Aussie Growers Thread

i'm in melb, as is jats and knickers (and a couple other folks i keep forgettin sorry lol) - no, dealers dont tend to give you options like in pineapple express lol

1500 w is a hell of a lot to keep mothers in veg, how many mothers are you planning on keeping?

if yer new to the dealio i'd go with a bit of LST or supercropping before you jump into scrog, imo.
Stealthy I am surprised no words of encouragement yet. Give it time. Kmoo I just decided it could be a pH prob as I really can't think that plant would be demanding too much nutes and I have it in good soil and have added nutes that have both N and P. I will try and grab one of those pens from somewhere and a soil tester from bunnings. I think its going to be along time before I get anything. Oh well its fun anyway.
Ok Im running 2 small fluros as side lighting, 2X 90w ufo LEDS @ 630nm each and a selection of Envirogrow lights 250w 150w and 125w

Nice, I love seeing some good Buds from Fluros. +Rep.
well look at you handin out the rep lol where's mine? i know i haven't done anything but i'm very friendly, haha

yeah rock, seriously matey just roll down to bunnos and get the manual kit, she works a beaut. the one i have ya mix a little soil in with the purple liquid, then put the white powder on top and compare the color to the lil chart, if i can do it you'll be fine lol

just after makin bubble hash off the trim, i'm quite chuffed with it. gonna decorate the cheesecake soon, yay!!! i love having 3 day weekends. gonna go for a swim later too, and i reallly need to get rid of the extra mouse babies before they start mating with each other, ewww
oh and i've seen that movie/doco ninj, that guy dressed as superman is a proper twat lol my hubby loves superman and the whole thing left a bad taste in his mouth, haha
well look at you handin out the rep lol where's mine? i know i haven't done anything but i'm very friendly, haha

Don't Worry 'Miss Ganja' I havent forgotten about you.. But apparently i've gotta spread the love around a bit more 1st b4 i hit u up again.
Im in a very happy mood this morning :)
i know mate it wouldn't let me give you any love either!! bah humbug

i'm in a super good mood too!! wanna come over and bowl out and eat cheesecake? haha, it looks pretty yum - i know yer in syd but cheesecake is cheesecake lol
i know mate it wouldn't let me give you any love either!! bah humbug

i'm in a super good mood too!! wanna come over and bowl out and eat cheesecake? haha, it looks pretty yum - i know yer in syd but cheesecake is cheesecake lol

Haha, sounds like a plan.. I reckon u and my Missus would get on like a house on fire. She loves baking too - Me, I just love being baked :eyesmoke:
oh yeah ninj i could tell from that bang up birthday breki she did for ya, that was awesome lol just got a few grams of bubble hash, happy days

aww you too knickers, i'm pretty sure i've given rep to a billion people since you but apparently i still need to share more love. bad form
i'm watchin that too, i like me a bit o ice skatin lol
Ok just tested the pH on my lunch break. Got the one with liquid and then you put some powder on top. PH read somewhere between 6.5 and 7. I guess with the chart to refer to its not going to be an exact figure. I think that sounds ok? I used a moisture meter too and it was bone dry. I gave it a drink so fingers crossed it just goes away....?
i would lower it a little darl, you can do it manually or "ph up" and "ph down" are about 9 bucks for a small one. just be careful if ya use that stuff tho coz it's got instructions tho yer using a massive res, and i hand feed lol the ph down only needs a tiny amount

give em a good flush too, it might be lockout ;)

EDIT: yay torah! lol
Yeah yay Torah!

I your pH is 6.5-7 then it won't be nute lockout leading to N defeciency. I probably wouldn't even lower the pH, just keep checking it and see if it moves. In my experience pH will creep down, not up.
haha mine tends to creep up not down

hubby put the shit through the bags again and got another lovely chunk o goodness, good man
yeah it's a hard thing. what size are yer bags?? i've found it goes green when ya mix it too much, i read the color by the foam on top. i have quite small bags so i only mix it for say ten minutes - make sure the foam still has a brownish tinge - it quickly turns to a green tinge tho.

i just topped the cheesecake, she looks good!! gonna be a munchy night tonight lol