sleep the BoogyMan looks under his Bed for Chuck Norris'.
'Once while having Sex in a Tractor-Trailer, some of Chuck Norris' Sperm escaped and got into the Engine. We now know this truck as Optimus Prime'.
'M.C Hammer learned the Hard way that Chuck Norris can touch this'.
'Chuck Norris doesn't Cheat Death. He wins fair & square'.


Well-Known Member
haha where'd ya get yer seeds from ninj?? i think i'm expecting some too lol

i LOVE chuck norris, he's the business. i saw some mens superman pyjamas last night that said "superman wears jack bauer pyjamas" = i thought nah, he'd wear chuck norris lol


Well-Known Member
oh i forgot to say!! i just went to visit my hydro guy, he's a funny prick, but anyway we were having a chat about the cyco range and he told me NOT to bother with the cyco flower range. he said if it's for personal smoke it's actually a bad thing, because it produces more bud, but less resin! so for anyone interested in cyco for personal use smoke, take heed eh! lol