Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
enjoy maddog bongsmilie
and if u mean gangafarmer using the tomato planters, his got one hidden underneath all that bush of a acid, the plants swallowed it up lol.


Well-Known Member
toxer maa boi go's on? yeh i spotted them today thought probably the same! they had like a litre tarp pot with it think it was 4 bucks thought mmm dope! but yeh i could imagine a stallion in a 50 litre swallowing that small frame!

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Just bought whole bunch of wood and stuff to make myself a little grow box for a 400w hps... I'm a little excited and a little bothered by it all... I'm not exactly a handy man sorta guy and quite useless at this sort of thing...


Well-Known Member
@tran & Omie- Japanese quail! Mine are as tame as any chook and soooo cute. They jump straight into you hands for a pat, but mostly they eat nasty bugs from my veggie patch and don't eat all the plants and shit.
@Bucky -dry you fuckers!
@shannon bro by the time you finish you will be an expert plumber, electrician, ducting and fan guy, chippie, etc... Fuck mate "I'm the Proffessor, I can wire anything in to anything". You'll make this one and learn how you should have done it, there's no other way to account for the unique set of conditions in each growspace.
peace toxer bro
Whatyoutalkinbout everybody

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I bought wood... and hinges... and a hammer... and a saw... and a padlock...

I'm obviously only building the actual box at the moment...

I'm lazy so it's just going to be a bog standard sort of cabinet thing... Maybe...

I realized just then that I got a few pieces cut a little short... So I am now going to make a peaked roof for my cabinet... :(

2nd edit...

It's going to be for doing a 12/12 grow first... and then a scrog...


Well-Known Member
cant wait to see the finished product shannon. building things is fun. all of the constructive things in life are so rewarding ... like growing to i guess too.

at buck ya mad fuck that moby looks top notch how many weeks in is that?


Well-Known Member
im quite sure it wont. just plan out what your going to do, measure twice everytime, take your time with the saw to make sure you get it all straight, if your a beginner it may help measure and mark the timber on all sides and draw a line right the way around before u cut so u can keep it straight. always remember when cutting to make sure the piece of wood your cutting is secure. so a vice or something if you have one, if not maybe jam it into something u will figure it out. if your right handed place your left hand close to where your cutting to hold the wood steady and also raise the knuckle on your first finger so that you can use it as a guide for for your saw. dont cut you finger off and let the saw do the work dont force it.

crooked cuts are the most common cause of sloppy looking work because if you have crooked cuts nothing will sit together neat and straight.

thats about all the advice i can give because im no pro either just stuff i have learned through trial and error... mostly error lol. but i get some pretty tidy results these days


Active Member
I told my gf that I want to just smoke on NYE and not drink...she said that is fine if no one knows about her dad had a go at me on christmas for smoking (he thinks I am an addict).

Well, I said to her, and I still think, that it is far better for me to smoke than to get drunk...and I also find it hard to respect someone's negative opinion about smoking marijuana if they smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol (oh why do you need to go have surgery on your arm? that's right, you got too drunk and fell over...don't worry, I'll have some weed for you to help with the pain :))

Because it fixes everything. My friend Jonah broke his arm once, he just got high, I mean it still clicks and eveything, but, hes fine.


Well-Known Member
its true u know. when i was young i got in some trouble with the law and had to do communty service at a radio station. one day i did an interview with some of the higher up police and asked them all sorts of cool questions about drugs etc. they both said that they didnt have a problem with weed and that they very rarely ever found stoned people to be out and about causing troubleand that they only believed it is not legal because its a gateway drug.

the whole gateway drug thing is a load of bs though. if your gonna try drugs your gonna try drugs and thats it i reckon. i never had a toke of weed then went well weed is ok maybe i will try everything else.

i was just that way inclined i was always going to try everything i could get my hands on. hell when i was about 14 i was already tripping balls on nutmeg and shit lol. maybe they should ban that, now theres a gateway drug lol

oh and the cops also said that the other reason its illegal still is because if they legalised it then all the weed dealers in the world would start selling other shit and trying to push it on kids and shit which is also a crock. i know 14 yr old kids now that are on harder drugs that i didnt even know about until i was like 22. that shit aint got nothing to do with weed. its got to do with pop culture and availability