Aussie Growers Thread


Active Member
Yeah and another one here too. Hows things going guys? Sorry I haven't been on here lately, I've been very busy and stressed due too a few financial problems at the moment but will try and get on here more. Unfortuneatly both the people buying the extra hydro equip I had pulled out so that hasn't helped me much. I still haven't been able to start any kind of grow yet and probably won't till sometime past April. If anyone is after some hydro equip cheap and new flick me a PM :) Could really help out someone by helping yourself here. Cheers guys


Well-Known Member
Arvo niggahs fuck this phone typing shit hey! Alls well in my stable repotted the plush all went well really getting the knack of it added another cfl today since the fuckers are in big pots... All you Kent's have a safe Chrissie too been hanging for Riu coupler days I'll be back in full swing update on my tent is shits getting hectic now haha mobys round 2 foot And got some fat nuggets coming along darkstars about 3 foot not much whiff from her yet mobys a lil fruity sweet;) and the bag seed clones are looking prime too good looking strain actually hehe miss ma bois keep it green peace!!


Well-Known Member
Yeh bro been hangin for it I've seriously gotta get cred for my phone how's the Buddha fiwh? Mobys looking good for that budswap hehe this things gonna be candy I can see the potential in her geez that top cola is gonna be mega impressive so much denser already than the others tran I miss our orgys on the pm's too brother lol fuck I have messaged Rollie too if someone would be a mad kent and pm the dude and let him know ryanme123 his pm's are out of action that would be sick omie missing ya khuzzie too few good additions to the aussie thread well stay online mofos I'm comin for a chit chat soonish @ the farmer dude impressed to say the least pal!! Me thinks we shall meet up toke up shortly!!


Well-Known Member
hey ryan have you emptied BOTH inbox and sent folders in your pm's. scroll down when your in your inbox or sent and u will see a green and red bar if its all red its full and needs to be emptied before u can use them man


Well-Known Member
Red hot tip ya douche lol fuck now I don't even have a pm bit now Lol it's completely gone no private messaging tab on me screen Fuck!!!


Well-Known Member
so what? has the whole private messages thing gone from the menu at the top. weird man. i just cleared all my msg's to see what happened and mines all still working fine

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
happy lil plushies short and stout hehe
RyanMachine- love it bro!! Keep it up canna cuzzy:) I've got 2 c99s up this morn:) I'll send some more lemony goodness soon bro get me on the pm.

Miyagi-San- speaking of stinking sativas mate, something that gets me interested, I grew some sativas out a few years ago and got a 'parfumy' jungle stinker, stunk of rott and perfume.
There is a cut called the Fort Collins s.a.g.e some hybrid seeds were for sale recently. It's described as huge yields of body odor funk, 12wk sativa. Some day I want to find a large yielding sativa that smells of rotten eggs! Hehe.

Cap- good on you mate, best for you and yours this season mate.

Jimmy- on ya mate


Well-Known Member
tad pissed bout yesti wanted to show you lads my girls round at the room but forgot me phone again lol!! they're really kicking on now...


Well-Known Member
remember those coloured cotlyedons i had well now the one finger leaves of those two plants are purpling underneath weird... no others are doing it!

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
Off to the gym mate then I gotta go clean someone's gutters lol.
I reckon you have some purple genetics on your hands mate
Your girls in flo sound real good bring on the pics:)
Edit:i'm gonna be in Newcastle round crissy, shout out to the nova castrians

C.u.n.t out.