Aussie Growers Thread

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
yeah...hardest part is how the people around you really filters out the narrow minded people like fucking bubble bags mate.

Just tell someone you don't eat meat and it sends them into some kind of shock...

It's as if meat is like hydro nutes, the first thing a plant will eat...even if you have it in the finest of organic seems plants and humans just don't know when to stop eating the lollies in the candy store before they get sick...

What one craves and what one logically knows they should be eating are two different things.

It's interesting...yet very depressing.

Supa smoka

Well-Known Member
Hey guys if ya waiting on frieght in bris this happened this morning.. Cargo plane full of frieght coulnt get landing gear down so had to belly flop the fucker on the runway

Supa smoka

Well-Known Member
Yes all types of amphetamines have a come down... Ive found Crystal to be not too bad but normal amphetes to be worse...WHY?

Supa smoka

Well-Known Member
Ive had a few tokes on the old ice pipe more than once... People call it a crack pipe but i dont smoke crack only a bit of ice now and then.. Like maybe every 4-6 months when havin a big nite


Well-Known Member
I like lone star too but some cunt burnt it down too the ground so no lone star for a while.. They have taken away the chared remains and bout to start rebuilding
Insurance job! Was that up the coast? Because one down here just got burnt down too, that would be even more suss!. It was shut down and empty for months...


Well-Known Member
@ 'ome - are you breaking out in little vagina-like sores all over? Vegan! I am interested as to how you think that is what your body should be eating. Certainly not closeminded brutha, just have my own interpretations of a natural human diet and I might put shit on you (but come on, you're a vegan) but know mate it is all for shits and giggles and there is no judgement underneath! My mrs won't eat a lot of shit for ethical reasons and I respect that, just curious how your reasons are analogous with plant/nutrient example.


Well-Known Member
Same one. It had been closed for a while and they were just losing money so I reckon insurance but that area is a bit of shit hole, more like brown stains! Plenty of wayward youths around, could have been arson I guess.


Well-Known Member
yeah i agree we are def meant to eat meat. im on a very tight diet and i can tell u i eat a lot of meat, your body needs protein. ditch all the processed shit and all the carbs and all other nasty shit in your diet like caffeine and alchohol etc and you will have more energy and be happier than u have ever been before i guarantee it. i eat something processed these days and i feel like shit.

not saying that going vegan is in anyway wrong. its a personal choice and each to there own but i just dont understand how someone could say it is unnatural for us to eat meat.

Supa smoka

Well-Known Member
Plus the pizza hut restaraunt there we like to go to as there is fuc all of them . Now we go to the one in gympie as its alot closer