Aussie Growers Thread

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
Not really, the Phenos should be narrower actually, depending on how many plants Ganesh used and what he selected for. C99 is already very stable, heavily BX'd each generation ie: The prior generation was 'princess 88', the numbers are supposed to signify %-wise how much original genetics should be within each bx.
Fark if that makes sense, just google and you'll find the story.
So mosca has a BX version, which promises a pineapple in every pack and more uniformity, an an 'F1' release, which I think is a cross between line-bred BG c99 x wallyduck/reeferman c99, I think he might have used joeyweeds to I can't remember.
So describing F1, f2 etc in this context is subjective.

Nice plants ryan Kent

Sup omie, I'll spark one with ya mate:)
Did you check 'clarke'shomestead' he has some interesting experiences, I commend that dude.

Forget- nice arm sized colas forming:) nice arm aswell:)


Well-Known Member
@ buck yeah the buddha was a scrog that got a little out of hand. stretch was o/t so the screen is about 2 ft below the tops lol. still though i wouldnt have had half as many branches without the scrog.
and the vk should have a few more tops by the time she starts throwing flowers hopefully i would like to see the screen full but its hard to tell how much more she will stretch.

@ tran. yeah mate i was a little worried at first she's a very slow flowerer but shes starting to fill in now i believe in another 2 weeks that branch should be filled in fairly nicely.
also there is plenty more like that i just cant get to em for shots. in fact that one is one of the outer rim buds that barely get any light. there is one or 2 in the middle that are about double that in length. they do tend to look a little skinny for now though big long running buds.

its funny u can see a few different aspects in this one plant. there are some buds which look 100% sativa big long running types, and there are lots of indica looking buds just big fat balls on the end of a branch then there is a few like the one in the picture that look like they will fall somewhere in between.

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
well to be honest mate...i'm vegan, so I don't roll with raising my own I skimmed through the pages and that is about it.

I will have a few chickens though for waste management purposes.

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
@FIWH and ryan kent...nice to see your plants looking happy and saying hi!

@Ryankent. Inside joint is rolling with the paper the other way round (sticky side on the outside). Can't roll joints any other way.

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
yeah I had a read of that...I am subbed on that thread and post on there every now and then...seems a bit of a self promotion of Matt Rize and Kyle Kushman...they are using hydro anyway...which I don't really agree with.

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
well...I still haven't headed off to work yet...and this joint is screaming at me to spark it

don't mind if I do

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
Hehe Matt rize is a self confessed asshole but he does good things for cannabis imo

Lol makes 'Omer something something... just seems that they grabbed onto whatever niche was left in the cannabis growing culture so they could put their name on it.

Is there a big difference between organics and veganics in the end product? (I personally don't think there would be).

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
I told my gf that I want to just smoke on NYE and not drink...she said that is fine if no one knows about her dad had a go at me on christmas for smoking (he thinks I am an addict).

Well, I said to her, and I still think, that it is far better for me to smoke than to get drunk...and I also find it hard to respect someone's negative opinion about smoking marijuana if they smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol (oh why do you need to go have surgery on your arm? that's right, you got too drunk and fell over...don't worry, I'll have some weed for you to help with the pain :))

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member

I think it is absolutely fine to kill/slaughter an animal out of necessity (i.e. if you didn't kill the animal you yourself would die). E.g. if you put me on an island with a lamb and a bbq...well, I'd be having lamb chops. But if there was mountains of fresh fruit and vegetables on the island, the lamb would be my best buddy. Get what I mean?

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
What are your thoughts?

I also haven't formed an opinion on the eggs that my hens would lay...and wether or not I should have a well as where I should get my hens from....and if I should put the hens down once they get too old etc etc...

grey area

What are your thoughts? How many hens do you have, where did you get them from etc etc?
